Options: display versiondisplay this help -V, --version -h, --help%-31s%s %-31s%s
For more details see %s. script(1)ac:efqt::VhtypescriptSHELL/bin/shopenpty failedmaster fd: %dScript started, file is %s cannot set signal handlerSIGNALsignal fd=%dfork failed-c-ifailed to execute %scannot open %sScript started on %s POLLcalling poll()poll() rc=%dpoll failedsetting die=1 ignore FD waiting for empty slave slave is not empty slave is empty now sending EOF to master ignore STDINsignal FD %d active resume get signal SIGWINCH Session terminated. signal handle on FD %d donepoll() done Script done on %s appendcommandreturnflushforcequiettiming%d: %s: don't print memory addresses (SUID executable). Make a typescript of a terminal session. -a, --append append the output -c, --command <command> run command rather than interactive shell -e, --return return exit code of the child process -f, --flush run flush after each write --force use output file even when it is a link -q, --quiet be quiet -t[<file>], --timing[=<file>] output timing data to stderr or to FILE Try '%s --help' for more information. output file `%s' is a link Use --force if you really want to use it. Program not started.failed to get terminal attributes active pfd[%s].fd=%d %s %s %s get signal SIGCHLD [ssi_code=%d, ssi_status=%d] child stop by SIGSTOP -- stop parent too get signal SIG{TERM,INT,QUIT}h��������������������������������[�����G�����:��-��������������������������������������������������������������������������������C��C��\��\��\��\��\��\��\��\��\��\��\��C��\�����\��\��\��\��\��\��\��\��\��\��'��seconds