RPM build errors: Error executing scriptlet %s (%s) %{?source_date_epoch_from_changelog}syntax error while parsing == syntax error while parsing && syntax error while parsing || && and || not suported for strings parse error in expression types must match * / not suported for strings - not suported for strings unmatched ( - only on numbers ! only on numbers syntax error in expression �a���`���`���`���`���a���`���a��b��,b��Db���`��\b���`��tb���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���b���b���b���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���`���a��$g��g���f��4g��Dg���g��xg��hg���g���g���i���i��j��j��j���i��dj���i���i���j���i���i���i���i���i���i���i���i��%dirdebuginfofailed symlink%s.%d%s%s: %s -> %s: %m no%s.%ssrc.rpmDirectory not found: %s File not found: %s Not a directory: %s |%{_builddir}/%%licenseEmpty %%files file %s File needs leading "/": %s %%dev glob not permitted: %s DOCDIR%docLICENSEDIR%{__mkdir_p} $=$RPM_BUILD_ROOTexport LC_ALL=Cexport cp -pr ||:File not found by glob: %s package %s%.*s%s%s%{?_isa}%defverify%verifyMissing '(' in %s %s Missing ')' in %s(%s notInvalid %s token: %s %defattr%attrBad syntax: %s(%s) %oBad mode spec: %s(%s) Bad dirmode spec: %s(%s) devtypedevminordevmajor')''('%devMissing %s in %s(%s) %config%lang%capsInvalid capability: %s File must begin with "/": %s
%{?_docdir_fmt}%{NAME}-%{VERSION}illegal _docdir_fmt %s: %s %{_%{_builddir}/%{?buildsubdir}/%s: public key read failed. %s: failed to encode unable to parse %s=%s File listed twice: %s 4.12.0-1LargeFiles4.6.0-1FileDigests4.6.1-1FileCaps%{_noPayloadPrefix}4.0-1PayloadFilesHavePrefix3.0.4-1CompressedFileNamesHashsize: %i Hashbuckets: %i Keys: %i Values: %i Max Keys/Bucket: %i !%{?_srcdefattr}%defattr Bad file: %s: %s debugsource%{?_debuginfo_subpackages}%{?_unique_debug_names}%{?__check_files}/usr/lib/debug/.dwz%s(644,%s,%s,755)/usr/lib/debug%{?_debugsource_packages}/usr/src/debug..Processing files: %s %{?__docdir_path}noarch%{?_build_id_links}nonealldebugseparatecompat%{?__debug_package}/usr/lib/debug/.modinfo%02xMissing build-id in %s failed to create directory/usr/lib/.build-id/usr/lib/debug/.build-id%s %s: %m ../../../../..%s../../../.build-id%s/%s../../../.build-id%s/%s.%d%s%s%.*s%s.debug%s%s%s%s.debug%%exclude %s%s-%s4.0.4-1PartialHardlinkSets%docdir%ghost%exclude%readme%pubkey%missingok%artifactnoreplacemd5filedigestsizeuserownergroupmtimemoderdevDuplicate build-id, stat %s: %m Duplicate build-ids %s and %s Path is outside buildroot: %s Can't read content of file: %s Explicit %%attr() mode not applicable to symlink: %s Could not open %%files file %s: %m %{?_empty_manifest_terminate_build}Error reading %%files file %s: %m Directory not found by glob: %s. Trying without globbing. File not found by glob: %s. Trying without globbing. %{?_missing_doc_files_terminate_build}Non-white space follows %s(): %s Unusual locale length: "%s" in %%lang(%s) Duplicate locale %s in %%lang(%s) Special file in generated file list: %s Can't mix special %s with other forms: %s More than one file on a line: %s %s: not an armored public key. %{_source_filedigest_algorithm}%{_binary_filedigest_algorithm}%{?clamp_mtime_to_source_date_epoch}Unknown file digest algorithm %u, falling back to MD5 reading symlink %s failed: %s Symlink points to BuildRoot: %s -> %s -%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{_arch}_build_id_links macro not set, assuming 'compat' _build_id_links macro set to unknown value '%s' error reading build-id in %s: %s build-id found in %s too small build-id found in %s too large Mixing main ELF and debug files in packageGenerating build-id links failed %s was mapped to multiple filenamesBinaries arch (%d) not matching the package arch (%d). %{?_binaries_in_noarch_packages_terminate_build}Arch dependent binaries in noarch package Checking for unpackaged file(s): %s %{?_unpackaged_files_terminate_build}Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found: %s%{?_missing_build_ids_terminate_build}Unable to create immutable header region Unable to write header to %s: %s %{?_nonzero_exit_pkgcheck_terminate_build}%{_builddir}/%{?buildsubdir:%{buildsubdir}/}The _buildhost macro is too long Could not canonicalize hostname: %s unable to parse SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH Could not seek in file %s: %s Failed to read %jd bytes in file %s: %s Unknown payload compression: %s create archive failed on file %s: %s Could not generate output filename for package %s: %s Executing "%s": Execution of "%s" failed. Package check "%s" failed. Could not open %s file: %s %s: line: %s %{?_buildhost}gzipbzip2xzlzmazstd%{?_source_payload}%{?_binary_payload}w9.gzdiocpiobzdio3.0.5-1PayloadIsBzip2xzdio5.2-1PayloadIsXzlzdio4.4.6-1PayloadIsLzmazstdio5.4.18-1PayloadIsZstd4.10.0-1TildeInVersions4.15.0-1CaretInVersions%s %dw+.ufdioCould not open %s: %s Unable to write package: %s r.ufdiocreate archive failed: %s Wrote: %s RichDependencies4.{_rpmfilename}%{_rpmdir}/cannot create %s: %s %{?_build_pkgcheck} %{?_build_pkgcheck_set} %{_srcrpmdir}/%{?_build_pkgcheck_srpm} 89:line %d: second %s SunJanline %d: second %%changelog %{?_changelog_trimtime}incomplete %%changelog entry TZUTCbad date in %%changelog: %s missing name in %%changelog FebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecMonTueWedThuFriSat%%changelog entries must start with * bogus date in %%changelog: %s %%changelog not in descending chronological order no description in %%changelog line %d: Bad option %s: %s line %d: Too many names: %s line %d: Error parsing %%description: %s -fline %d: Error parsing %%files: %s line %d: multiple %%files for package '%s' Error parsing tag field: %s line %d: %s in: %s source_numspatch_numsline %d: Bad %s number: %s %s %d defined multiple times %{_disable_source_fetch}%{_default_source_url}Downloading %s to %s Couldn't download %s PATCH%s%d%sURL%dpatchesSOURCEsourcesIllegal char '%c' (0x%x)Possible unexpanded macroIllegal sequence ".."nameinterp-n.-_+%{}(main package)line %d: Unknown tag: %s line %d: Malformed tag: %s ._+%{}~^_docdirfalseoffUnable to open icon %s: %s Unable to read icon %s: %s GIF/* XPMUnknown icon type: %s line %d: Bad number: %s Internal error: Bogus tag %d buildroot%%{buildroot} can not be "/" %{_target_cpu}%{_target_os}%{_build_cpu}Architecture is excluded: %s OS is excluded: %s OS is not included: %s Unspecifiedline %d: Bad no%s number: %u line %d: Empty tag: %s versionreleaseepochsummarydistributiondisturlvendorpackagervcsnosourcenopatchexcludearchexclusivearchexcludeosexclusiveosiconprovidesrecommendssuggestssupplementsenhancesobsoletesprefixesprefixbuildarchitecturesbuildarchbuildconflictsbuildprereqbuildrequiresautoreqprovautoreqautoprovdisttagbugurlorderwithrequiresremovepathpostfixesmodularitylabel%{vendor}%{packager}%{distribution}%{disturl}%{disttag}%{bugurl}%{modularitylabel}rpmlibBad package specification: %s line %d: %s is deprecated: %s Binary rpm package found. Expected spec file! line %d: Tag takes single token only: %s line %d: Prefixes must not end with "/": %s line %d: Docdir must begin with '/': %s line %d: Epoch field must be an unsigned number: %s line %d: Bad BuildArchitecture format: %s line %d: Duplicate BuildArch entry: %s line %d: Only noarch subpackages are supported: %s %%{buildroot} couldn't be empty Architecture is not included: %s Duplicate %s entries in package: %s %s field must be present in package: %s line %d: Bad %s: qualifiers: %s �����������c���89:J����Bad source: %s: %s -xvvof-xofNo source number %u %{__tar}%{__gem} unpack%{__gem}.gemspec%{__zstd} -dc%{__7zip} x%{__lrzip} -dqo-%{__lzip} -dc%{__xz} -dc%{__unzip} -qq%{__unzip}%{__bzip2} -dc%{__gzip} -dc%s %s '%s'??? -qError parsing %%setup: %s %{_build_in_place}buildsubdirrm -rf '%s'cd '%{__mkdir_p} cd '%s'%{_fixperms} . -E -R%{_default_patch_fuzz}%%patch -P %s -P%%patch -P %d %s%s: %s: %s Invalid patch number %s: %s %{?_default_patch_flags}No patch number %u -b --suffix %s -d %s -o %s --fuzz=%d%s -p%d %s%s%s%s%s%s{ %{uncompress: < %{__patch} echo "Patch #%u (%s):" %s echo "Patch (%s):" %s line %d: second %%prep %setup%patchNo "Source:" tag in the spec file %s '%s' && %s spec '%s' --ruby > '%s' STATUS=$? if [ $STATUS -ne 0 ]; then exit $STATUS fi%s '%s' | %s %s - STATUS=$? if [ $STATUS -ne 0 ]; then exit $STATUS fi%s '%s' STATUS=$? if [ $STATUS -ne 0 ]; then exit $STATUS filine %d: Bad arg to %%setup: %s line %d: Bad %%setup option %s: %s %%patch without corresponding "Patch:" tag } || echo patch_fail ; } | %{__patch} $%��[$��p$���$���$���$���$���$��%��#��$��Invalid version (double separator '%c'): %sDependency tokens must begin with alpha-numeric, '_' or '/'Versioned file name not permittedInvalid version (epoch must be unsigned integer): %s%{?_wrong_version_format_terminate_build}No rich dependencies allowed for this typeOnly package names are allowed in ObsoletesOnly absolute paths are allowed in file triggersTrigger fired by the same package is already defined in spec file._+%{}~^-:invalid dependencyVersion requiredline %d: %s: %s %pre%filetriggerpostun%filetriggerun%filetriggerin%triggerpostun%triggerun%triggerin%triggerprein%post%preun%postun%pretrans%posttrans%verifyscript%transfiletriggerin%transfiletriggerun%transfiletriggerpostun/bin/sh--line %d: Second %s <lua>4.2.2-1BuiltinLuaScriptsScriptletExpansion4.0.3-1ScriptletInterpreterArgsline %d: triggers must have --: %s line %d: Error parsing %s: %s line %d: internal script must end with '>': %s line %d: script program must begin with '/': %s line %d: Priorities are allowed only for file triggers : %s line %d: unsupported internal script: %s line %d: file trigger condition must begin with '/': %sline %d: interpreter arguments not allowed in triggers: %s line %d: missing trigger condition: %s G��`G���G��)H��WH���H��J��J���G���I��kI��J���I���H��J���H��I��=I���I��GE���G���O���O���O���O���O���O��pF��pF��pF��pF��rO��%packageUnable to open %s: %s line %d: Unclosed %%if line %d: %s %if%ifarch%ifnarch%ifos%ifnos%s:%d: bad %%if condition %else%endif%includeutf-8%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_defaultdocdir}%{_defaultlicensedir}_licensedir_target_cpu%{_target_platform}%{optflags}%files%changelog%description%trigger%sepolicy%filetrigger%transfiletrigger%endline %d: unclosed macro or bad line continuation Macro expanded in comment on line %d: %s %s:%d: Got a %%else with no %%if %s:%d: Got a %%endif with no %%if %s:%d: malformed %%include statement %s:%d: Argument expected for %s %{_invalid_encoding_terminates_build}encoding %s not supported by system Package %s: invalid %s encoding in %s: %s - %s line %d: %%end doesn't take any arguments: %s line %d: %%end not expected here, no section to close: %s line %d doesn't belong to any section: %s No compatible architectures found for build %{?buildroot: %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}}Package has no %%description: %s pd��`d��Pd��Pd��Pd��Pd��@d��0d��0d��0d��0d��0d��0d�� d��d��0d��0d��0d���f��0d��0d��8b��0d��0d��0d��0d��0d��0d���d���f����������c������89:��d��rpmlib(rpmlib(%s)Couldn't create pipe for %s: %m failed to write all data to %s: %s ===================================== %s No file attributes configured Recognition of file "%s" failed: mode %06o %s %{?_use_internal_dependency_generator}Deprecated external dependency generator is used! final: files %d cdict[%d] %d%% ddictx[%d] execv(%s) pid %d MALLOC_CHECK_Couldn't exec %s: %s Couldn't fork %s: %s waitpid(%d) rc %d status %x %s failed: %x Ignoring invalid regex %s exeonlymagic_and_pathExecuting %s on %s fromglobal__%%{?%s:%%{%s} %%{?%s_opts}}