%3ld %s %3ld %s %3ld %s %s %s %s %s %s %s@�@application/octet-streammultipart/form-dataH9��M5��H5���6���4���4��p1��h8��9��H9��(7��8���7���8��H6��6��8��H9��H9���5��h1��TRUEFALSE#HttpOnly_%s%s%s %s %s %s %ld %s %s%4095[^; =] =%4095[^; ]securehttponlyversionmax-ageexpires localhostReplacedAddedSet-Cookie:w# # Fatal libcurl error oversized cookie dropped, name/val %zu + %zu bytes invalid octets in name/value, cookie droppedskipped cookie with bad tailmatch domain: %s cookie '%s' dropped, domain '%s' must not set cookies for '%s' %s cookie %s="%s" for domain %s, path %s, expire %ld ignoring failed cookie_init for %s # Netscape HTTP Cookie File # https://curl.haxx.se/docs/http-cookies.html # This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk.
WARNING: failed to save cookies in %s H��lH���H��0L��XI���I���M��
Rejected %zu bytes header (max is %d)!Failed to alloc memory for big header!NTLM send, close instead of sending %ld bytes %s auth using %s with user '%s' The requested URL returned error: %dAuthentication problem. Ignoring this. Ignoring duplicate digest auth header. %s: %s, %02d %s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive Connection: %s%sTE TE: gzip Chunky upload is not supported by HTTP 1.0Could only read %ld bytes from the inputFile already completely uploadedContent-Range: bytes 0-%ld/%ld Content-Range: bytes %s%ld/%ld %s HTTP/%s %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%sContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Failed sending HTTP POST requestupload completely sent off: %ld out of %ld bytes no chunk, no close, no size. Assume close to signal end Connection closure while negotiating auth (HTTP 1.0?) Keep sending data to get tossed away! HTTP error before end of send, keep sending HTTP error before end of send, stop sending Lying server, not serving HTTP/2 The requested URL returned error: %sHTTP 1.0, assume close after body Overflow Content-Length: value! HTTP/1.0 proxy connection set to keep alive! HTTP/1.1 proxy connection set close! HTTP/1.0 connection set to keep alive! Unsupported HTTP version in response Rewind stream after send Empty reply from serverHTTP/RTSP/Proxy-NegotiateNTLM_WBDigestBasicProxyServerBearerProxy-authorizationAuthorization%sAuthorization: Basic %s Authorization: Bearer %s Authorization:PROXY %s %s %s %li %li If-Modified-SinceIf-Unmodified-SinceLast-ModifiedInvalid TIMEVALUEExpect100-continueExpect:Expect: 100-continue Host:Content-Type:Content-Length:Transfer-Encoding:POSTOPTIONSGETTransfer-Encoding: chunked [Accept: */* ; User-AgentRefererReferer: %s CookieAccept-EncodingAccept-Encoding: %s chunkedHostHost:%s Host: %s%s%s Host: %s%s%s:%d ftp://;type=;type=%cAcceptCould not seek streamRange: bytes=%s Content-RangeContent-Range: bytes %s/%ld %s ftp://%s:%s@%sProxy-ConnectionCookie: %s%s=%sFailed sending PUT requestContent-Length: 0
Failed sending POST requestContent-LengthContent-Type%x Failed sending HTTP requestReceived 101 HTTP/%1d.%1d%c%3d HTTP/2 %d HTTP %3d RTSP/%1d.%1d%c%3dHTTPMaximum file size exceededInvalid Content-Length: valueServer:keep-aliveProxy-Connection:closeContent-Encoding:Content-Range:Last-Modified:WWW-Authenticate:Proxy-authenticate:Location:HTTPS�����������������������������Send failure: %sRecv failure: %sFailed writing headerWrite callback asked for PAUSE when not supported!Failed writing body (%zu != %zu)* < > { } { } USER %sQUITREST %ldWe got a 421 - timeout! APPE %sSIZE %sFailed to read datagetsockname() failed: %sbind(port=%hu) failed: %ssocket failure: %s%s |%d|%s|%hu|,%d,%dno memoryPBSZ %dPWDPASS %sACCT %sAccess denied: %03dFailed EPSV attempt, exiting PASV%c%c%c%u%cWeirdly formatted EPSV reply%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u%u.%u.%u.%uBad PASV/EPSV response: %03dCan't resolve new host %s:%huREST %dMDTM %sCWD %sLISTNLSTPRET %sPRET STOR %sPRET RETR %sCouldn't set desired modeTYPE %cChecking for server connect privateAuthentication successful AUTH %sACCT rejected by server: %03dPROT %cCCCSYSTEntry path is '%s' Failed to figure out path OS/400SITE NAMEFMT 1QUOT command failed with %03dMKD %sFailed to MKD dir: %03d%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dGiven file does not existSkipping time comparison Couldn't use RESTdisabling EPRT usage Failed to do PORTConnect data stream actively bytesMaxdownload = %ld Getting file with size: %ld RETR response: %03dFailed FTP upload: %0dWildcard - Parsing started Wildcard - START of "%s" ABORcontrol connection looks deadNo data was received!QUOT string not accepted: %sFTPSFailure sending QUIT command: %sftp server doesn't support SIZE Offset (%ld) was beyond file size (%ld)File already completely downloaded Instructs server to resume from offset %ld Connect data stream passively File already completely uploaded failed to resolve the address provided to PORT: %sbind(port=%hu) on non-local address failed: %s Failure sending EPRT command: %sFailure sending PORT command: %sbind() failed, we ran out of ports!Error accept()ing server connectConnection accepted from server Doing the SSL/TLS handshake on the data stream Uploading to a URL without a file name!Request has same path as previous transfer ACCT requested but none availableFailed EPSV attempt. Disabling EPSV Illegal port number in EPSV replySkip %u.%u.%u.%u for data connection, re-use %s instead Can't resolve proxy host %s:%huConnecting to %s (%s) port %d Couldn't interpret the 227-responseGot a %03d response code instead of the assumed 200 FTP response aborted due to select/poll error: %dAccept timeout occurred while waiting server connectThere is negative response in cache while serv connect Error while waiting for server connectReady to accept data connection from server Ctrl conn has data while waiting for data conn Preparing for accepting server on data port Got a %03d ftp-server response when 220 was expectedLogging in with password in cleartext! unsupported parameter to CURLOPT_FTPSSLAUTH: %dFailed to clear the command channel (CCC)Server denied you to change to the given directory%04d%02d%02d %02d:%02d:%02d GMTLast-Modified: %s, %02d %s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT unsupported MDTM reply format The requested document is not new enough The requested document is not old enough PRET command not accepted: %03dData conn was not available immediately Wildcard - "%s" skipped by user ftp_perform ends with SECONDARY: %d Remembering we are in dir "%s" Failure sending ABOR command: %spartial download completed, closing connection server did not report OK, got %dUploaded unaligned file size (%ld out of %ld bytes)Received only partial file: %ld bytes���� �}�}�������X���������������B����������������_�_��X�t���������@���x����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������EPSVPASVEPRTPORTSSLTLSAccept-ranges: b%ld-2.2.0Closing connection %ld can multiplexcan pipelineseriallyPipe is full, skip (%zu) Penalized, skip httpssocks5hsocks5socks4asocks4sockshttp:%25Invalid IPv6 address format User-Agent: %s httppop3smtpIMAPLDAPDICTNO_PROXYno_proxyall_proxyALL_PROXYBad URL%*15[^ /:]:%[^ ]localhost/[^ /:]:%3[/]%[^ /?#]%[^ ]<url> malformedFTP.DICT.LDAP.IMAP.SMTP.POP3.%s://%s%sfile:Rebuilt URL to: %s %s://%smemory shortagehttp_proxy%s://%s%s%s:%d%s%s%sPort number out of rangePort number ended with '%c'anonymousftp@example.comConnecting to hostname: %s Connecting to port: %d No connections available. Couldn't resolve host '%s'Couldn't resolve proxy '%s'<no protocol>Failed to convert %s to ACE; %s Host name '%s' contains bad letterConnection %ld seems to be dead! /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crtFound bundle for host %s: %p [%s] Server doesn't support multi-use yet, wait Server doesn't support multi-use (yet) Could pipeline, but not asked to! Could multiplex, but not asked to! Connection #%ld is still name resolving, can't reuse Connection #%ld isn't open enough, can't reuse MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS reached, skip (%zu) Multiplexed connection found! Found pending candidate for reuse and CURLOPT_PIPEWAIT is set unknown proxytype option givenConnected to %s (%s) port %ld (#%ld) Unsupported proxy scheme for '%s'Unsupported proxy '%s', libcurl is built without the HTTPS-proxy support.Please URL encode %% as %%25, see RFC 6874. No valid port number in proxy string (%s) Illegal characters found in URLBad URL, colon is first characterInvalid file://hostname/, expected localhost or or noneFile drive letters are only accepted in MSDOS/Windows.Unwillingly accepted illegal URL using %zu slash%s! Protocol "%s" not supported or disabled in libcurlOption DISALLOW_USERNAME_IN_URL is set and url contains username.Invalid network interface: %s; %s Uses proxy env variable %s == '%s' [%*45[0123456789abcdefABCDEF:.]%cIPv6 closing bracket followed by '%c'IPv6 numerical address used in URL without bracketsCouldn't find host %s in the .netrc file; using defaults No valid port number in connect to host string (%s) Found connection %ld, with requests in the pipe (%zu) We can reuse, but we want a new connection anyway Re-using existing connection! (#%ld) with %s %s No more connections allowed to host: %zu No connections available in cache NTLM picked AND auth done set, clear picked! NTLM-proxy picked AND auth done set, clear picked! Unix socket path too long: '%s'default/MATCH:/M:/FIND:lookup word is missing Failed sending DICT request/DEFINE:/D:/LOOKUP:CLIENT libcurl 7.61.1 MATCH %s %s %s QUIT CLIENT libcurl 7.61.1 DEFINE %s %s QUIT CLIENT libcurl 7.61.1 %s QUIT %%%uOperation too slow. Less than %ld bytes/sec transferred the last %ld seconds zlib/%s brotli/ libidn2/%s libpsl/%s libssh/%s7.61.1x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudictftpsgopherimapimapsldapldapspop3srtspscpsftpsmbsmbssmtpstelnettftp(m��(m��0m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��0m��0m��0m��0m��0m��0m��0m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��0m��0m��0m��0m��(m��0m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��(m��0m��0m��0m��(m���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l���l��%%%02X.%ld�q���q���q���r���q���q���q���r���q���r��(t��py���z��Xz���s��(t��(t���w���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u���u��v���y���y���u���y���y���y���y���y���y���u���u���y��|u��,u���y���t���t���t���t���t���t���t���t���t���t���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y��u���y���y���t���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y��u���y���y���y���t���y���y���y���y���t���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���y���t���~��e��$~��e��e��e��e��e��e��e��e��e��e��e���}��e��e��e��e��8~��e��e��e��e��e��e��e��e��e��e��L~��`~��m~���~���~��e��`~��e��e��e��e���~���~���~��e��e���}��e���~��e��e���~��(nil)(nil)0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz$@USER,%s%127[^= ]%*[ =]%255sTTYPEXDISPLOCNEW_ENV%hu%*[xX]%huBINARYUnknown telnet option %sSENT%s IAC SB (terminated by %u , not IAC SE!) (Empty suboption?)%s (unsupported)%d (unknown)Width: %d ; Height: %d IS SEND INFO/REPLY NAME "%s" = %.2xSending data failed (%d)WILLWONTDODONTEXOPL%s %s %s %s %s %d %s %d %d %s IAC %s %s IAC %d %c%c%c%c%s%c%c%127[^,]%1[,]%127s%c%s%c%sIn SUBOPTION processing, RCVDTime-outTELNETEOFSUSPABORTEORNOPDMARKBRKIPAOAYTECELGASBIACECHORCPSUPPRESS GO AHEADSTATUSTIMING MARKRCTENAOLNAOPNAOCRDNAOHTSNAOHTDNAOFFDNAOVTSNAOVTDNAOLFDEXTEND ASCIILOGOUTBYTE MACRODE TERMINALSUPDUPSUPDUP OUTPUTSEND LOCATIONTERM TYPEEND OF RECORDTACACS UIDOUTPUT MARKINGTTYLOC3270 REGIMEX3 PADNAWSTERM SPEEDLFLOWLINEMODEOLD-ENVIRONAUTHENTICATIONENCRYPTNEW-ENVIRONSyntax error in telnet option: %s����ĝ��4���ě��4���t���D���,���d�����ȡ�����������������HOME machinelogin.netrc֯������������������į����������Ű��������������������������}���k���Y�������<������������� �����������װ�������*�������������������$���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(������(���(������(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(������ϫ��(���(���(�������(���(���(���(�������(���(���(���(���(���(���(�������������l���[���d���d���d���J���$�����d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d���d�����ҭ������������������}����������������������������Щ����������������������������������@�������@�������Ӫ��������������k�������P���P���P���P������S���3���P�����P���P���P���P���P���P���P���P���P���P���P���P���P����������.Aoperation aborted by callback%x%sCannot rewind mime/post dataselect/poll returned errorIgnoring the response-body Failed writing data%s in chunked-encodingRewinding %zu bytes No URL set!Switch from POST to GET Disables POST, goes with %s Read callback asked for PAUSE when not supported!read function returned funny valueSignaling end of chunked upload via terminating chunk. seek callback returned error %dthe ioctl callback returned %d ioctl callback returned error %dnecessary data rewind wasn't possibleRewinding stream by : %zd bytes on url %s (zero-length body) Excess found in a non pipelined read: excess = %zd url = %s (zero-length body) The entire document is already downloadedHTTP server doesn't seem to support byte ranges. Cannot resume.Simulate a HTTP 304 response! Leftovers after chunking: %zu bytes Rewinding stream by : %zu bytes on url %s (size = %ld, maxdownload = %ld, bytecount = %ld, nread = %zd) Excess found in a non pipelined read: excess = %zu, size = %ld, maxdownload = %ld, bytecount = %ld we are done reading and this is set to close, stop send Failed to alloc scratch buffer!We are completely uploaded and fine Done waiting for 100-continue Operation timed out after %ld milliseconds with %ld out of %ld bytes receivedOperation timed out after %ld milliseconds with %ld bytes receivedtransfer closed with %ld bytes remaining to readtransfer closed with outstanding read data remainingClear auth, curl_url_set() failed Clear auth, failed to parse port number Clear auth, redirects to port from %u to %u Clear auth, failed to parse scheme Clear auth, redirects scheme from %s to %s Maximum (%ld) redirects followedIssue another request to this URL: '%s' REFUSED_STREAM, retrying a fresh connect Connection died, retrying a fresh connect CONNECT_ONLY is required!Failed to get recent socketeasy handle already used in multi handleMIC ENC PASS ACCT Send: %s%s Failed realloc of size %zuTrying mechanism %s... PBSZ %uPBSZ=PBSZ=%uclearsafeconfidentialFailed initialization for %s. Skipping it. Mechanism %s is not supported by the server (server returned ftp code: 504). Mechanism %s was rejected by the server (server returned ftp code: 534). server does not support the security extensions Failed to set the protection's buffer size.Failed to set the protection level.CSEP -> total rwx-tTsS0123456789-APM0123456789:<DIR>����X��������8� �x��g���X���'�����������+�������h����.������f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f����f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�����������f�f�f�f�f�f�f����f�f�f����f�f����getsockname()AUTH GSSAPITrying against %s base64-encoding: %s ADAT %sADAT=base64-decoding: %sError importing service name %s@%sError creating security context Server didn't accept auth data H�������p��8�����������(������������������Too long hexadecimal numberMalformed encoding foundWrite errorBad content-encoding foundOut of memoryIllegal or missing hexadecimal sequenceTCP_NODELAY set Trying %s... if!host!Couldn't bind to '%s'Local port: %hu bind failed with errno %d: %sTCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT set Connection time-outConnection failed getpeername() failed with errno %d: %sgetsockname() failed with errno %d: %sssrem inet_ntop() failed with errno %d: %sssloc inet_ntop() failed with errno %d: %sCould not set TCP_NODELAY: %s sa_addr inet_ntop() failed with errno %d: %sFailed to set SO_KEEPALIVE on fd %d Failed to set TCP_KEEPIDLE on fd %d Failed to set TCP_KEEPINTVL on fd %d Couldn't bind to interface '%s'Local Interface %s is ip %s using address family %i Name '%s' family %i resolved to '%s' family %i Bind to local port %hu failed, trying next Failed to enable TCP Fast Open on fd %d Immediate connect fail for %s: %s After %ldms connect time, move on! connect to %s port %ld failed: %s Failed to connect to %s port %ld: %s�)���)��*��(*��(*���)��8*��8*��H*���)���)���)���I��PI��8L���J���M��`M�� M���L�� Q��PP���O��`G��pO��@O���N��N��@J��PI��@I��Internal error removing splay node = %d Connection #%ld to host %s left intactInternal error clearing splay node = %d In state %d with no easy_conn, bail out! Resolving timed out after %ld millisecondsConnection timed out after %ld millisecondsHostname '%s' was found in DNS cache Re-used connection seems dead, get a new one Forcing HTTP/1.1 for NTLMError while processing content unencoding: %sError while processing content unencoding: Unknown failure within decompression software.Unrecognized content encoding type. libcurl understands %s content encodings.Reject response due to more than %u content encodings1.��py���y���y��0z��Py��Az��Az��P{��y��{���z��y��%sAuthorization: Digest %s %sAuthorization: Negotiate %s No errorUnsupported protocolFailed initializationCouldn't resolve proxy nameCouldn't resolve host nameCouldn't connect to serverWeird server replyFTP: unknown PASS replyFTP: unknown PASV replyFTP: couldn't set file typeTransferred a partial fileQuote command returned errorHTTP response code said errorTimeout was reachedFTP: command PORT failedFTP: command REST failedSSL connect errorCouldn't resume downloadCouldn't read a file:// fileLDAP: cannot bindLDAP: search failedMalformed telnet optionSSL crypto engine not foundInvalid LDAP URLRequested SSL level failedLogin deniedTFTP: File Not FoundTFTP: Access ViolationTFTP: Illegal operationTFTP: Unknown transfer IDRemote file already existsTFTP: No such userConversion failedRemote file not foundError in the SSH layerRTSP session errorUnable to parse FTP file listChunk callback failedUnknown errorInvalid multi handleInvalid easy handleInternal errorInvalid socket argumentUnknown optionUnknown share optionShare currently in useInvalid share handleCURLSHcode unknownUnknown error %dURL using bad/illegal format or missing URLA requested feature, protocol or option was not found built-in in this libcurl due to a build-time decision.Access denied to remote resourceFTP: The server failed to connect to data portFTP: Accepting server connect has timed outFTP: The server did not accept the PRET command.FTP: unknown 227 response formatFTP: can't figure out the host in the PASV responseError in the HTTP2 framing layerFTP: couldn't retrieve (RETR failed) the specified fileFailed writing received data to disk/applicationUpload failed (at start/before it took off)Failed to open/read local data from file/applicationRequested range was not delivered by the serverInternal problem setting up the POSTA required function in the library was not foundOperation was aborted by an application callbackA libcurl function was given a bad argumentFailed binding local connection endNumber of redirects hit maximum amountAn unknown option was passed in to libcurlSSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OKServer returned nothing (no headers, no data)Can not set SSL crypto engine as defaultFailed to initialise SSL crypto engineFailed sending data to the peerFailure when receiving data from the peerProblem with the local SSL certificateCouldn't use specified SSL cipherPeer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificatesProblem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)Unrecognized or bad HTTP Content or Transfer-EncodingFailed to shut down the SSL connectionFailed to load CRL file (path? access rights?, format?)Issuer check against peer certificate failedSend failed since rewinding of the data stream failedDisk full or allocation exceededCaller must register CURLOPT_CONV_ callback optionsSocket not ready for send/recvRTSP CSeq mismatch or invalid CSeqThe max connection limit is reachedSSL public key does not match pinned public keySSL server certificate status verification FAILEDStream error in the HTTP/2 framing layerAPI function called from within callbackPlease call curl_multi_perform() soonThe easy handle is already added to a multi handleFeature not enabled in this libraryLw���|��||��l|��\|��L|��<|��,|��|��|���{���{���{���{���{���{���{���{��|{��l{���|��L{��<{��,{���|��{��{���z���z���|���z���z���|���z���z���z���z��|z��lz��\z���|��Lz��<z��,z���|��z���|��z���y���y���|���y���y���y���y���y���y���|��|y��ly��\y��Ly��<y��,y��y��y���x���x���x���x���x���x���x���x��|x��lx��\x��Lx��<x��,x��x��x���w���w���w���w���w���w���w���w��|w��lw��\w��\{��\{��d{��t{���{���{���{���{���{���{���{��|��L|��|��|��,|��<|��MonMondayJan%02d:%02d:%02d%nFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayTueWedThuFriSatSun%31[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz];Zx����0NGMTUTUTCWETBST���WAT<AST�ADT�EST,EDT�CSThCDT,MST�MDThPST�PDT�YSTYDT�HSTXHDTCATXAHSTXNT�IDLW�CET���MET���MEWT���MEST����CEST����MESZ����FWT���FST����EET����WAST\���WADT ���CCT ���JST��EAST����EADTl���GST����NZT0���NZST0���NZDT�IDLE0���A<BxC�D�E,FhG�H�IKXL�M�N���O����PL���Q���R���S����T\���U ���V��W����Xl���Y0���ZReceived last DATA packet block %d again. Received unexpected DATA packet block %d, expecting block %d Timeout waiting for block %d ACK. Retries = %d set timeouts for state %d; Total %ld, retry %d maxtry %d Received ACK for block %d, expecting %d tftp_tx: giving up waiting for block %d acktftp_tx: internal error, event: %iTFTP buffer too small for optionstftp_send_first: internal errorMalformed ACK packet, rejectinginvalid blocksize value in OACK packetblksize is larger than max supportedblksize is smaller than min supportedserver requested blksize larger than allocatedinvalid tsize -:%s:- value in OACK packetInternal error: Unexpected packettftp_rx: internal errorConnected for receiveConnected for transmitbind() failed; %s;mode=octetnetasciiTFTP file name too long %s%c%s%ctsizeblksizeTFTP finishedInternal state machine errorTFTP response timeoutReceived too short packetTFTP error: %s got option=(%s) value=(%s) %s (%d)%s (%ld)requestedblksize parsed from OACK%s (%d) %s (%d) tsize parsed from OACK%s (%ld) TFTP���������������ܐ���������SOCKS4%s request granted. SOCKS5: no connection hereSOCKS5: connection timeoutSOCKS5 nothing to readSOCKS5 read timeoutSOCKS5 read error occurredSOCKS5 request granted. SOCKS4%s: connecting to HTTP proxy %s port %d SOCKS4 communication to %s:%d SOCKS4 connect to IPv4 %s (locally resolved) SOCKS4 connection to %s not supported Failed to resolve "%s" for SOCKS4 connect.Too long SOCKS proxy name, can't use! Failed to send SOCKS4 connect request.Failed to receive SOCKS4 connect request ack.SOCKS4 reply has wrong version, version should be 4.Can't complete SOCKS4 connection to %d.%d.%d.%d:%d. (%d), request rejected or failed.Can't complete SOCKS4 connection to %d.%d.%d.%d:%d. (%d), request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect to identd on the client.Can't complete SOCKS4 connection to %d.%d.%d.%d:%d. (%d), request rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids.Can't complete SOCKS4 connection to %d.%d.%d.%d:%d. (%d), Unknown.SOCKS5: connecting to HTTP proxy %s port %d SOCKS5: server resolving disabled for hostnames of length > 255 [actual len=%zu] SOCKS5: error occurred during connectionwarning: unsupported value passed to CURLOPT_SOCKS5_AUTH: %lu SOCKS5 communication to %s:%d Unable to send initial SOCKS5 request.Unable to receive initial SOCKS5 response.Received invalid version in initial SOCKS5 response.Unable to negotiate SOCKS5 GSS-API context.Failed to send SOCKS5 sub-negotiation request.Unable to receive SOCKS5 sub-negotiation response.User was rejected by the SOCKS5 server (%d %d).SOCKS5 GSSAPI per-message authentication is not supported.No authentication method was acceptable. (It is quite likely that the SOCKS5 server wanted a username/password, since none was supplied to the server on this connection.)No authentication method was acceptable.Undocumented SOCKS5 mode attempted to be used by server.SOCKS5 connect to IPv4 %s (locally resolved) SOCKS5 connect to IPv6 %s (locally resolved) SOCKS5 connection to %s not supported Failed to resolve "%s" for SOCKS5 connect.SOCKS5 GSS-API protection not yet implemented.Failed to send SOCKS5 connect request.Failed to receive SOCKS5 connect request ack.SOCKS5 reply has wrong version, version should be 5.Can't complete SOCKS5 connection to %d.%d.%d.%d:%d. (%d)Can't complete SOCKS5 connection to %s:%d. (%d)Can't complete SOCKS5 connection to %02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%d. (%d)keyboard-interactive, GSSAPI, public key, Authenticated with none Authentication failureAuthentication complete SSH CONNECT phase done Sending quote commands pwdPWD chgrp chmod chown ln symlink mkdir rename rmdir rm Unknown SFTP commandchgrpchmodchownsymlink command failed: %smkdir command failed: %srename command failed: %srmdir command failed: %srm command failed: %sstatvfs command failed: %sBad file size (%ld)Creating directory '%s' -> %sOperation timed outUser: %s Known hosts: %s zlib,zlib@openssh.com,noneSFTPSCPFailure establishing ssh sessionSSH authentication methods available: %s%s%s%sAuthentication using SSH public key file Could not load private key file %sCompleted public key authentication Failed public key authentication (rc: %d) Completed gssapi authentication completed keyboard interactive authentication Completed password authentication Failure initializing sftp session: %s257 "%s" is current directory. Syntax error in SFTP command. Supply parameter(s)!Syntax error: Bad first parameterSyntax error in chgrp/chmod/chown: Bad second parameterSyntax error in ln/symlink: Bad second parameterSyntax error in rename: Bad second parameterAttempt to get SFTP stats failed: %dSyntax error: chgrp gid not a numberSyntax error: chmod permissions not a numberSyntax error: chown uid not a numberAttempt to set SFTP stats failed: %sstatvfs: f_bsize: %llu f_frsize: %llu f_blocks: %llu f_bfree: %llu f_bavail: %llu f_files: %llu f_ffree: %llu f_favail: %llu f_fsid: %llu f_flag: %llu f_namemax: %llu Could not open directory for reading: %sCould not open remote file for reading: %sCould not read symlink for reading: %sSCP requires a known file size for uploadFailed to close libssh scp channel: %s Failure initialising ssh sessionCould not load public key file��������������Τ���������[���q�����������������������q���%������������M�������x���������0������������������������ �������¸�������������.��� �����������W���ȶ��n��������������p����������ϥ����������������������ʨ������C����6�����)����ON OOOOOONI GSS-API error: %s failed: %srcmdno GSS-API confidentialityout GSS-API data GSS-API integritygss_import_name()gss_init_sec_contextgss_inquire_contextgss_display_namegss_wrapgss_unwrapFailed to create service name.Failed to initial GSS-API token.Failed to send GSS-API authentication request.Failed to send GSS-API authentication token.Failed to receive GSS-API authentication response.Invalid GSS-API authentication response type (%d %d).Could not allocate memory for GSS-API authentication response token.Failed to receive GSS-API authentication token.Failed to determine user name.SOCKS5 server authencticated user %s with GSS-API. SOCKS5 server supports GSS-API %s data protection. Failed to wrap GSS-API encryption value into token.Failed to send GSS-API encryption request.Failed to send GSS-API encryption type.Failed to receive GSS-API encryption response.Invalid GSS-API encryption response type (%d %d).Failed to receive GSS-API encryptrion type.Failed to unwrap GSS-API encryption value into token.Invalid GSS-API encryption response length (%d).SOCKS5 access with%s protection granted. %c%03dLIST "%s" *SEARCH %sCannot FETCH without a UID.FETCH %s BODY[%s]<%s>FETCH %s BODY[%s]PREAUTHCAPABILITYSTORESELECTFETCHEXAMINESEARCHEXPUNGELSUBNOOPAUTHENTICATE %s %sAUTHENTICATE %sLOGIN %s %sLOGINDISABLEDSASL-IRAUTH=STARTTLSSTARTTLS not available.STARTTLS deniedAuthentication cancelledAccess denied. %cSelect failedFound %ld bytes to download UIDVALIDITYSECTIONPARTIALMime-VersionMime-Version: 1.0APPEND %s (\Seen) {%ld}SELECT %sIMAPSCannot SEARCH without a query string.Unexpected continuation responseNo known authentication mechanisms supported! PREAUTH connection, already authenticated! Got unexpected imap-server responseOK [UIDVALIDITY %19[0123456789]]Mailbox UIDVALIDITY has changedWritten %zu bytes, %lu bytes are left for transfer Failed to parse FETCH response.Cannot APPEND without a mailbox.Cannot APPEND with unknown input file size Cannot SELECT without a mailbox.��,�����<�������4��������������T����������������4�����������T���<�����D��T��T��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��T��T��D��T��T��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��T��T��T��T��D��T��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��D��T��T��T��D��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������AUTH %s %sCAPA+OKAPOP %s %s+APOPRETR . SASL STLSSTLS not supported.Authentication failed: %dpopPOP3SPOP3Got unexpected pop3-server response���������\��������t��,����,��VRFYHELPRCPT TO:%sRCPT TO:<%s>EHLO %sHELO %sRemote access denied: %dAUTH STARTTLS not supported.STARTTLS denied, code %dCommand failed: %dMAIL failed: %dRCPT failed: %dDATADATA failed: %d<>MAIL FROM:%sMAIL FROM:%s AUTH=%s SIZE=%sMAIL FROM:%s SIZE=%sMAIL FROM:%s AUTH=%s ..SMTPSSMTPGot unexpected smtp-server response: %d�&���'��x'��@'���&���&���&��(&���%���%��`%��8%���&���)��H'��'���&���&��X&���%���%��`%��0%��%��server response timeoutselect/poll errorresponse reading failedcached response data too big to handleExcessive server response line length received, %zd bytes. Stripping The CSeq of this request %ld did not match the response %ldGot an RTP Receive with a CSeq of %ld Got invalid RTSP request: RTSPREQ_LASTRefusing to issue an RTSP request [%s] without a session ID.Refusing to issue an RTSP SETUP without a Transport: header.CSeq cannot be set as a custom header.Session ID cannot be set as a custom header.Content-Type: text/parameters Content-Type: application/sdp Got an error writing an RTP packetUnable to read the CSeq header: [%s]Got RTSP Session ID Line [%s], but wanted ID [%s]ANNOUNCEAccept: application/sdp GET_PARAMETERSET_PARAMETERDESCRIBESETUPPLAYPAUSETEARDOWNGot invalid RTSP requestTransportTransport: %s Range: %s CSeqSession%s %s RTSP/1.0 CSeq: %ld Session: %s %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%sFailed sending RTSP requestCannot pause RTPFailed writing RTP dataCSeq:: %ldSession:Got a blank Session IDRTSP�B���A���A��\B��B��,=��,B���A���A��DB��DA���<���A��\6DN: ;binaryurl parsing problemLDAP local: %s LDAP local: %s://%s:%dsuccessout of memorybad parameterunrecognized schemeunbalanced delimiterbad URLbad host or portbad or missing attributesbad or missing scopebad or missing filterbad or missing extensionsLDAPSLDAP local: bind ldap_result %sLDAP local: bind ldap_parse_result %sLDAP remote: bind failed %s %sLDAP local: search ldap_result %sLDAP local: search ldap_parse_result %sLDAP remote: search failed %s %sThere are more than %d entries LDAP local: ldap_search_ext %sLDAP local: Cannot connect to %s, %sFailed sending Gopher requestGOPHERallocate connect buffer! %s%s%s:%dHost: %s CONNECT response too large!Proxy CONNECT abortedchunk reading DONE Ignore chunked response-body CONNECT responded chunked HTTP/1.%d %dConnect me again please CONNECT phase completed! CONNECT %s HTTP/%s %s%s%s%sEstablish HTTP proxy tunnel to %s:%d Failed sending CONNECT to proxyProxy CONNECT aborted due to timeoutProxy CONNECT connection closed Ignore %ld bytes of response-body Ignoring Content-Length in CONNECT %03d response Ignoring Transfer-Encoding in CONNECT %03d response Received HTTP code %d from proxy after CONNECTProxy replied %d to CONNECT request Could not resolve %s: %sgetaddrinfo() thread failed to start %.*s. %sAuthorization: NTLM %s NTLM auth restarted NTLM handshake rejected NTLM handshake failure (internal error) NTLMUSERLOGNAME\//usr/bin/ntlm_authCould not fork. errno %d: %s--username--use-cached-credsntlmssp-client-1--helper-protocol--domainNTLM %.*sYR %sAuthorization: %s TT %s Could not access ntlm_auth: %s errno %d: %sCould not open socket pair. errno %d: %sCould not redirect child stdin. errno %d: %sCould not redirect child stdout. errno %d: %sCould not execl(). errno %d: %s%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%cKGS!@#$%LOGINEXTERNALXOAUTH2PLAINOAUTHBEARERDIGEST-MD5CRAM-MD5AQ==Unsupported SASL authentication mechanismě������\���,���$���ԛ��\���L���ܚ������,�����������T�����|���/dev/urandom0123456789abcdefWARNING: Using weak random seed *.%ld%sConnection cache is full, closing the oldest one. Server %s is blacklisted Conn: %ld (%p) Receive pipe weight: (%ld/%ld), penalized: %s Site %s:%d is pipeline blacklisted /.//./..//..http2 error: %.*s Internal NULL stream! 5 :statusHTTP/2 Failed sending HTTP2 data:authoritystream %d closed :method:path:schemetrailersupgradeproxy-connectiontransfer-encoding%zd data bytes written Failed receiving HTTP2 dataCouldn't initialize nghttp2!failed to duplicate handle Internal NULL stream! nghttp2/%sstopped the pause stream! h2c ������8����������������������������������������h�����http/2: failed to clear user_data for stream %d! h2_process_pending_input: nghttp2_session_mem_recv() returned %zd:%s HTTP/2 stream %d was not closed cleanly: %s (err %u)HTTP/2 stream %d was closed cleanly, but before getting all response header fields, treated as errorFailed sending HTTP request: Header overflowhttp2_send: Warning: The cumulative length of all headers exceeds %zu bytes and that could cause the stream to be rejected. Using Stream ID: %x (easy handle %p) %d bytes stray data read before trying h2 connection Couldn't initialize nghttp2 callbacks!Connection state changed (MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS == %u)! failed to add handle to multi failed to set user_data for stream %d nghttp2 unexpectedly failed on pack_settings_payloadConnection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: %s HTTP2-Settings: %s Using HTTP2, server supports multi-use Connection state changed (HTTP/2 confirmed) nghttp2_session_upgrade() failed: %s(%d)http/2: failed to set user_data for stream %d! nghttp2_submit_settings() failed: %s(%d)nghttp2_session_set_local_window_size() failed: %s(%d)connection buffer size is too small to store data following HTTP Upgrade response header: buflen=%zu, datalen=%zuCopying HTTP/2 data in stream buffer to connection buffer after upgrade: len=%zu Invalid input packetSMBSSMBP���������p�NT LM 0.12x86_64-redhat-lirb--
--.gifmultipart/mixed; filename="; name="; boundary=8bitattachmentContent-Dispositiontext/plainmultipart/Content-Type: %s%s%sContent-Transfer-EncodingContent-Transfer-Encoding: %simage/gif.jpgimage/jpeg.jpeg.pngimage/png.svgimage/svg+xml.txt.htmtext/html.html.pdfapplication/pdf.xmlapplication/xml7bitbase64quoted-printable ��������@������0���0���8���������������������L�����d��N�����(�����X�����0123456789ABCDEFABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/Can't add itself as a subpart!Content-Disposition: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s----------------FLUSHRELOADSRPCURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST no longer supports 1 as value! /~/ ((((( �AAAAAABBBBBB %%%02xftp.dict.ldap.imap.smtp.pop3.0123456789abcdefABCDEF::.%#?;file://%s%s%s[%*45[0123456789abcdefABCDEF:.%%]%c%n%s://%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%sd���ԟ����������$���4�����������T�����������������4���T�����������̦�����������l���Ԫ����|�������Ī������%s/%s@%s%s/%s\/@%s %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02xauth-int%s:%s:%08x:%s:%s:%s%s, opaque="%s"%s, algorithm="%s"%s, userhash=truenonce="realm="algorithm=qop="md5-sess,auth-confnoncestalerealmopaqueqopalgorithmMD5-sessSHA-256SHA-256-SESSSHA-512-256SHA-512-256-SESSuserhashusername="%s", realm="%s", nonce="%s", uri="%s", cnonce="%s", nc=%08x, qop=%s, response="%s"username="%s", realm="%s", nonce="%s", uri="%s", response="%s"username="%s",realm="%s",nonce="%s",cnonce="%s",nc="%s",digest-uri="%s",response=%s,qop=%sgss_import_name() failed: gss_display_name() failed: gss_unwrap() failed: gss_wrap() failed: GSSAPI handshake failure (empty challenge message) gss_init_sec_context() failed: GSSAPI handshake failure (empty security message) gss_inquire_context() failed: GSSAPI handshake failure (invalid security data) GSSAPI handshake failure (invalid security layer) NTLM handshake failure (empty type-2 message) NTLM handshake failure (bad type-2 message) NTLM handshake failure (bad type-2 message). Target Info Offset Len is set incorrect by the peer NTLMSSP%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%s%sgethostname() failed, continuing without! NTLMSSP%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%cuser + domain + host name too bigincoming NTLM message too biguser=%sauth=Bearer %suser=%shost=%sauth=Bearer %suser=%shost=%sport=%ldauth=Bearer %sSPNEGO handshake failure (empty challenge message) SSL_ERROR_NONESSL_ERROR_SSLSSL_ERROR_WANT_READSSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITESSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUPSSL_ERROR_SYSCALLSSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURNSSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECTSSL_ERROR_WANT_ACCEPTSSL_ERROR_WANT_ASYNCSSL_ERROR_WANT_ASYNC_JOBSSL_ERROR unknownSSL Engine '%s' not foundTLSv1.2TLSv1.3TLSv1.1SSLv3TLSv1.0TLS UnknownTLS headerSSLv2TLS change cipherTLS alert[no content]Change cipher specHello requestNext protocolKey updateEnd of early dataEncrypted ExtensionsCertificate StatusFinishedCERT verifyServer finishedRequest CERTClient key exchangeServer key exchangeCertificateNewsession TicketServer helloClient helloTLS app dataTLS handshake(%x)%s (%s), %s, %s (%d): %s(%s)SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE SSL shutdown timeoutOpenSSL%s/%lx.%lx.%lx%sSSL_write() error: %sPEMDERENGP12h2ALPN, offering %s http/1.1pkcs11:LOAD_CERT_CTRLcurl user interfaceunable to set private keyCipher selection: %s TLS 1.3 cipher selection: %s Using TLS-SRP username: %s Unable to set SRP user namefailed setting SRP passwordSetting cipher list SRP CAfile: %s CApath: %s error loading CRL file: %ssuccessfully load CRL file: CRLfile: %s SSL re-using session ID SSL: SSL_set_fd failed: %spkcs11SSL certificate problem: %sSSL connection using %s / %s SSLKEYLOGFILE[NONE]SubjectIssuer%lxSerial NumberPublic Key AlgorithmStart dateExpire date Unable to load public key RSA Public Keyrsadsapub_keySignature%02x:Cert%s certificate: subject: %s start date: %.*s expire date: %.*s ../../lib/vtls/openssl.cSSL: illegal cert name field common name: %s (matched) issuer: %s SSL certificate verify ok. No OCSP response receivedInvalid OCSP responseError getting peer certficateError computing OCSP IDOCSP response has expiredSSL connection timeoutfailed to store ssl sessionNPN, negotiated HTTP2 (%s) NPN, negotiated HTTP1.1 NPN, no overlap, use HTTP1.1 opensslL��\��l��|�������������������������������� �������� �� ����� �� ��������y��g��U��C�� �� �� ��1�� ���� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �����Failed to initialise SSL Engine '%s': %sOpenSSL SSL_read: %s, errno %dOpenSSL SSL_read on shutdown: %s, errno %dselect/poll on SSL socket, errno: %dSSL_get_shutdown() returned SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN SSL_get_shutdown() returned SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN SSL_get_shutdown() returned SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN|SSL_RECEIVED__SHUTDOWN SSL_write() returned SYSCALL, errno = %dError: %s does not support double SSL tunneling.OpenSSL SSL_write: %s, errno %dset default crypto engine '%s' set default crypto engine '%s' failedlibcurl is now using a weak random seed! OpenSSL was built without SSLv2 supportOpenSSL was built without SSLv3 supportUnrecognized parameter passed via CURLOPT_SSLVERSIONSSL: couldn't create a context: %scould not load PEM client certificate, OpenSSL error %s, (no key found, wrong pass phrase, or wrong file format?)could not load ASN1 client certificate, OpenSSL error %s, (no key found, wrong pass phrase, or wrong file format?)ssl engine does not support loading certificatesssl engine cannot load client cert with id '%s' [%s]ssl engine didn't initialized the certificate properly.unable to set client certificatecrypto engine not set, can't load certificateBIO_new return NULL, OpenSSL error %scould not open PKCS12 file '%s'error reading PKCS12 file '%s'could not parse PKCS12 file, check password, OpenSSL error %scould not load PKCS12 client certificate, OpenSSL error %sunable to use private key from PKCS12 file '%s'private key from PKCS12 file '%s' does not match certificate in same filecannot add certificate to client CA listcannot add certificate to certificate chainnot supported file type '%s' for certificateunable to set private key file: '%s' type %sunable do create OpenSSL user-interface methodfailed to load private key from crypto enginecrypto engine not set, can't load private keyfile type P12 for private key not supportednot supported file type for private keyunable to create an SSL structurePrivate key does not match the certificate public keyfailed setting cipher list: %sfailed setting TLS 1.3 cipher suite: %sfailed setting SRP cipher listerror setting certificate verify locations: CAfile: %s CApath: %serror setting certificate verify locations, continuing anyway: successfully set certificate verify locations: error signaled by ssl ctx callbackSSL: couldn't create a context (handle)!WARNING: failed to configure server name indication (SNI) TLS extension SSL: SSL_set_session failed: %sOpenSSL SSL_connect: %s in connection to %s:%ld ALPN, server accepted to use %.*s ALPN, server did not agree to a protocol SSL: couldn't get peer certificate! subjectAltName: host "%s" matched cert's "%s" subjectAltName: host "%s" matched cert's IP address! subjectAltName does not match %s SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name '%s'SSL: unable to obtain common name from peer certificateSSL: certificate subject name '%s' does not match target host name '%s'SSL: couldn't get X509-issuer name!SSL: Unable to open issuer cert (%s)SSL: Unable to read issuer cert (%s)SSL: Certificate issuer check failed (%s) SSL certificate issuer check ok (%s) SSL certificate verify result: %s (%ld) SSL certificate verify result: %s (%ld), continuing anyway. Invalid OCSP response status: %s (%d)OCSP response verification failedCould not find certificate ID in OCSP responseSSL certificate status: %s (%d) SSL certificate revocation reason: %s (%d)SSL: public key does not match pinned public key!old SSL session ID is stale, removing @@SSL certificate verification faiUnrecognized parameter value passed via CURLOPT_SSLVERSIONCURL_SSLVERSION_MAX incompatible with CURL_SSLVERSION public key hash: sha256//%s CURL_SSL_BACKEND%s:;sha256//-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- -----END PUBLIC KEY-----multi;��<���,��<�<��T=��|l=����=����>�� �E��l F��� |F��� �F��� \I��!�K��x!�K���!�K���!L���!|L���!�L���!�L��"�M��L",N��d"\N��|"�N���"�N���"�O���",P��#�Q��L#�R���#U���#,U���#�U��<$�U��P$\V���$�Z���$\���$�]��%,^��0%\_��\%�_���%�_���%�`���%,a���%<a���%|a��&�a��$&�i���&�i���&|j��'lm��h'Lz���'|{��(�{��0(\|��|(�|���(�|���(l}��)�~��L)���)����)<����)���� 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