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Bytes: 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding ! %sChar 0x0 out of allowed range Internal error, xmlCopyCharMultiByte 0x%X out of bound xmlSwitchToEncoding : no input couldn't allocate a new input stream xmlNewEntityInputStream entity = NULL Internal entity %s without content ! Internal parameter entity %s without content ! Predefined entity %s without content ! xmlNewStringInputStream string = NULL failed to load external entity: NULL filename failed to load external entity "%s" cannot initialize parser context cannot allocate parser context �.�H-�`-�-�-��-��-�x.��-��-�P.�x.�x.�x.�x.�x.�x.�x.�x.�x.�x.�x.�x.�x.�X/�0/�/��.��.��/�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�p.�/�/��,��4�5�5�l5�T5�5�<5�Name too longUnregistered error messageCharRef: invalid valueinternal errorPEReference in prologPEReference in epilogPEReference: no namePEReference: expecting ';'EntityValue: " or ' expectedAttValue: " or ' expectedSystemLiteral " or ' expectedxmlParsePI : no target nameInvalid PI nameNOTATION: Name expected hereEntity value requiredFragment not allowedexpected '>'EntityRef: expecting ';'DOCTYPE improperly terminatedEndTag: '</' not foundexpected '='Invalid XML encoding nameDocument is emptychunk is not well balanced%s: %s Attribute %s redefined Attribute %s:%s redefined Pbm popping %d NS NCNameHuge input lookupcur index out of boundPCDATA invalid Char value %d Popping input %d %s(%d): Pushing input %d : %.30s Entity '%s' not defined PEReference: %%%s; not found NmTokenFailed to parse QName '%s' Failed to parse QName '%s:' entity value too long SystemLiteralPublic IDComment too big foundDouble hyphen within comment Comment not terminated xml-stylesheetxmlParseEntityRef: no name AttValue length too long AttValue: ' expected CData section too big found Unsupported encoding %s Space needed after '<?xml' 1.0Space needed here PEReference: no name PEReference: %s PI %s too big foundParsePI: PI %s never end ... oasis-xml-catalogCatalog PI syntax error: %s Space required after '%%' xmlParseEntityDecl: no name Invalid URI: %s New Doc failedfakeSpace required after 'NDATA' ATTLIST: no name for Element externalerror parsing attribute name xml:langxml:spacepreserveattributes construct error unparseabledictionary allocation failurehttp://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/Unexpected change of input Blank needed after '<?xml' Unsupported version '%s' Blank needed here nonepseudoroot#x%X#%dinvalid entity type found Entity '%s' failed to parse nbktext<![CDATA[xmlParseChunk: encoder error
xml-modelPEReference at end of documentDetected an entity reference loopPEReferences forbidden in internal subsetUnescaped '<' not allowed in attributes valuesUnfinished System or Public ID " or ' expectedSequence ']]>' not allowed in contentSYSTEM or PUBLIC, the URI is missingPUBLIC, the Public Identifier is missingComment must not contain '--' (double-hyphen)'>' required to close NOTATION declaration'(' required to start ATTLIST enumerationNmToken expected in ATTLIST enumeration')' required to finish ATTLIST enumerationMixedContentDecl : '|' or ')*' expectedMixedContentDecl : '#PCDATA' expectedContentDecl : Name or '(' expectedContentDecl : ',' '|' or ')' expectedPEReference: forbidden within markup decl in internal subsetXML conditional section '[' expectedContent error in the external subsetconditional section INCLUDE or IGNORE keyword expectedXML conditional section not closedText declaration '<?xml' requiredparsing XML declaration: '?>' expectedexternal parsed entities cannot be standaloneString not closed expecting " or 'String not started expecting ' or "standalone accepts only 'yes' or 'no'Extra content at the end of the documentextra content at the end of well balanced chunkMalformed declaration expecting versionCharRef: invalid hexadecimal valueCharRef: invalid decimal valuehttp://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespaceInternal error: xmlParseGetLasts Unfinished entity outside the DTDExcessive depth in document: %d use XML_PARSE_HUGE option xmlParseCharRef: invalid xmlChar value %d xmlParseStringCharRef: invalid xmlChar value %d String decoding Entity Reference: %.30s xmlParseStringEntityRef: no name Entity reference to unparsed entity %s Attribute references external entity '%s' '<' in entity '%s' is not allowed in attributes values Attempt to reference the parameter entity '%s' predefined entity has no content String decoding PE Reference: %.30s xmlParseStringPEReference: no name %%%s; is not a parameter entity xmlLoadEntityContent parameter errorReading %s entity content input xmlLoadEntityContent input errorxmlLoadEntityContent: invalid char value %d not validating will not read content for PE entity %s Name %s is not XML Namespace compliant unexpected change of input bufferFailed to parse QName '%s:%s:' EntityValue: '%c' forbidden except for entities references comment doesn't start and stop in the same entity Double hyphen within comment: <!--%.50s xmlParseComment: invalid xmlChar value %d Comment not terminated <!--%.50s Comment doesn't start and stop in the same entity XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document xmlParsePITarget: invalid name prefix 'xml' colons are forbidden from PI names '%s' invalid character in attribute value CData section not finished %.50s Document labelled UTF-16 but has UTF-8 content Missing encoding in text declaration Internal: %%%s; is not a parameter entity Space required after 'SYSTEM' Space required after 'PUBLIC' Space required after the Public Identifier PI declaration doesn't start and stop in the same entity ParsePI: PI %s space expected Space required after '<!NOTATION' colons are forbidden from notation names '%s' Space required after the NOTATION name' Notation declaration doesn't start and stop in the same entity Space required after '<!ENTITY' colons are forbidden from entities names '%s' Space required after the entity name SAX compatibility mode documentSpace required before 'NDATA' xmlParseEntityDecl: entity %s not terminated Entity declaration doesn't start and stop in the same entity Space required after '#FIXED' Attribute default value declaration error Name expected in NOTATION declaration standalone: attribute notation value token %s duplicated standalone: attribute enumeration value token %s duplicated Space required after 'NOTATION' Space required after '<!ATTLIST' ATTLIST: no name for Attribute Space required after the attribute name Space required after the attribute type Space required after the attribute default value Attribute list declaration doesn't start and stop in the same entity Element content declaration doesn't start and stop in the same entity xmlParseElementMixedContentDecl : Name expected xmlParseElementChildrenContentDecl : '%c' expected xmlParseElementChildrenContentDecl : depth %d too deep, use XML_PARSE_HUGE xmlParseElementContentDecl : %s '(' expected Space required after 'ELEMENT' xmlParseElementDecl: no name for Element Space required after the element name PEReference: forbidden within markup decl in internal subset xmlParseElementDecl: 'EMPTY', 'ANY' or '(' expected Element declaration doesn't start and stop in the same entity All markup of the conditional section is not in the same entity Entering INCLUDE Conditional Section Leaving INCLUDE Conditional Section Entering IGNORE Conditional Section Leaving IGNORE Conditional Section xmlParseDocTypeDecl : no DOCTYPE name ! Specification mandates value for attribute %s Malformed value for xml:lang : %s Invalid value "%s" for xml:space : "default" or "preserve" expected xmlParseStartTag: invalid element name xmlParseStartTag: problem parsing attributes xmlParseEndTag: '</' not found Opening and ending tag mismatch: %s line %d and %s xmlns: '%s' is not a valid URI xmlns: URI %s is not absolute xml namespace URI cannot be the default namespace reuse of the xmlns namespace name is forbidden xml namespace prefix mapped to wrong URI xml namespace URI mapped to wrong prefix redefinition of the xmlns prefix is forbidden xmlns:%s: Empty XML namespace is not allowed xmlns:%s: '%s' is not a valid URI xmlns:%s: URI %s is not absolute standalone: attribute %s on %s defaulted from external subset Namespace prefix %s for %s on %s is not defined Namespaced Attribute %s in '%s' redefined Namespace prefix %s on %s is not defined xmlParseInternalSubset: error detected in Markup declaration creating parser: out of memory cannot allocate parser contextparsing new buffer: out of memory detected an error in element content Couldn't find end of Start Tag %s line %d Premature end of data in tag %s line %d Start tag expected, '<' not found Version mismatch between document and entity Couldn't find end of Start Tag %s PP: internal error, state == COMMENT PP: internal error, state == IGNOREPP: internal error, state == PI PP: internal error, state == ENTITY_DECL PP: internal error, state == ENTITY_VALUE PP: internal error, state == ATTRIBUTE_VALUE PP: internal error, state == SYSTEM_LITERAL PP: internal error, state == PUBLIC_LITERAL (��%� (� (�#��%�0"�#�"� (� (� (� (� (� (� (� (� (�%�&�&�p&� (�X&�@&�(&� (� (� (� (� (� (� (�&�%� (�`$�(��'��'� (� (� (�'�'� (�'� (�x'�`'�H'�0'�'� (�'��&��&�&� (�h%�P%�8%� %� (�%� (� (��$� (��$�$�$� (�$�x$�@#� (� (�H$�0$�$� (�$��#��#�#� #� (�#�p#� (� (�X#� (� (�0#�%� (� (� (� (� (� (� (� (� (� (� (� (� (�%�d&��&�d&�d&�&�*�(*��&��&�d&�d&�d&�d&�d&�d&�d&�d&�d&�p&�&� '�'�d&�+'�<'�M'�d&�d&�d&�d&�d&�d&�d&�^'�o'�d&�'�'�'�'�d&�d&�d&��'��'�d&��'�d&�'�(�(�*(�;(�d&�L(�](�n(�(�d&�(�(�(��(�d&��(�d&�d&��(�d&�(�)�)�d&�))�:)�K)�d&�d&�\)�m)�~)�d&�)�)�)��)��)�d&��)�)�d&�d&�*�d&�d&�&�&�d&�d&�d&�d&�d&�d&�d&�d&�d&�d&�d&�d&�d&�&�H-�(-�(-�!-��,�(-�!-�!-�!-�!-�!-�!-�!-�!-�!-�8-�!-�!-� y����x�� ��P����}�0}�{�z��z�z�z�Pz�y�hy�Ѓ� !"#$%'()*+,-./0123456789:;=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~realloc ns map itemallocating namespace mapallocating namespace map itemallocating the XML namespacegetting namespace listsearching namespacebuilding QNameQName splitbuilding namespacens_%d%.30s_%dbuilding DTDbuilding internal subsetbuilding docbuilding PIbuilding nodebuilding fragmentbuilding textbuilding attributestring is not in UTF-8 building character referencebuilding referencebuilding commentbuilding CDATAcomment()text()/@getting node pathprocessing-instruction('%s')%s%s%s%s%s[%d]%s%.20sdefault%d%.20s%dfixing namespacescopying nodehttp://ftp://urn:creating buffergrowing bufferinvalid hexadecimal character value invalid decimal character value unterminated entity reference %15s allocating DOM-wrapper contextxmlDOMWrapCloneNode(): allocating a nodexmlDOMWrapCloneNode(): allocating an attr-nodexmlDOMWrapCloneNode(): allocating namespace����� �����X ������ ����� �������� ���8������������������(�����6�6�p6�6�6�6�6�6�6�P6�@6�6�@6�P6�@6�@6�@6�@6�`6�6�6�P6�j�Jh��f�(e�(e�h�Xe�(e�(e�j�j�j�j�j�j�j�j�j�j�e�e�tx�u�s�x�x�w�tx�v�u�tx�tx�tx�tx�tx�tx�tx�tx�tx�tx�tr�tr�commenttextnoenctextCannot initialize memory for new linkCannot initialize memory for listCannot initialize memory for sentinelwb%drbfile://localhost/file:///file:/Unknown IO errorunknown address famillyalready in useBad file descriptorBad messageResource busyOperation canceledNo child processesResource deadlock avoidedDomain errorFile existsBad addressFile too largeOperation in progressInterrupted function callInvalid argumentInput/output errorIs a directoryToo many open filesToo many linksFilename too longToo many open files in systemNo such deviceNo such file or directoryExec format errorNo locks availableNot enough spaceNo space left on deviceFunction not implementedNot a directoryDirectory not emptyNot supportedNo such device or addressOperation not permittedBroken pipeResult too largeRead-only file systemInvalid seekNo such processOperation timed outImproper linknot a socketalready connectedconnection refusedPermission deniedunreachable networkadddress in usefread()fflush()fclose()creating buffer context1.2.11xmlCreateZMemBuff: %s %d %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%cxzclose()xzread()gzclose()gzread()fwrite()wbgzwrite()bytes to buffer. ZLIB errorError sending document to URIxmlIOHTTPWrite: %s %s '%s'. creating input buffercreating output buffergrowing input buffercreating HTTP output contextcopying URIContent-Encoding: gziptext/xmldata to URIbytes to URIfailed. HTTP return code:PUTPOSTfailed to load HTTP resource +xmlUnknown encoding %sbuilding canonical path encoder errorflush errorwrite errorno inputbuffer fullloading errorInappropriate message buffer lengthInappropriate I/O control operationResource temporarily unavailableError initializing compression context. ZLIB error:Allocation failure extending output buffer toxmlZMemBuffExtend: %s %lu bytes. Compression error while appendingxmlZMemBuffAppend: %s %d %s - %dError appending to internal buffer.Error flushing zlib buffers. Error codexmlZMemBuffGetContent: %s - %d Error retrieving content. Unable toxmlIOHTTPCloseWrite: %s '%s' %s '%s'. xmlIOHTTPCloseWrite: HTTP '%s' of %d %s '%s' %s %d failed to load HTTP resource "%s" Attempt to load network entity %sMemory tag error occurs :%p bye xmlMallocBreakpoint reached on block %d trying to free pointer from freed area Memory list not compiled (MEM_LIST not defined !) MEMORY ALLOCATED : %lu, MAX was %lu xmlMallocLoc : Unsigned overflow xmlMallocLoc : Out of free space xmlMallocAtomicLoc : Unsigned overflow xmlMallocAtomicLoc : Out of free space xmlReallocLoc : Unsigned overflow %p : Realloced(%lu -> %lu) Ok %p : Freed() xmlMemFree(%p) error .memorylistXML_MEM_BREAKPOINT%udXML_MEM_TRACE%p%p : Malloc(%lu) Ok %p : Strdup() Ok reaching arbitrary MAX_URI_LENGTH limit saving URI creating URI structure :%dunescaping URI value +-./?;:@;:&=+$,:@&=+$,/?;;/?:@&=+,$resolving URI against base /;&=+$,building relative URI :/?_.#&;=Found NULL content in content model of %s Found PCDATA in content model of %s ContentModel broken for element %s Internal: ELEMENT content corrupted invalid type ENTITY attribute %s reference an unknown entity "%s" ENTITY attribute %s reference an entity "%s" of wrong type ENTITIES attribute %s reference an unknown entity "%s" ENTITIES attribute %s reference an entity "%s" of wrong type NOTATION attribute %s reference an unknown notation "%s" Internal: ELEMENT struct corrupted invalid type Internal: ATTRIBUTE struct corrupted invalid type Internal: ATTRIBUTE struct corrupted invalid def root and DTD name do not match '%s' and '%s' Element %s has too many ID attributes defined : %s xmlNewElementContent : name == NULL ! xmlNewElementContent : name != NULL ! Cannot create automata for element %s Content model of %s is not determinist: %s Element %s content does not follow the DTD, expecting %s, got %s Element content does not follow the DTD, expecting %s, got %s xmlAddElementDecl: content != NULL for EMPTY xmlAddElementDecl: content != NULL for ANY xmlAddElementDecl: content == NULL for MIXED xmlAddElementDecl: content == NULL for ELEMENT Internal: ELEMENT decl corrupted invalid type xmlAddElementDecl: Table creation failed! Attribute %s of %s: invalid default value xmlAddAttributeDecl: Table creation failed! Attribute %s of element %s: already defined element table allocation failedElement %s has too may ID attributes defined : %s xmlAddNotationDecl: Table creation failed! xmlAddNotationDecl: %s already defined xmlAddID: Table creation failed! attribute %s line %d references an unknown ID "%s" IDREF attribute %s references an unknown ID "%s" IDREFS attribute %s references an unknown ID "%s" xmlAddRef: Table creation failed! xmlAddRef: Reference list creation failed! xmlAddRef: Reference list insertion failed! No declaration for element %s xmlValidateAttributeCallback(%s): internal error attribute %s: could not find decl for element %s NOTATION attribute %s declared for EMPTY element %s standalone: %s on %s value had to be normalized based on external subset declaration Syntax of default value for attribute %s of %s is not valid ID attribute %s of %s is not valid must be #IMPLIED or #REQUIRED Element %s has %d ID attribute defined in the internal subset : %s Element %s has %d ID attribute defined in the external subset : %s Element %s has ID attributes defined in the internal and external subset : %s Default value "%s" for attribute %s of %s is not among the enumerated set Definition of %s has duplicate references of %s Definition of %s has duplicate references of %s:%s Definition of %s has duplicate references to %s Definition of %s has duplicate references to %s:%s No declaration for attribute %s of element %s Syntax of value for attribute %s of %s is not valid Value for attribute %s of %s is different from default "%s" Value "%s" for attribute %s of %s is not a declared Notation Value for attribute %s of %s must be "%s" Value "%s" for attribute %s of %s is not among the enumerated set Value "%s" for attribute %s of %s is not among the enumerated notations No declaration for attribute xmlns:%s of element %s No declaration for attribute xmlns of element %s Syntax of value for attribute xmlns:%s of %s is not valid Syntax of value for attribute xmlns of %s is not valid Value for attribute xmlns:%s of %s is different from default "%s" Value for attribute xmlns of %s is different from default "%s" Value "%s" for attribute xmlns:%s of %s is not a declared Notation Value "%s" for attribute xmlns of %s is not a declared Notation Value "%s" for attribute xmlns:%s of %s is not among the enumerated notations Value "%s" for attribute xmlns of %s is not among the enumerated notations Value "%s" for attribute xmlns:%s of %s is not among the enumerated set Value "%s" for attribute xmlns of %s is not among the enumerated set Value for attribute xmlns:%s of %s must be "%s" Value for attribute xmlns of %s must be "%s" Element %s was declared EMPTY this one has content Element %s was declared #PCDATA but contains non text nodes Internal: MIXED struct corrupted Element %s is not declared in %s list of possible children Element %s content does not follow the DTD, Misplaced %s Failed to build content model regexp for %s Element %s content does not follow the DTD, Text not allowed Element %s content does not follow the DTD, Expecting more child Attribute element not expected Text element has no content ! Notation element not expected Document element not expected standalone: %s declared in the external subset contains white spaces nodes Element %s does not carry attribute %s Element %s does not carry attribute %s:%s Element %s required attribute %s:%s has no prefix Element %s required attribute %s:%s has different prefix Element %s namespace name for default namespace does not match the DTD Element %s namespace name for %s does not match the DTD xmlValidateDocumentFinal: doc == NULL Could not build URI for external subset "%s" Could not load the external subset "%s" realloc failedBuilding content model#PCDATA , | <!ELEMENT EMPTY> ANY> <!ATTLIST IDREF IDREFS ENTITY ENTITIES NMTOKEN NMTOKENS NOTATION ( #REQUIRED #IMPLIED #FIXED<!NOTATION > no root element ...Redefinition of element %s ID %s already defined IDREFS splitNOTATION %s is not declared Validating namespaceText element has children ! Text element has namespace ! Entity element not expected HTML Document not expected unknown element type no DTD found! <!dummy?>������p��p��P��p��P��@��`��`��p��4��d��|�������������������$������0��81���0���0���0���0���0���0���0���0���0���0���0���0���0���0���0���0���0���0���0���0���z���y�� z��@z��Hy��Hy���x��Hy��Hy��Py��Py��Py��hy���y���z���z���z���z���z��Hy��Hy������http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/simpleextendedrolexlink:external-linkset%s:external-linksethttp://www.w3.org/1999/xlink/namespace/Unfinished SystemLiteral End tag : expected '>' Unexpected end tag : %s metatitlenoframesframeset-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN-//W3C//DTD HTML 4//ENHTTP-EQUIVCONTENTCHARSET=Unsupported encoding %sBytes: 0x%02X Unfinished PubidLiteral PubidLiteral " or ' expected buffer allocation failed growing buffer failed PI is not started correctlyElement %s embeds close tag Invalid char in CDATA 0x%X onclick#%uhtmlParseEntityRef: no name growing buffer AttValue: " expected AttValue: no value found http-equivContent-TypecontentDOCTYPETag %s invalid Document is empty NewParserCtxt: out of memory ; >/<&charset=abbracronymappletbdobigblockquotebuttoncaptioncentercitecodedfndth1h2h3h4h5h6iframekbdlabellegendnoscriptobjectpreqsampsmallstrikestrongtdttvarampersand, U+0026 ISOnumsingle quoteless-than sign, U+003C ISOnumnbspiexclcentcent sign, U+00A2 ISOnumpoundpound sign, U+00A3 ISOnumcurrencurrency sign, U+00A4 ISOnumyenbrvbarsectsection sign, U+00A7 ISOnumcopycopyright sign, U+00A9 ISOnumordflaquonotnot sign, U+00AC ISOnumshyregmacrdegdegree sign, U+00B0 ISOnumplusmnsup2sup3micromicro sign, U+00B5 ISOnumparamiddotsup1ordmraquofrac14frac12frac34iquestAgraveAacuteAcircAtildeAumlAringAEligCcedilEgraveEacuteEcircEumlIgraveIacuteIcircIumlETHNtildeOgraveOacuteOcircOtildeOumlOslashUgraveUacuteUcircUumlYacuteTHORNszligagraveaacuteacircatildeaumlaringaeligccedilegraveeacuteecirceumligraveiacuteicirciumlethntildeograveoacuteocircotildeoumldividedivision sign, U+00F7 ISOnumoslashugraveuacuteucircuumlyacutethornyumlOEligoeligScaronscaronYumlfnofsmall tilde, U+02DC ISOdiaAlphaBetaGammaDeltaEpsilonZetaEtaThetaIotaKappaLambdaMuNuXiOmicronPiRhoSigmaTauUpsilonPhiChiPsiOmegaalphabetagammadeltaepsilonzetathetaiotakappalambdamuxiomicronpirhosigmafsigmatauupsilonphichipsiomegathetasymupsihpivenspen space, U+2002 ISOpubemspem space, U+2003 ISOpubthinspthin space, U+2009 ISOpubzwnjzwjlrmrlmndashen dash, U+2013 ISOpubmdashem dash, U+2014 ISOpublsquorsquosbquoldquordquobdquodaggerdagger, U+2020 ISOpubDaggerdouble dagger, U+2021 ISOpubbullhellippermilprimePrimelsaquorsaquoolinefraslfraction slash, U+2044 NEWeuroeuro sign, U+20AC NEWimageweierprealtradealefsymlarruarrupwards arrow, U+2191 ISOnumdarrharrcrarrlArruArrrArrdArrhArrforallfor all, U+2200 ISOtechpartexistthere exists, U+2203 ISOtechnablaisinelement of, U+2208 ISOtechnotinniprodsumminusminus sign, U+2212 ISOtechlowastradicpropinfininfinity, U+221E ISOtechangle, U+2220 ISOamsoandcapcupunion = cup, U+222A ISOtechintegral, U+222B ISOtechthere4therefore, U+2234 ISOtechsimcongasympnot equal to, U+2260 ISOtechidentical to, U+2261 ISOtechsubset of, U+2282 ISOtechsupsuperset of, U+2283 ISOtechnsubsubesupeoplusotimesperpsdotdot operator, U+22C5 ISOamsblceilrceilright ceiling, U+2309 ISOamsclfloorrfloorright floor, U+230B ISOamscranglozlozenge, U+25CA ISOpubspadesclubsheartsdiamstheadtbodytfoottableondblclickonmousedownonmouseuponmouseoveronmousemoveonmouseoutonkeypressonkeydownonkeyuponloadonunloadonfocusonbluronsubmitonresetonchangeonselecthrdlulmenudirlistingxmpcolgroupcoloptgroupoptionfieldsetimganchor abbreviated forminformation on author java applet client-side image map area bold text styledocument base uri basefontbase font size i18n bidi over-ride large text stylelong quotation document body forced line break push button table caption citationcomputer code fragmenttable column table column group definition description deleted text instance definitiondirectory listdefinition list definition term embedgeneric embedded object form control group local change to font interactive form window subdivisionheading document head horizontal rule document root element italic text styleinline subwindow embedded image form control inserted textisindexsingle line prompt form field label text fieldset legend list item a media-independent link client-side image map menu list generic metainformation option group selectable choice paragraph paramnamed property value preformatted text short inline quotation strike-through text stylescript statements option selector small text stylestrike-through textstrong emphasisstyle info subscriptsuperscript table body table data celltextareamulti-line text field table footer table header celltable header document title table row underlined text styleunordered list compactbgcolorclassdisabledreadonlytabindexaccesskeyheadersscoperowspancolspancharcharoffvalignnowrapsummaryrulescellspacingcellpaddingdatapagesizemediamultiplelanguagesrcdefereventforvaluetypeselectedstarthspacevspacedeclareclassidcodebasecodetypearchivestandbyusemapschemeactionhreflangrelrevpromptcheckedmaxlengthaltismapacceptframeborderhiddenpalettepluginspacepluginurlunitslongdescmarginwidthmarginheightscrollingversionnoshadeprofilecolsnoresizeenctypeaccept-charsetfacedatetimebackgroundvlinkalinkshapecoordsnohrefcleartargethtmlParseEndTag: '</' not found Opening and ending tag mismatch: %s and %s htmlCheckEncoding: wrong encoding meta htmlCheckEncoding: unknown encoding %s htmlCheckEncoding: encoder error htmlParseDocTypeDecl : no DOCTYPE name ! htmlParseExternalID: SYSTEM, no URI htmlParseExternalID: PUBLIC, no Public Identifier DOCTYPE improperly terminated HTML document creation failed -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//ENhttp://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtdhtmlParseEntityRef: expecting ';' htmlParseCharRef: context error htmlParseCharRef: missing semicolon htmlParseCharRef: invalid xmlChar value %d htmlParseCharRef: invalid value htmlParseStartTag: context error htmlParseStartTag: invalid element name htmlParseStartTag: misplaced <html> tag htmlParseStartTag: misplaced <head> tag htmlParseStartTag: misplaced <body> tag htmlParseStartTag: problem parsing attributes Misplaced DOCTYPE declaration htmlParseElement: context error htmlParseDocument: context error htmlInitParserCtxt: out of memory htmlParseChunk: context error HPP: internal error, state == CDATA HPP: internal error, state == DTD HPP: internal error, state == COMMENT HPP: internal error, state == PI HPP: internal error, state == ENTITY_DECL HPP: internal error, state == ENTITY_VALUE HPP: internal error, state == ATTRIBUTE_VALUE HPP: internal error, state == XML_PARSER_SYSTEM_LITERAL HPP: internal error, state == XML_PARSER_IGNORE HPP: internal error, state == XML_PARSER_LITERAL quotation mark = APL quote, U+0022 ISOnumgreater-than sign, U+003E ISOnumno-break space = non-breaking space, U+00A0 ISOnuminverted exclamation mark, U+00A1 ISOnumyen sign = yuan sign, U+00A5 ISOnumbroken bar = broken vertical bar, U+00A6 ISOnumdiaeresis = spacing diaeresis, U+00A8 ISOdiafeminine ordinal indicator, U+00AA ISOnumleft-pointing double angle quotation mark = left pointing guillemet, U+00AB ISOnumsoft hyphen = discretionary hyphen, U+00AD ISOnumregistered sign = registered trade mark sign, U+00AE ISOnummacron = spacing macron = overline = APL overbar, U+00AF ISOdiaplus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign, U+00B1 ISOnumsuperscript two = superscript digit two = squared, U+00B2 ISOnumsuperscript three = superscript digit three = cubed, U+00B3 ISOnumacute accent = spacing acute, U+00B4 ISOdiapilcrow sign = paragraph sign, U+00B6 ISOnummiddle dot = Georgian comma Greek middle dot, U+00B7 ISOnumcedilla = spacing cedilla, U+00B8 ISOdiasuperscript one = superscript digit one, U+00B9 ISOnummasculine ordinal indicator, U+00BA ISOnumright-pointing double angle quotation mark right pointing guillemet, U+00BB ISOnumvulgar fraction one quarter = fraction one quarter, U+00BC ISOnumvulgar fraction one half = fraction one half, U+00BD ISOnumvulgar fraction three quarters = fraction three quarters, U+00BE ISOnuminverted question mark = turned question mark, U+00BF ISOnumlatin capital letter A with grave = latin capital letter A grave, U+00C0 ISOlat1latin capital letter A with acute, U+00C1 ISOlat1latin capital letter A with circumflex, U+00C2 ISOlat1latin capital letter A with tilde, U+00C3 ISOlat1latin capital letter A with diaeresis, U+00C4 ISOlat1latin capital letter A with ring above = latin capital letter A ring, U+00C5 ISOlat1latin capital letter AE = latin capital ligature AE, U+00C6 ISOlat1latin capital letter C with cedilla, U+00C7 ISOlat1latin capital letter E with grave, U+00C8 ISOlat1latin capital letter E with acute, U+00C9 ISOlat1latin capital letter E with circumflex, U+00CA ISOlat1latin capital letter E with diaeresis, U+00CB ISOlat1latin capital letter I with grave, U+00CC ISOlat1latin capital letter I with acute, U+00CD ISOlat1latin capital letter I with circumflex, U+00CE ISOlat1latin capital letter I with diaeresis, U+00CF ISOlat1latin capital letter ETH, U+00D0 ISOlat1latin capital letter N with tilde, U+00D1 ISOlat1latin capital letter O with grave, U+00D2 ISOlat1latin capital letter O with acute, U+00D3 ISOlat1latin capital letter O with circumflex, U+00D4 ISOlat1latin capital letter O with tilde, U+00D5 ISOlat1latin capital letter O with diaeresis, U+00D6 ISOlat1multiplication sign, U+00D7 ISOnumlatin capital letter O with stroke latin capital letter O slash, U+00D8 ISOlat1latin capital letter U with grave, U+00D9 ISOlat1latin capital letter U with acute, U+00DA ISOlat1latin capital letter U with circumflex, U+00DB ISOlat1latin capital letter U with diaeresis, U+00DC ISOlat1latin capital letter Y with acute, U+00DD ISOlat1latin capital letter THORN, U+00DE ISOlat1latin small letter sharp s = ess-zed, U+00DF ISOlat1latin small letter a with grave = latin small letter a grave, U+00E0 ISOlat1latin small letter a with acute, U+00E1 ISOlat1latin small letter a with circumflex, U+00E2 ISOlat1latin small letter a with tilde, U+00E3 ISOlat1latin small letter a with diaeresis, U+00E4 ISOlat1latin small letter a with ring above = latin small letter a ring, U+00E5 ISOlat1latin small letter ae = latin small ligature ae, U+00E6 ISOlat1latin small letter c with cedilla, U+00E7 ISOlat1latin small letter e with grave, U+00E8 ISOlat1latin small letter e with acute, U+00E9 ISOlat1latin small letter e with circumflex, U+00EA ISOlat1latin small letter e with diaeresis, U+00EB ISOlat1latin small letter i with grave, U+00EC ISOlat1latin small letter i with acute, U+00ED ISOlat1latin small letter i with circumflex, U+00EE ISOlat1latin small letter i with diaeresis, U+00EF ISOlat1latin small letter eth, U+00F0 ISOlat1latin small letter n with tilde, U+00F1 ISOlat1latin small letter o with grave, U+00F2 ISOlat1latin small letter o with acute, U+00F3 ISOlat1latin small letter o with circumflex, U+00F4 ISOlat1latin small letter o with tilde, U+00F5 ISOlat1latin small letter o with diaeresis, U+00F6 ISOlat1latin small letter o with stroke, = latin small letter o slash, U+00F8 ISOlat1latin small letter u with grave, U+00F9 ISOlat1latin small letter u with acute, U+00FA ISOlat1latin small letter u with circumflex, U+00FB ISOlat1latin small letter u with diaeresis, U+00FC ISOlat1latin small letter y with acute, U+00FD ISOlat1latin small letter thorn with, U+00FE ISOlat1latin small letter y with diaeresis, U+00FF ISOlat1latin capital ligature OE, U+0152 ISOlat2latin small ligature oe, U+0153 ISOlat2latin capital letter S with caron, U+0160 ISOlat2latin small letter s with caron, U+0161 ISOlat2latin capital letter Y with diaeresis, U+0178 ISOlat2latin small f with hook = function = florin, U+0192 ISOtechmodifier letter circumflex accent, U+02C6 ISOpubgreek capital letter alpha, U+0391greek capital letter beta, U+0392greek capital letter gamma, U+0393 ISOgrk3greek capital letter delta, U+0394 ISOgrk3greek capital letter epsilon, U+0395greek capital letter zeta, U+0396greek capital letter eta, U+0397greek capital letter theta, U+0398 ISOgrk3greek capital letter iota, U+0399greek capital letter kappa, U+039Agreek capital letter lambda, U+039B ISOgrk3greek capital letter mu, U+039Cgreek capital letter nu, U+039Dgreek capital letter xi, U+039E ISOgrk3greek capital letter omicron, U+039Fgreek capital letter pi, U+03A0 ISOgrk3greek capital letter rho, U+03A1greek capital letter sigma, U+03A3 ISOgrk3greek capital letter tau, U+03A4greek capital letter upsilon, U+03A5 ISOgrk3greek capital letter phi, U+03A6 ISOgrk3greek capital letter chi, U+03A7greek capital letter psi, U+03A8 ISOgrk3greek capital letter omega, U+03A9 ISOgrk3greek small letter alpha, U+03B1 ISOgrk3greek small letter beta, U+03B2 ISOgrk3greek small letter gamma, U+03B3 ISOgrk3greek small letter delta, U+03B4 ISOgrk3greek small letter epsilon, U+03B5 ISOgrk3greek small letter zeta, U+03B6 ISOgrk3greek small letter eta, U+03B7 ISOgrk3greek small letter theta, U+03B8 ISOgrk3greek small letter iota, U+03B9 ISOgrk3greek small letter kappa, U+03BA ISOgrk3greek small letter lambda, U+03BB ISOgrk3greek small letter mu, U+03BC ISOgrk3greek small letter nu, U+03BD ISOgrk3greek small letter xi, U+03BE ISOgrk3greek small letter omicron, U+03BF NEWgreek small letter pi, U+03C0 ISOgrk3greek small letter rho, U+03C1 ISOgrk3greek small letter final sigma, U+03C2 ISOgrk3greek small letter sigma, U+03C3 ISOgrk3greek small letter tau, U+03C4 ISOgrk3greek small letter upsilon, U+03C5 ISOgrk3greek small letter phi, U+03C6 ISOgrk3greek small letter chi, U+03C7 ISOgrk3greek small letter psi, U+03C8 ISOgrk3greek small letter omega, U+03C9 ISOgrk3greek small letter theta symbol, U+03D1 NEWgreek upsilon with hook symbol, U+03D2 NEWgreek pi symbol, U+03D6 ISOgrk3zero width non-joiner, U+200C NEW RFC 2070zero width joiner, U+200D NEW RFC 2070left-to-right mark, U+200E NEW RFC 2070right-to-left mark, U+200F NEW RFC 2070left single quotation mark, U+2018 ISOnumright single quotation mark, U+2019 ISOnumsingle low-9 quotation mark, U+201A NEWleft double quotation mark, U+201C ISOnumright double quotation mark, U+201D ISOnumdouble low-9 quotation mark, U+201E NEWbullet = black small circle, U+2022 ISOpubhorizontal ellipsis = three dot leader, U+2026 ISOpubper mille sign, U+2030 ISOtechprime = minutes = feet, U+2032 ISOtechdouble prime = seconds = inches, U+2033 ISOtechsingle left-pointing angle quotation mark, U+2039 ISO proposedsingle right-pointing angle quotation mark, U+203A ISO proposedoverline = spacing overscore, U+203E NEWblackletter capital I = imaginary part, U+2111 ISOamsoscript capital P = power set = Weierstrass p, U+2118 ISOamsoblackletter capital R = real part symbol, U+211C ISOamsotrade mark sign, U+2122 ISOnumalef symbol = first transfinite cardinal, U+2135 NEWleftwards arrow, U+2190 ISOnumrightwards arrow, U+2192 ISOnumdownwards arrow, U+2193 ISOnumleft right arrow, U+2194 ISOamsadownwards arrow with corner leftwards = carriage return, U+21B5 NEWleftwards double arrow, U+21D0 ISOtechupwards double arrow, U+21D1 ISOamsarightwards double arrow, U+21D2 ISOtechdownwards double arrow, U+21D3 ISOamsaleft right double arrow, U+21D4 ISOamsapartial differential, U+2202 ISOtechempty set = null set = diameter, U+2205 ISOamsonabla = backward difference, U+2207 ISOtechnot an element of, U+2209 ISOtechcontains as member, U+220B ISOtechn-ary product = product sign, U+220F ISOamsbn-ary summation, U+2211 ISOamsbasterisk operator, U+2217 ISOtechsquare root = radical sign, U+221A ISOtechproportional to, U+221D ISOtechlogical and = wedge, U+2227 ISOtechlogical or = vee, U+2228 ISOtechintersection = cap, U+2229 ISOtechtilde operator = varies with = similar to, U+223C ISOtechapproximately equal to, U+2245 ISOtechalmost equal to = asymptotic to, U+2248 ISOamsrless-than or equal to, U+2264 ISOtechgreater-than or equal to, U+2265 ISOtechnot a subset of, U+2284 ISOamsnsubset of or equal to, U+2286 ISOtechsuperset of or equal to, U+2287 ISOtechcircled plus = direct sum, U+2295 ISOamsbcircled times = vector product, U+2297 ISOamsbup tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular, U+22A5 ISOtechleft ceiling = apl upstile, U+2308 ISOamscleft floor = apl downstile, U+230A ISOamscleft-pointing angle bracket = bra, U+2329 ISOtechright-pointing angle bracket = ket, U+232A ISOtechblack spade suit, U+2660 ISOpubblack club suit = shamrock, U+2663 ISOpubblack heart suit = valentine, U+2665 ISOpubblack diamond suit, U+2666 ISOpubshorthand for div align=center generic language/style containertext to be entered by the useralternate content container for non frame-based rendering alternate content container for non script-based rendering sample program output, scripts, etc.generic language/style container teletype or monospaced text styleinstance of a variable or program argument@������������h�����������P��������������h�����������@/:=?;#%&,+<>=""Charset=charset =Charset =CHARSET =text/html; charset=%s<!DOCTYPE about:legacy-compat></unknown encoding %s asciiallocating HTML output buffer(NULL)#%XEntity is NULL%s : INTERNAL GENERAL, EXTERNAL PARSED, EXTERNAL UNPARSED, INTERNAL PARAMETER, EXTERNAL PARAMETER, Unknown entity type %d ID "%s"SYSTEM "%s" orig "%s" content "%s"DOCUMENT == NULL ! Misplaced ELEMENT node Misplaced ATTRIBUTE node Misplaced TEXT node Misplaced CDATA node Misplaced ENTITYREF node Misplaced ENTITY node Misplaced PI node Misplaced COMMENT node HTML DOCUMENT Misplaced DOCTYPE node Misplaced FRAGMENT node Misplaced NOTATION node Unknown node type %d namespace node is NULL namespace %s href=default namespace href=name=URL=standalone=true Name is NULLName is not an NCName '%s'Node has no parent Node has no doc String is not UTF-8 %sText node has wrong name '%s'Element declaration is NULL ELEMDECL(, UNDEFINED, EMPTY, ANY, MIXED DTD node is NULL Node is not a DTDDTD(%s), PUBLIC %s, SYSTEM %s%s:Attr is NULLATTRIBUTE Attribute has no nameError, ATTRIBUTE found here TEXT no encTEXT compact interned CDATA_SECTION ENTITY_REF(%s) ENTITY PI %s COMMENT Error, DOCUMENT found here DOCUMENT_TYPE DOCUMENT_FRAG NOTATION ATTRDECL(%s) for %s ENUMERATION NOTATION |%s (%s REQUIRED IMPLIED FIXEDENTITYDECL(, internal , external parsed , unparsed , parameter , external parameter , predefined ExternalID=%s SystemID=%s URI=%s content=INCLUDE START INCLUDE END PBM: doc == NULL !!! INTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITY INTERNAL_PARAMETER_ENTITY EXTERNAL_PARAMETER_ENTITY ENTITY_%d ! ...)Entities in internal subset Entities in external subset DTD is NULL DTD is empty %8d default -> %s%s -> %sTrueFalseResult%s: no such node %s is a Boolean %s is a number %s is a string %s is a point %s is a range %s is user-defined %s is an XSLT value tree No base found !!! Failed to write to %s Failed to save to %s %s:%s > exitquitbyehelp bye leave shell exit leave shell quit leave shell relaxng%s validates %s fails to validate savewritegrepfreepwddufailed to parse content setnssetrootnsdefaultnsxpathxpath: expression required setbasewhereiscdcannot cd to namespace %s is a %d Node Set %s is an empty Node Set ------- Unknown command %s ������� ���@���`���@����������x���8���X���������������������H���h����������a������ �����a��a�������, �� ��� �� �� ��H��(�����X�� ��������������������X������������H�������������x��Z��<���������D��������[��=��y��%��@�����/�������������i��H��'��!���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���*���*���*��|*��l*��\*��L*��<*��,*���*���*���*���*���*���*���*���*���*���(��0)���)��0)��X)��A)��0)��0)��0)��A)��A)��A)��A)��A)��A)��0)��0)��0)��0)��p)��d+��$,���+���+���+���+��+��+��D+��,���H���H��wH��kI��>I���I��GD��GD��D��I���H��YC��OH��CI��I��pI��D��D���C���H���H��tC��'H��I���H��HI���C���C���C���H��lH��t>���G���H���H�� I���C���C���C���H��JG���F���F��[F��.F��F���E���E���E���F��Node is not a namespace declarationIncomplete namespace %s href=NULL Incomplete default namespace href=NULL Reference to default namespace not in scope Reference to namespace '%s' not in scope Reference to default namespace not on ancestor Reference to namespace '%s' not on ancestor Name is not from the document dictionary '%s'Node doc differs from parent's one Attr has no prev and not first of attr list Node has no prev and not first of parent list Node prev->next : back link wrong Node has no next and not last of parent list Node next->prev : forward link wrong Comment node has wrong name '%s'CData section has non NULL name '%s'Node is not an element declarationElement declaration has no nameNode is not an attribute declarationNode attribute declaration has no nameNode attribute declaration has no element nameNode is not an entity declarationEntity declaration has no nameEXTERNAL_GENERAL_PARSED_ENTITY EXTERNAL_GENERAL_UNPARSED_ENTITY No entities in internal subset No entities in external subset To save to subparts of a document use the 'write' command base display XML base of the node setbase URI change the XML base of the node cat [node] display node or current node cd [path] change directory to path or to root dir [path] dumps informations about the node (namespace, attributes, content) du [path] show the structure of the subtree under path or the current node help display this help free display memory usage load [name] load a new document with name ls [path] list contents of path or the current directory set xml_fragment replace the current node content with the fragment parsed in context xpath expr evaluate the XPath expression in that context and print the result setns nsreg register a namespace to a prefix in the XPath evaluation context format for nsreg is: prefix=[nsuri] (i.e. prefix= unsets a prefix) setrootns register all namespace found on the root element the default namespace if any uses 'defaultns' prefix pwd display current working directory whereis display absolute path of [path] or current working directory save [name] save this document to name or the original name write [name] write the current node to the filename validate check the document for errors relaxng rng validate the document against the Relax-NG schemas grep string search for a string in the subtree Relax-NG schema %s failed to compile %s validation generated an internal error Write command requires a filename argument setns: prefix=[nsuri] required Error: unable to register NS with prefix="%s" and href="%s" �@���>��H@��p>��p>���@���@��p>��p>���@���@���@���@���@���@���@���@���@��j>��K��$K��K��$K��$K��$K��$K��$K��$K��K��K��K��$K��K��$K��$K��$K��$K��K��$K��$K���K�� L��L�� L�� L�� L�� L�� L�� L���K���K���K�� L���K�� L�� L�� L�� L��hL�� L�� L��LM���L���L��tM��tM��LM��LM��tM��tM��LM��LM��LM��LM��LM��LM��LM��LM��LM��<M��h���g��h���g���g��h��h���g��h���g���x���{��<{���v���x��y��Xy��cz��aw��|w��&������������b���G������́������&�������������������f���H���*������D��� ���g�������I���+��� �����ф����������w���Y���;��������������|�����̓����� ����������8��������������� ���8��h�� �� ����� �� �������h��(��P��������@����������P��0�������@�P�P�P�P���w���������P�P�P�P������(�8���������������������0�0�0�0����������L�L�L�L�������H�������������������$�$�$�$�(�����p�0�������������x�P�0�����������x�����8���0���P�����������������8���H���(������h�������H���H���H���H���(���� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� �����`��p�����0 ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��H��d������������D��D����������|��T������������ ��������� ������9���2��|9��T9��9���8���8���8��t8��L8��$8���7���7���7��D7���6���6��L6��D4��T5��E���G���G���G���G���G���G���E���F���F��G��\G���D���G���G���G���G���G��$E��cs��xq��Es��et��xq��t��xq��xq��xq��xq��xq��xq��xq��Dt��xq���s��xq��xq���r��d|��$|��<|��D|��|��d|��d|��d|��d|��$|���Node is NULL ! / fake node libxsltallocating component allocating steps creating nodeset adding step duplicating namespace comparing nodesets allocating namespaces array growing nodeset growing nodeset hit limit ../xpath.cInternal error at %s:%d Object is empty (NULL) Object is uninitialized Object is a Node Set : NodeSet is NULL ! Set contains %d nodes: Value Tree is NULL ! Object is a Boolean : false Object is a number : NaN Object is a number : 0 Object is a number : %0g Object is a string : index %d in Object is a range : From To Object is a Location Set: LocationSet is NULL ! %d : Object is user defined Step is NULL ENDANDOREQUAL =EQUAL !=CMP <CMP >PLUS -PLUS +PLUS unary -PLUS unary - -MULT *MULT divMULT modUNIONROOTRESETSORTCOLLECT 'ancestors' 'ancestors-or-self' 'attributes' 'child' 'descendant' 'descendant-or-self' 'following' 'following-siblings' 'namespace' 'parent' 'preceding' 'preceding-sibling' 'self' 'none' 'type' 'PI' 'all' 'name' 'node' 'comment' 'text' ELEM VARIABLE %s:%sVARIABLE %sFUNCTION %s:%s(%d args)FUNCTION %s(%d args)ARGPREDICATEFILTERRANGETOUNKNOWN %d Streaming Expression creating object cache pushing value merging nodeset merging nodeset hit limit creating result value tree creating node set object creating float object creating boolean object creating string object creating user object copying object truefalse-InfinityNaN%*.*e%0.*fUnimplemented block at %s:%d creating parser context lastcreating evaluation context NULL context pointer processing-instruction::range-tocountancestorancestor-or-selfchilddescendantdescendant-or-selffollowingfollowing-siblingparentprecedingpreceding-siblingbooleanceilingconcatcontainslocal-namenamespace-urinormalize-spacenumberpositionstring-lengthstarts-withsubstringsubstring-beforesubstring-aftertranslateescape-uricreating context Number encoding Unfinished literal Start of literal Undefined variable Invalid predicate Invalid expression Missing closing curly brace Unregistered function Invalid operand Invalid type Invalid number of arguments Invalid context size Invalid context position Memory allocation error Syntax error Resource error Sub resource error Undefined namespace prefix Encoding error Char out of XML range Stack usage error Forbidden variable ?? Unknown error ?? Error allocating temporary storage for tim sort: need %lu bytesxmlPointerListCreate: allocating item xmlPointerListAddSize: re-allocating item allocating streamable expression Object is an XSLT value tree : Object is a number : -Infinity Object is a number : Infinity Object is a point : index %d in nodeObject is a collapsed range : Compiled Expression : %d elements XPath stack depth limit reached xmlXPathObjectCopy: unsupported type %d xmlXPathTranslateFunction: Invalid UTF8 string xmlXPathCompareNodeSetValue: Can't compare node set and object of type %d xmlXPathCompOpEval: variable %s bound to undefined prefix %s xmlXPathCompOpEval: parameter error xmlXPathCompOpEval: function %s bound to undefined prefix %s xmlXPathCompOpEval: function %s not found XPath: unknown precompiled operation %d xmlXPathRunEval: last is less than zero xmlXPathCompiledEval: No result on the stack. xmlXPathCompiledEval: %d object(s) left on the stack. http://www.w3.org/2002/08/xquery-functionsExpected $ for variable reference Invalid or incomplete context �����������������$@������Ae��A�h㈵��>�?�?0C�warning: ChildSeq not starting by /1 xmlXPtrEval: evaluation failed to return a node set xmlXPtrEval: object(s) left on the eval stack allocating rangeallocating pointadding location to setallocating locationset../xpointer.crange-insidestring-rangestart-pointend-point originallocating evaluation contextallocating bufferxpointerunsupported scheme '%s' http://www.w3.org/2003/XIncludehttp://www.w3.org/2001/XIncludemismatch in redefinition of entity %s %s has multiple fallback children %s is not the child of an 'include' Invalid fragment identifier in URI %s use the xpointer attribute could not create XPointer context XPointer evaluation failed: #%s XPointer selects an attribute: #%s XPointer selects a namespace: #%s XPointer selects unexpected nodes: #%s trying to build relative URI from %s trying to rebuild base from %s fragment identifier forbidden for text: %s text serialization of document not available XInclude error: would result in multiple root nodes could not load %s, and no fallback was found detected a local recursion with no xpointer in %s creating XInclude contextdetected a recursion in %s adding URLinclude%s has an 'include' child fallbackparseinvalid value %s for 'parse' failed build URL invalid value URI %s growing XInclude contextprocessing docXPointer is not a range: #%s encodingencoding %s not supported %s contains invalid char processing textfailed to build node ��������ؼ������������������������������X���X���X�������X���X���X���X����X���X���socket failed Connect attempt timed outConnect failedgetsockopt failed select failed allocating inputallocating input bufferrecv failed Authoritive host not foundNo error text defined.getaddrinfo failed address size mismatch send failed allocating contexthttpSyntax Error no_proxyhttp_proxyHTTP_PROXYGETNot a valid HTTP URIallocating header buffer%s http://%s:%d%s%s http://%s%s%s %s?%s HTTP/1.0 Host: %s HTTP/1.0 Host: %s:%d Accept-Encoding: gzip Content-Type: %s Content-Length: %d
HTTP/Content-Type:ContentType:Location:WWW-Authenticate:Proxy-Authenticate:Content-Encoding:Content-Length:error setting non-blocking IO error connecting to HTTP serverError connecting to remote hostNon-authoritive host not found or server failure.Non-recoverable errors: FORMERR, REFUSED, or NOTIMP.Valid name, no data record of requested type.Failed to identify host in URIrecv failedftpftp_proxyFTP_PROXYftp_proxy_userftp_proxy_passwordallocating FTP contextsend failedgetaddrinfo failedgethostbyname failedsocket failedFailed to create a connectionUSER %s PASS %s SITE %s USER anonymous@%s USER %s@%s CWD %s DELE %s Invalid answer to EPSV %u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%uInvalid answer to PASV bind failedlisten failedEPRT |2|%s|%s| PORT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d LIST -L %s recvtotalRETR %s gethostbyname address mismatchFTP server asking for ACCNT on anonymous Failed to create a data connectionPASS anonymous@ USER anonymous ���h��h��h��h��h��h�����������#���$���$��%��(%���%��&��H&���&���&��$��p$���$���'���'���'��(��4(��T(��t(���(���(���(��,'���'��urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalogInvalid value for prefer: '%s' Converting SGML catalog to XML File %s is not an XML Catalog Detected recursion in catalog %s Found system match %s, using %s Public URN ID %s expanded to NULL System URN ID %s expanded to NULL http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/entity/release/1.0/catalog.dtd-//OASIS//DTD Entity Resolution XML Catalog V1.0//ENFailed to add unknown element %s to catalog Updating element %s to catalog Removing element %s from catalog Allowing only global catalogs Allowing only catalogs from the document Setting catalog preference to PUBLIC Setting catalog preference to SYSTEM Local Resolve: pubID %s sysID %s Use of deprecated xmlCatalogGetSystem() call Use of deprecated xmlCatalogGetPublic() call allocating public IDallocating catalog dataallocating catalogurn:publicid:nextCatalogpublicpreferpublicIdsystemIdrewriteSystemsystemIdStartStringrewritePrefixdelegatePublicpublicIdStartStringdelegateSystemrewriteURIuriStartStringdelegateURIENTITY %%LINKTYPE DELEGATE BASE CATALOG DOCUMENT SGMLDECL Free catalog entry %s Free catalog entry allocating catalog entry%s entry lacks '%s' Found %s: '%s' '%s' Found %s: '%s' %s entry '%s' broken ?: %s PUBLICDELEGATELINKTYPENOTATIONSGMLDECLDOCUMENTBASEOVERRIDEXML_DEBUG_CATALOGfile:///etc/xml/catalogXML_CATALOG_FILESFound %s in file hash %s not found in file hash Failed to parse catalog %s %d Parsing catalog %s %s added to file hash Using rewriting rule %s Trying system delegate %s Found public match %s Trying public delegate %s Public URN ID expanded to %s System URN ID expanded to %s Found URI match %s Trying URI delegate %s URN ID %s expanded to NULL Resolve sysID %s Resolve pubID %s Resolve: pubID %s sysID %s Resolve URI %s Adding element %s to catalog Catalogs cleanup Disabling catalog usage Allowing all catalogs Adding document catalog %s Local Resolve: pubID %s Local Resolve: sysID %s 20907xmlGetGlobalState: out of memory Invalid parameter : %s Internal error : %s freeing contextadding namespace to stackadding node to stackwriting namespaces xmlns: xmlns=writing attributesnormalizing attributes axisprocessing nodeNode %s is invalid here : %s processing node listparsing namespace urisaving namespaces stack#defaultprocessing namespaces axisshifting namespaces stackprocessing attributes axiscreating attributes listprocessing xml:base attributeprocessing childrens listrestoring namespaces stacknormalizing text node <?normalizing pi node?>
<!--normalizing comment node--> XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODEXML_NAMESPACE_DECLXML_ENTITY_REF_NODEXML_ENTITY_NODEexecuting c14ncreating contextcreating namespaces stackprocessing docs children listflushing output bufferdumping doc to memorysaving doc to output buffercoping canonicanized documentsaving doccreating temporary filenamesearching namespaces stack (c14n)searching namespaces stack (exc c14n)Relative namespace UR is invalid here : %s checking for relative namespacesprocessing namespaces axis (c14n)creating namespaces list (c14n)processing namespaces axis (exc c14n)creating namespaces list (exc c14n)processing xml:base attribute - can't get attr valueprocessing xml:base attribute - can't modify uriprocessing xml:base attribute - can't construct uriprocessing xml:base attribute - can't construct attributeUnknown node type %d found : %s invalid mode for executing c14nxmlC14NExecute: output buffer encoder != NULL but C14N requires UTF8 output xmlC14NNewCtx: source document not in UTF8 xmlC14NNewCtx: xmlC14NVisibleNsStackCreate failed xmlC14NExecute: unable to create C14N context cannicanize document to bufferP����~��H��p���p���`����������������~������~������~���~���~���~������~���~����������~���~��!���!�����(�����q���h��8~��h��8~��h��8~��8~��8~��8~��H��8~��8~��h��malloc of %ld byte failed
!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������buffer error: text too long Used size too big for xmlBufferAllocated size too big for xmlBufferInput reference outside of the buffer����������������������������������h��H��(����������������h��H��(�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������h��H��(����������������h��H��(����������������h��H��(����������������h��H��(����������������h��H����$��<��T�����T��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������;���D���T���D���D���D���4�������������l������T������D���,����;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���������������������������t���d���T���D������$����������������������|���l���\���������������,����������������������������t���d���;���4���������������������������h��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8����������������� �����������������������p�����������������������������������P��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������l��<�����������T!��,!��!��� ��� ��� ��d ��T���K���K���K���K��L��pL���W��XU��PW��XX��W���W��xW��@U��8W��`Y���V���W��
Wrong escape sequence, misuse of character '\'Expecting the end of a char rangeEnd of range is before start of rangeepsilon transition left at runtime genrate transition: atom == NULLxmlFAParseCharClass: ']' expectedxmlFAParseRegExp: extra charactersadding stateallocating counterfailed to compile: %s add state: state is NULLadd state: target is NULLadding transitionatom push: atom is NULLpushing atomallocating stateallocating atompushing input stringepsilon charval ranges subexpr string anychar anyspace notspace notinitname notnamechar notdecimal notrealchar LETTER_UPPERCASE LETTER_LOWERCASE LETTER_TITLECASE LETTER_MODIFIER LETTER_OTHERS MARK MARK_NONSPACING MARK_SPACECOMBINING MARK_ENCLOSING NUMBER NUMBER_DECIMAL NUMBER_LETTER NUMBER_OTHERS PUNCT PUNCT_CONNECTOR PUNCT_DASH PUNCT_OPEN PUNCT_CLOSE PUNCT_INITQUOTE PUNCT_FINQUOTE PUNCT_OTHERS SEPAR SEPAR_SPACE SEPAR_LINE SEPAR_PARA SYMBOL SYMBOL_MATH SYMBOL_CURRENCY SYMBOL_MODIFIER SYMBOL_OTHERS OTHER OTHER_CONTROL OTHER_FORMAT OTHER_PRIVATE OTHER_NA BLOCK saving regexp../xmlregexp.cforbidden{%d}{%d,inf}{%d,%d}Error in tree exec save: allocation failedadd range: atom is NULLadd range: atom is not rangesadding rangesIsXXXX expectedUnknown char propertyEscaped sequence: expecting \Expecting '{'Expecting '}'Expecting ']'Expecting a char rangeInvalid escape valuecharClassExpr: ']' expectedTODO: XML_REGEXP_STRINGcopying atomexpecting a branch after |xmlFAParseAtom: expecting ')'Improper quantifierUnterminated quantifierinternal: no atom generatedcreating execution context regexp: %d atoms: %d states: %02d atom: not once ? * + range onceonly all %d-%d char %c %d entries range: negative %c - %c start %d end %d %d counters: state: START FINAL %d, %d transitions: trans: removed last not determinist, counted %d, all transition, count based %d, epsilon to %d char %c atom %d, to %d %d: min %d max %d running regexpcompiling regexpnot %sunbalanced '(' : %s simple type definitionNot a schema componentcomplex type definitionelement declarationattribute useattribute declarationmodel group definitionattribute group definitionnotation declarationmodel group (sequence)model group (choice)model group (all)particleunique identity-constraintkey identity-constraintkeyref identity-constraintwildcard (any)maxExclusivemaxInclusiveminExclusiveminInclusivewhiteSpaceenumerationmaxLengthminLengthtotalDigitsfractionDigitsInternal Errorallocating new item listgrowing item list{MISSING particle term ELEM '%s'SEQUENCECHOICEALLUNKNOWN min: %d max: unbounded max: %d##Element '', ../xmlschemas.callocating attributeallocating redefinition infoallocating typeallocating particle componentadding wildcard Annot: %s Annot: empty Type: NULL Type: (no name) ns '%s' [basic] [simple] [complex] [sequence] [choice] [all] [ur] [restriction] [extension] [unknown type %d] content: [unknown] [empty] [element] [mixed] [any] base type: '%s' ns '%s' attributes: [prohibition] [reference] [use] (global)ns '%s' props: [fixed] [default] [abstract] [nillable] value: '%s' type: '%s' substitutionGroup: '%s' unqualifiedallocating schema#allextensionrestrictionsubstitutionunion Expected is one of ( Expected is ( ##other{*}{##other: ). Element '%s': '%s' is not a valid value of the local the atomic typelist typeunion type'.The value '%s' is not valid. Expected is 'minOccursmaxOccursskiplaxstrictinvalid process contentsatomic type 'xs:list type 'xs:union type 'xs:simple type 'xs:simple typecomplex typeattribute use (unknown)attribute decl.element decl.unique 'key 'keyRef 'facet 'model group def., attribute 'substitutionGroup%s, attribute '%s': %s. %s: %s. The definition is circular' has to be greater than less than or equal to' of the base typeInternal error: %s, xmlSchemaLookupNamespacexmlSchemaValidateNotationxmlSchemaGetFreshElemInfoallocating an element infoattr info not clearedxmlSchemaGetFreshAttrInfocreating new attribute info'] xmlSchemaFormatFacetEnumSet, 'xmlSchemaValidateFacetsxmlSchemaVCheckCVCSimpleTypecalling xmlValidateQName()xmlSchemaValidateQNamexmlSchemaFormatIDCKeySequence???]xmlSchemaAddComponentsparticle is NULLxmlSchemaBuildAContentModelxmlSchemaIDCAddStateObjectcalling xmlStreamPush()xmlSchemaXPathEvaluatecalling xmlStreamPop()xmlSchemaXPathProcessHistoryallocating a IDC keyxmlSchemaValidatorPopElemMissing child element(s)xmlSchemaCheckCOSValidDefaultcalling xmlNewText()calling xmlSchemaVPushText()elem pop mismatchxmlSchemaPushAttributenilschemaLocationnoNamespaceSchemaLocationxmlSchemaPValAttrNodeValueallocating annotationappinfosourcedocumentation(appinfo | documentation)*xs:nonNegativeInteger(annotation?)allocating a namespace arrayA child element is missingselectorfieldprocessContents(strict | skip | lax)##any##targetNamespace##localsimpleTypechoicesequenceallocating facetFacet %s has no value Unknown facet type %s fixedallocating a facet linkanyAttributefinalitemType(annotation?, simpleType?)memberTypes(annotation?, simpleType*)(qualified | unqualified)optionalprohibitedattributeGroupallocating attribute groupmixedabstractsimpleContentcomplexContentnillablecomplexTypeuniquekeyrefallocating element(0 | 1)adding groupin_memory_bufferallocating schema relationxmlSchemaAddSchemaDocno main schema on constructorxmlSchemaBucketCreateallocating schema bucketSchemas: NULL Schemas: no name, no target namespacexmlSchemaCreatePCtxtOnVCtxtallocating validation contextpositiveIntegerxmlSchemaCheckFacetvalue was not computedvalidating facet valuereplacecollapsemissing baseTypeallocating a type linkNo base type existentThe variety is absentxmlSchemaCheckCOSSTRestrictsNo facets allowedan error occurredfailed to get primitive typexmlSchemaFixupComplexTypeno base typefailed to expand attributesDuplicate %sxmlSchemaTypeFixupredefinedxmlSchemaElemCheckValConstrxmlSchemaSubstGroupAddreparsing a schema docxmlSchemaParseNewDocno constructorelementFormDefaultattributeFormDefaultfinalDefaultblockDefaultimportredefineNotation has no name add annotationAn internal error occurredxmlSchemaParsein skip-statexmlSchemaValidateElemno parser context availablexmlSchemaAssembleByLocationassembling schemataxmlSchemaAssembleByXSIxmlSchemaValidateChildElemThis element is not expectedxmlSchemaValidateElemWildcardThe type definition is absentxmlSchemaValidateElemDeclThe element is not 'nillable'xmlSchemaIDCRegisterMatchersallocating an IDC matcherxmlSchemaVAttributesComplexcalling xmlSchemaCopyValue()calling xmlNewProp()p%dcalling attributes validationxmlSchemaValidatorPushElemxmlSchemaDocWalkxmlSchemaVDocWalkelement position mismatchno instance to validatexmlSchemaVStart[helper component] QName reference[helper component] attribute use prohibitionhttp://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchemaInternal error: xmlSchemaBuildContentModelForSubstGroup, declaration is marked having a subst. group but none available. allocating an item list structureallocating schema construction contextallocating list of schema bucketsallocating list of pending global componentsallocating schema parser contextallocating model group componentcreating wildcard namespace constraintallocating QName reference itemInternal error: xmlSchemaItemListRemove, index error. xmlSchemaAugmentIDC: allocating an augmented IDC definitionallocating a PSVI IDC binding item%sThe attribute '%s' is not allowed. The attribute '%s' is not allowed. The character content is not a valid value of The character content is not valid.The value '%s' of simple type 'xs:QName' has no corresponding namespace declaration in scopeDuplicate value '%s' of simple type 'xs:ID'The value '%s' of simple type 'xs:ID' is not a valid 'xs:NCName'%s: The attribute '%s' is required but missing. %s, attribute '%s': The QName value '%s' does not resolve to a(n) %s. The value must be greater than or equal to 1The value must not be greater than the value of 'maxOccurs'%s: The content is not valid. Expected is %s. %s: The content is not valid. %s: The attributes '%s' and '%s' are mutually exclusive. Internal error: xmlSchemaAddAnnotation, The item is not a annotated schema componentThe union type definition is circular%s: The facet '%s' is not allowed. References from this schema to components in no namespace are not allowed, since not indicated by an import statementReferences from this schema to components in the namespace '%s' are not allowed, since not indicated by an import statementNeither character nor element content is allowed because the element is 'nilled'Character content is not allowed, because the content type is emptyCharacter content other than whitespace is not allowed because the content type is 'element-only'no node or node's doc avaliablea schema is needed on the validation contextlist type has no item-type assignedxmlSchemaFixupSimpleTypeStageOneunion type has no member-types assignedtype has no base-type assignedinconsistent depth encounteredallocating the element info arrayre-allocating the element info arrayelem info has not been clearedallocating attribute info listre-allocating attribute info listunexpected attr prohibition foundxmlSchemaExpandAttributeGroupRefsThe intersection of the wilcard is not expressible. Skipping pointless attribute use prohibition '%s', since a corresponding attribute use exists already in the type definitionThe value '%s' has a length of '%s'; The value has a length of '%s'; this differs from the allowed length of '%s'. this exceeds the allowed maximum length of '%s'. this underruns the allowed minimum length of '%s'. The value '%s' is not an element of the set {%s}. compute the canonical lexical representationThe value '%s' is not accepted by the pattern '%s'. The value '%s' is less than the minimum value allowed ('%s'). The value '%s' is greater than the maximum value allowed ('%s'). The value '%s' must be greater than '%s'. The value '%s' must be less than '%s'. The value '%s' has more digits than are allowed ('%s'). The value '%s' has more fractional digits than are allowed ('%s'). The value '%s' is not facet-valid. The value is not facet-valid. validating against a atomic type facetvalidating against a list type facetvalidating against an enumeration facetvalidating against a pattern facetcould not get the built-in typeThe QName value '%s' has no corresponding namespace declaration in scopevalidating against a built-in typevalidating facets of atomic simple typevalidating an item of list simple typevalidating facets of list simple typeunion simple type has no member typesvalidating members of union simple typevalidating facets of union simple typefailed to compute a canonical valueUnexpected global component typefailed to create a component hash tableA global %s '%s' does already exist<element> particle has no termfound unexpected term of type '%s' in content modelallocating an IDC state objectfailed to create an XPath validation contextallocating the state object historyre-allocating the state object historyfield resolves to a CT with simple content but the CT is missing the ST definitionThe XPath '%s' of a field of %s does evaluate to a node of non-simple typeWarning: No precomputed value available, the value was either invalid or something strange happendallocating an array of key-sequencesreallocating an array of key-sequencesThe XPath '%s' of a field of %s evaluates to a node-set with more than one memberallocating an IDC key-sequenceallocating the IDC key storage listre-allocating the IDC key storage listDuplicate key-sequence %s in %sallocating an IDC node-table itemallocating the IDC node table item listre-allocating the IDC node table item listThe state object to be removed is not the first in the listNot all fields of %s evaluate to a nodefailed to create a regex contextcalling xmlSchemaVCheckCVCSimpleType()For a string to be a valid default, the type definition must be a simple type or a complex type with simple content or mixed content and a particle emptiablecalling xmlSchemaCheckCOSValidDefault()The content must not containt element nodes since there is a fixed value constraintThe initial value '%s' does not match the fixed value constraint '%s'The actual value '%s' does not match the fixed value constraint '%s'allocating an array of IDC node-table itemsre-allocating an array of IDC node-table itemsNo match found for key-sequence %s of keyref '%s'More than one match found for key-sequence %s of keyref '%s'allocating IDC list of node-table itemsre-allocating IDC list of node-table itemsxmlSchemaSAXHandleCDataSectionxmlSchemaSAXHandleEndElementNscalling xmlSchemaValidatorPopElem()calling xmlSchemaGetFreshAttrInfo()http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instancethe given type is not a built-in typevalidation using the given type is not supported while parsing a schemafailed to validate a schema attribute valueInternal error: xmlSchemaPValAttr, the given type '%s' is not a built-in type. (xs:nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)allocating a 'selector' of an identity-constraint definitionThe XPath expression of the selector is not validInternal error: xmlSchemaParseIDCSelectorAndField, validating the XPath expression of a IDC selector. The XPath expression '%s' could not be compiledallocating an identity-constraint definition(annotation?, (selector, field+))((##any | ##other) | List of (xs:anyURI | (##targetNamespace | ##local)))This is a redefinition, but the QName value '%s' of the 'base' attribute does not match the type's designation '%s'The attribute 'base' and the <simpleType> child are mutually exclusiveEither the attribute 'base' or a <simpleType> child must be presentFacet %s has unexpected child content annotation?, (group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))(annotation?, (simpleType?, (minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive | totalDigits | fractionDigits | length | minLength | maxLength | enumeration | whiteSpace | pattern)*)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))(annotation?, (simpleType?, (minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive | totalDigits | fractionDigits | length | minLength | maxLength | enumeration | whiteSpace | pattern)*))Redefinition of built-in simple types is not supported(#all | List of (list | union | restriction)(annotation?, (restriction | list | union))The attribute 'itemType' and the <simpleType> child are mutually exclusiveEither the attribute 'itemType' or the <simpleType> child must be presentxmlSchemaParseUnion, allocating a type linkEither the attribute 'memberTypes' or at least one <simpleType> child must be presentThis is a redefinition, thus the <simpleType> must have a <restriction> child(optional | prohibited | required)The value of the attribute 'use' must be 'optional' if the attribute 'default' is presentThe target namespace must not match '%s'The value of the attribute must not match 'xmlns'Skipping attribute use prohibition, since it is pointless inside an <attributeGroup>Skipping attribute use prohibition, since it is pointless when extending a typeSkipping duplicate attribute use prohibition '%s'allocating attribute use prohibitionThe attribute 'type' and the <simpleType> child are mutually exclusiveThe redefining attribute group definition '%s' must not contain more than one reference to the redefined definition(annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))(#all | List of (extension | restriction))(#all | List of (extension | restriction)) (annotation?, (restriction | extension))(annotation?, (simpleContent | complexContent | ((group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))))This is a redefinition, thus the <complexType> must have a <restriction> or <extension> grand-childOnly the attributes 'minOccurs', 'maxOccurs' and 'id' are allowed in addition to 'ref'(#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution))The attribute 'type' and the <complexType> child are mutually exclusive(annotation?, ((simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*))Invalid value for minOccurs (must be 0 or 1)Invalid value for maxOccurs (must be 0 or 1)The redefining model group definition '%s' must not contain more than one reference to the redefined definitionThe redefining model group definition '%s' must not contain a reference to the redefined definition with a maxOccurs/minOccurs other than 1(annotation?, (annotation?, element*)(annotation?, (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)(annotation?, ((group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)))(annotation?, (all | choice | sequence)?)Internal error: xmlSchemaComponentListFree, unexpected component type '%s' The schema must not import/include/redefine itselfThe schema document '%s' cannot be imported, since it was already included or redefinedThe schema document '%s' cannot be included or redefined, since it was already importedSkipping import of schema located at '%s' for the namespace '%s', since this namespace was already imported with the schema located at '%s'trying to load a schema doc, but a doc is already assigned to the schema bucketxmlSchemaGetDoc, allocating a parser contextFailed to parse the XML resource '%s'No information for parsing was provided with the given schema parser context. The document '%s' has no document elementThe XML document '%s' is not a schema documentfirst bucket but it's an include or redefinemain bucket but it's not the first onefailed to add the schema bucket to the hashfailed to create a temp. parser contexta type user derived type has no base typeInternal error: xmlSchemaCheckFacet, failed to validate the value '%s' of the facet '%s' against the base typeThe value '%s' of the facet does not validate against the base type '%s'The value '%s' of the facet 'pattern' is not a valid regular expressionThe value '%s' of the facet '%s' is not a valid '%s'The value '%s' of the facet 'whitespace' is not validxmlSchemaFixupSimpleTypeStageTwoThe base type '%s' is not a simple typeA type, derived by list or union, must have the simple ur-type definition as base type, not '%s'The 'final' of its base type '%s' must not contain 'restriction'given type is not a user-derived simpleTypeThe base type '%s' is not an atomic simple type%s: The facet '%s' is not allowed on types derived from the type %s. failed to evaluate the item typeThe item type '%s' does not have a variety of atomic or unionThe item type is a union type, but the member type '%s' of this item type is not atomicThe final of its item type '%s' must not contain 'list'The base type '%s' must be a list typeThe 'final' of the base type '%s' must not contain 'restriction'failed to eval the item type of a base typeThe item type '%s' is not validly derived from the item type '%s' of the base type '%s'The member type '%s' is neither an atomic, nor a list typeThe 'final' of member type '%s' contains 'union'The base type '%s' is not a union typedifferent number of member types in baseThe member type %s is not validly derived from its corresponding member type %s of the base type %sInternal error: xmlSchemaCreateVCtxtOnPCtxt, failed to create a temp. validation context. It is an error for both 'length' and either of 'minLength' or 'maxLength' to be specified on the same type definitionIt is an error for both '%s' and '%s' to be specified on the same type definitionThe base type's facet is 'fixed', thus the value must not differThe 'whitespace' value has to be equal to or stronger than the 'whitespace' value of the base typederiving facets, creating a facet linkxmlSchemaDeriveAndValidateFacetsIf using <complexContent>, the base type is expected to be a complex type. The base type '%s' is a simple typeIf using <simpleContent> and <restriction>, the base type must be a complex type. The base type '%s' is a simple typeInternal error: xmlSchemaCheckSRCCT, '%s', base type has no content typeA <simpleType> is expected among the children of <restriction>, if <simpleContent> is used and the base type '%s' is a complex typeIf <simpleContent> and <restriction> is used, the base type must be a simple type or a complex type with mixed content and particle emptiable. The base type '%s' is none of thoseIf <simpleContent> and <extension> is used, the base type must be a simple type. The base type '%s' is a complex typeInternal error: xmlSchemaTypeFixup, complex type '%s': the <simpleContent><restriction> is missing a <simpleType> child, but was not catched by xmlSchemaCheckSRCCT()Internal error: xmlSchemaTypeFixup, complex type '%s': the <extension>ed base type is a complex type with no simple content typeInternal error: xmlSchemaTypeFixup, complex type '%s' with <simpleContent>: unhandled derivation caseThe type has an 'all' model group in its {content type} and thus cannot be derived from a non-empty type, since this would produce a 'sequence' model group containing the 'all' model group; 'all' model groups are not allowed to appear inside other model groupsA type cannot be derived by extension from a type which has an 'all' model group in its {content type}, since this would produce a 'sequence' model group containing the 'all' model group; 'all' model groups are not allowed to appear inside other model groupsxmlSchemaFixupTypeAttributeUsesThe union of the wilcard is not expressible. If the base type is a simple type, the derivation method must be 'extension'There must not exist more than one attribute declaration of type 'xs:ID' (or derived from 'xs:ID'). The %s violates this constraintThe 'final' of the base type definition contains 'extension'The content type must specify a particleThe content type of both, the type and its base type, must either 'mixed' or 'element-only'The content type must be the simple base typeThe base type must be a complex typeThe 'final' of the base type definition contains 'restriction'The {content type} %s is not validly derived from the base type's {content type} %sThe content type of the base type must be either a simple type or 'mixed' and an emptiable particleThe content type of the base type must be either empty or 'mixed' (or 'elements-only') and an emptiable particleIf the content type is 'mixed', then the content type of the base type must also be 'mixed'The type is not a valid restriction of its base typethis function needs a parser contextThe 'optional' attribute use is inconsistent with the corresponding 'required' attribute use of the %s %sThe attribute declaration's %s is not validly derived from the corresponding %s of the attribute declaration in the %s %sThe effective value constraint of the attribute use is inconsistent with its correspondent in the %s %sNeither a matching attribute use, nor a matching wildcard exists in the %s %sA matching attribute use for the 'required' %s of the %s %s is missingThe %s has an attribute wildcard, but the %s %s '%s' does not have oneThe attribute wildcard is not a valid subset of the wildcard in the %s %s '%s'The {process contents} of the attribute wildcard is weaker than the one in the %s %s '%s'Only global element declarations can have a substitution group affiliationThe element declaration '%s' defines a circular substitution group to element declaration '%s'The type definition '%s' was either rejected by the substitution group affiliation '%s', or not validly derived from its type definition '%s'The type definition (or type definition's content type) is or is derived from ID; value constraints are not allowed in conjunction with such a type definitionFor a string to be a valid default, the type definition must be a simple type or a complex type with mixed content and a particle emptiablexmlSchemaParseCheckCOSValidDefaultfailed to validate the value constraint of an element declarationallocating a substitution group containerfailed to add a new substitution containercalling xmlSchemaQNameExpand() to validate the attribute 'xsi:type'xmlSchemaValidateElementByDeclarationThe QName value '%s' of the xsi:type attribute does not resolve to a type definitionThe type definition '%s', specified by xsi:type, is blocked or not validly derived from the type definition of the element declarationThe %s '%s' to be redefined could not be found in the redefined schemaUnexpected redefined component typexmlSchemaResolveRedefReferencesThe referenced %s was already redefined. Multiple redefinition of the same component is not supportedThe particle's {max occurs} must be 1, since the reference resolves to an 'all' model groupA model group definition is referenced, but it contains an 'all' model group, which cannot be contained by model groupsThe keyref references a keyrefThe cardinality of the keyref differs from the cardinality of the referenced key/unique '%s'Circular reference to the model group definition '%s' definedCircular reference to the attribute group '%s' definedxmlSchemaCheckAttrPropsCorrectThe value of the value constraint is not validThe attribute declaration has a 'fixed' value constraint , thus the attribute use must also have a 'fixed' value constraintxmlSchemaCheckAttrUsePropsCorrectThe 'fixed' value constraint of the attribute use must match the attribute declaration's value constraint '%s'Cannot create automata for complex type %s Failed to compile the content modelThe content model is not deterministValue constraints are not allowed if the type definition is or is derived from xs:IDparsing a schema doc, but there's no doccould not build an URI from the schemaLocationxmlSchemaParseIncludeOrRedefineThe schema document '%s' cannot redefine itself.The schema document '%s' cannot include itself.Failed to load the document '%s' for inclusionFailed to load the document '%s' for redefinitionThe target namespace of the included/redefined schema '%s' has to be absent, since the including/redefining schema has no target namespaceThe target namespace '%s' of the included/redefined schema '%s' differs from '%s' of the including/redefining schema(annotation | (simpleType | complexType | group | attributeGroup))*(#all | List of (extension | restriction | list | union))The value of the attribute 'namespace' must not match the target namespace '%s' of the importing schemaThe attribute 'namespace' must be existent if the importing schema has no target namespaceFailed to locate a schema at location '%s'. Skipping the import((include | import | redefine | annotation)*, (((simpleType | complexType | group | attributeGroup) | element | attribute | notation), annotation*)*)Failed to locate the main schema resource at '%s'Failed to locate the main schema resourceThe value must consist of tuples: the target namespace name and the document's URIThe document at location '%s' could not be acquiredNeither character nor element content is allowed, because the element was 'nilled'calling xmlSchemaProcessXSIType() to process the attribute 'xsi:nil'Element content is not allowed, because the content type is emptytype has elem content but no content modelvalidating elem, but elem content is already invalidcalling xmlRegExecPushString2()Element content is not allowed, because the content type is a simple type definitionElement content is not allowed, because the type definition is simplecalling xmlSchemaStreamValidateChildElement()the child element was valid but neither the declaration nor the type was setNo matching global declaration available for the validation rootNo matching global element declaration available, but demanded by the strict wildcardcalling xmlSchemaValidateElemWildcard()The element declaration is abstractcalling xmlSchemaVCheckCVCSimpleType() to validate the attribute 'xsi:nil'The element cannot be 'nilled' because there is a fixed value constraint defined for itcalling xmlSchemaProcessXSIType() to process the attribute 'xsi:type'The chain of IDC matchers is expected to be emptycalling xmlSchemaValidateElemDecl()The type definition is abstractcalling xmlSchemaXPathEvaluate()default/fixed value on an attribute use was not precomputedcould not compute a ns prefix for a default/fixed attributecalling xmlSchemaStreamValidateSimpleTypeValue()The attribute '%s' is required but missingThe value '%s' does not match the fixed value constraint '%s'No matching global attribute declaration available, but demanded by the strict wildcardCould not find an augmented IDC item for an IDC definitionThe document has no document elementcalling xmlSchemaGetFreshElemInfo()calling xmlSchemaValidatorPushAttribute()calling xmlSchemaValidateElem()there is at least one entity reference in the node-tree currently being validated. Processing of entities with this XML Schema processor is not supported (yet). Please substitute entities before validation.calling xmlSchemaValidatorPushElem()xmlSchemaSAXHandleStartElementNsallocating namespace bindings for SAX validationre-allocating namespace bindings for SAX validationallocating string for decoded attributep������������ �0�@�P�`���������@���������������`�������������������������������H���(��'��(��(��$'��D'��d'���'���'��(��(���'���'��d$��l&���&���&��L&��,&���$���$��&����������|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���L���,���̎������,���|���|���|�����������������������������������������������Ȕ����������������������������������p����e���e���e���e��f��f��(e���e��`e��f��f��f���o�� p��p��p���o���o���n���n���n���o���o���n�� x��`x��Px��@x��0x��x��p��p��p��x���w��p�����������������������C ��� ��C ��C �� ��C ��� ��� ��C ��C ��| ��
� ../xmlschemastypes.canyTypeallocating wildcard componentanySimpleTypedecimaldateTimegYeargYearMonthgMonthgMonthDaygDaydurationfloatdoubleanyURIhexBinarybase64BinaryintegernonPositiveIntegernegativeIntegershortbyteunsignedLongunsignedIntunsignedShortunsignedBytenormalizedStringtoken0.0-%lu%lu%lu-%lu%lu-%lu-P%luY%luM%luDT%luH%luM%.14gS%04ld---%02u--%02u-%02u-%04ld-%02u%02u:%02u:%02.14gZ%02u:%02u:%02.14g%04ld:%02u:%02uZ%04ld:%02u:%02u%01.14e%f%lfallocating hexbin dataallocating base64 datacould not initialize basic typescould not create an attribute wildcard on anyType%04ld:%02u:%02uT%02u:%02u:%02.14gZ%04ld:%02u:%02uT%02u:%02u:%02.14g�;��<���;��<���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;��<���;���;���;���;���;���;��<��<���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;��<��<���>��|>��l>��\>��L>��<>��,>��>��>���=���=���=���=���=���=���=���=��|=��l=��\=��L=��<=��,=��=��=���<���<���<���<���<���<���<���<��|<��l<��\<��L<��<<��,<��<��<���;���;���;���;���;���;���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���?���I��4J��4J���K���K���K���K���K���K���K���K���K��tL���M���M��|N��4J��4J��4J���I��4J���N��4J��4J��4J���I��4J���I���N��4J���K���K���K���K���K���K���K���K���K���K���K���K���K���I��J���I��4J���c���Z���_��(^���]��x]��(]���\���\��(\��c���b��(`���_���[���[��(Z��(Z��(Z���c��(Z��`[��(Z��(Z��(Z���c��(Z���c��(Z��(Z���Z���Z���Z���Z���Z���Z���Z���Z���Z���Z���Z���Z���Z��HZ��HZ��4j���|���x���|���r���r���r���r���r���r���r���r���s���j���j��l��Dj��Th���|���i��Lm���m���n��o���o���p���p��Tq���q���v���w���w���w���w���w���u���y���u���y���u���y���u���y��tg��y��m��m��xi���{���w���y���q���q���q���q���q���q���q���q���r���i���i��`k���i���g��H{���h���l��8m���m��Hn��o���o��p���p���p���u���v���v���v���v���v��u��0y��u��0y��u��0y��u��0y���f��Hx��Xl��Xl��h���|��u|��m|��e|��e|��e|��e|��e|��e|��e|��e|��]|��U|��U|��M|��E|���f��}|��=|��5|��-|��%|��|��|���{���{���{���{���{���{���{���{���{���{���{���{���{���{���{���{���{���{�� |��|���{���{�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ؒ������������������������ؒ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ԓ��ԓ��4�������T���d���d���d���;Yx����/N>\{����2Q<[y����1O;Zx����0NN@(@8@�@��@���C �@ ���� ( ) / / _ _ 007?����&�*�d�j�l��������������V������������������ � pp����446688������@@��!!!!! !!!!!!#!%!%!'!'!)!)!.!.!2!2!:!;!J!J!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!####"#(#+#{#}#�#�#�#$&$@$J$�$�$%�%�%�%�%�%&&&n&p&}&�&�&�&�&''' '''')'K'M'M'O'R'V'V'X'^'a'g'�'�'�'�'�'�'(�(+ +�.�.�.�./�/�/�/0000 0 06070>0?0�1�1�1�122*2C2P2P2`2}222�2�2�2�23�3�M�M��Ƥ���������������������������5�5�O�O�o�o�������������++<>||~~����������D D R R z | � � @!D!K!K!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�"## #!#|#|#�#�#�%�%�%�%�%�%o&o&�'�'�'�')�)�)�)�)�)�)�*)�)�b�b�d�f�����\�\�^�^�����^^``����������������tu���������������0�0>�>�@�@���$$��� � � � ��??��� � ����i�i�������7?����&�*�d�j�l��������������V���������������5�5�O�O�o�o�������������$$++<>^^``||~~������������������������tu����������� � � � � � pp��??446688��������@@��������������D D R R z | � � � � !!!!! !!!!!!#!%!%!'!'!)!)!.!.!2!2!:!;!@!D!J!K!�!(#+#�#�#�#$&$@$J$�$�$%&&}&�&�&�&�&''' '''')'K'M'M'O'R'V'V'X'^'a'g'�'�'�'�'�'�'�'�'�'�)�)�)�)�)�) +�.�.�.�./�/�/�/0000 0 06070>0?0�0�0�1�1�1�122*2C2P2P2`2}222�2�2�2�23�3�M�M��Ƥ)�)�����b�b�d�f�i�i�������>�>�@�@�\�\�^�^��������(([[{{::<<�� E E } } � � )#)#�#�#h'h'j'j'l'l'n'n'p'p'r'r't't'�'�'�'�'�'�'�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)00 0 00000000000000000>�>�5�5�7�7�9�9�;�;�=�=�?�?�A�A�C�C�G�G�Y�Y�[�[�]�]���;�;�[�[�_�_�b�b���!#%'**,,./:;?@\\������~~��Z_���������� jm�� d e p p � � OOZ[��JO��ahmn��56���� DE ' 0 8 ; > A C G Q S S W W �#�#00=0=00�0�E�F�I�L�P�R�T�W�_�a�h�h�j�k����� � �������� �<�<�a�a�d�d�))]]}};;==��F F ~ ~ � � *#*#�#�#i'i'k'k'm'm'o'o'q'q's's'u'u'�'�'�'�'�'�'�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�)�) 0 000 0 000000000000000?�?�6�6�8�8�:�:�<�<�>�>�@�@�B�B�D�D�H�H�Z�Z�\�\�^�^� � �=�=�]�]�`�`�c�c�--�� 000000�0�01�2�X�X�c�c� � ���!#%*,/:;?@[]__{{}}����������~~��Z_���������� jm�� d e p p � � OOZ[:=��JO��ahmn����56���� DE ' 0 C E Q S T W W } ~ � � )#*#�#�#h'u'�'�'�)�)�)�)�)�)0000000000=0=0�0�0�0�0>�?�0�R�T�a�c�c�h�h�j�k���� ������ �;�=�?�?�[�[�]�]�_�e�3 #������� � ��*3r|��p p t y � � S!_!`$�$�$�$v'�'�1�1 2)2Q2_2�2�2�2�2������09`i��f o � � f o � � fo��fo��f o PY�� )@Iiq��FO��3 #JJ������09������`i��f o � � � � f o � � fo��fo��f o PY�� 3@Ii|������FOp p t y � � S!�!`$�$�$�$v'�'00!0)080:0�1�1 2)2Q2_2�2�2�2�2��g�i�{������������W]o��������������KXpp��������0J�� < < A H M M Q T b c � � � � � � � � � �
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Expand failed !../xmlreader.c#text#cdata-section#comment#document#document-fragmentxmlNewTextReader : malloc failed xmlTextReaderSetup : malloc failed l����������ܬ�����������������̬��4���<���L���\���4���<���������������������������4���t���̭��̭��4���D���������d������T��������t���t���t������t���t����$���l���l����������������������,������̯�����,������$���$���$���L���$���$���,���t���������4���������������������������������������������������������������\�\���4�������������t�\�D����,�����������������������t�\�D�,�����t�\�D�,������������������������d�������|�������|���4�����l���������$����������L����������������������D���D���d������D���D���D���D���D���D���D���D���D���L���|����������D���D���,���������1����������������������a���U���I���=���1���%������ �����������m���y�����$��$��$��$��$��$��$��$��$��$��4��4��4��4��4��4��4��4��4��$��4���]���_��^���\���_��L^���_���[��|^���_���_��<_���_��<_��l_���\���\��d]���_���l���i��pg���i��/g��j��~j���i���j��'k��k���k���l���l���l���k���g���g���l���k��l���l��`���������������������������Ч����������(�����������������������������������������������../relaxng.callocating states storing states validating allocating define failed to validate type %s ID %s redefined failed to compare type %s Internal error: no state Internal error: no define Internal error: %s Extra data in list: %s Expecting element %s, got %s Error validating datatype %s Error validating value %s Error validating list No top grammar defined Extra data in the document Unknown error ! Unknown error code %d <empty/> <notAllowed/> <text/> <element> <name ns="%s">%s</name> </element> <list> </list> <oneOrMore> </oneOrMore> <zeroOrMore> </zeroOrMore> <choice> </choice> <group> </group> <interleave> </interleave> <optional> </optional> <attribute> </attribute> <define name="%s"</define> <ref</ref> <parentRef</parentRef> <externalRef></externalRef> interleavenotAllowedexceptdatatypedefexternalRefzeroOrMoreoneOrMoreadding states getting element list Error refs definitions '%s' Error refs definitions pushing error building group nullbuilding choice combineinterleave%dxmlRelaxNGParse: %s is empty datatypeLibraryUnknown attribute %s on %s adding document allocating include Failed to load include %s nsNameanyNameExpecting an except node except has no content nothingname '%s' is not an NCName http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlnsnsName has no ns attribute Element choice is empty :/#?adding types library in interleave computation nonameNULL definition listempty: had a child node text: had a child node Element %s is empty ref has no name ref is not empty data has no type param has no name parentRef has no name parentRef is not empty Mixed is empty start has no children element empty is not empty start more than one children grammar has no children define has no name define has no children Include node has no data Include document is empty create interleaves Element interleave is empty building parser schemasRelaxNG: no document RelaxNG has no top grammar <grammar combine="choice" combine="interleave"<start> </start> </grammar> TODO building context Detected a cycle in %s references Type %s doesn't allow value '%s' Internal: interleave block has no data Invalid sequence in interleave Extra element %s in interleave Expecting a namespace for element %s Element %s has wrong namespace: expecting %s Did not expect element %s there Did not expect text in element %s content Expecting no namespace for element %s Expecting element %s to be empty Expecting an element %s, got nothing Expecting an element got text Element %s failed to validate attributes Element %s failed to validate content Element %s has extra content: %s Invalid attribute %s for element %s Datatype element %s contains no data Datatype element %s has child elements Value element %s has child elements List element %s has child elements RNG internal error trying to compile %s Internal error: no grammar in CheckReference %s Internal error: reference has content in CheckReference %s Reference %s has no matching definition Attributes conflicts in group Found forbidden pattern data/except//ref Internal found no define for parent refs Internal found no define for ref %s Found forbidden pattern data/except//element(ref) Found forbidden pattern list//element(ref) Found forbidden pattern attribute//element(ref) Element %s attributes have a content type error Element %s has a content type error Found forbidden pattern attribute//attribute Found forbidden pattern list//attribute Found forbidden pattern oneOrMore//group//attribute Found forbidden pattern oneOrMore//interleave//attribute Found forbidden pattern data/except//attribute Found forbidden pattern start//attribute Found anyName attribute without oneOrMore ancestor Found nsName attribute without oneOrMore ancestor Found forbidden pattern data/except//oneOrMore Found forbidden pattern start//oneOrMore Found forbidden pattern list//list Found forbidden pattern data/except//list Found forbidden pattern start//list Found forbidden pattern data/except//group Found forbidden pattern start//group Found forbidden pattern list//interleave Found forbidden pattern data/except//interleave Found forbidden pattern start//interleave Found forbidden pattern start//data Found forbidden pattern start//value Found forbidden pattern list//text Found forbidden pattern data/except//text Found forbidden pattern start//text Found forbidden pattern data/except//empty Found forbidden pattern start//empty http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0Defines for %s use both 'choice' and 'interleave' Defines for %s use unknown combine value '%s'' Some defines for %s needs the combine attribute Failed to create interleaves hash table Failed to add %s to hash table element %s doesn't allow foreign elements Attribute %s is not allowed on %s Attribute %s contains invalid URI %s Attribute %s URI %s is not absolute Attribute %s URI %s has a fragment ID Incorrect URI for externalRef %s Fragment forbidden in URI for externalRef %s Detected an externalRef recursion for %s xmlRelaxNG: could not load %s xmlRelaxNG: allocate memory for doc %s Failed to load externalRef %s xmlRelaxNGParse: include has no href attribute Failed to compute URL for include %s Detected an Include recursion for %s xmlRelaxNG: included document is empty %s xmlRelaxNG: included document %s root is not a grammar xmlRelaxNG: include %s has a start but not the included grammar xmlRelaxNG: include %s has define without name xmlRelaxNG: include %s has a define %s but not the included grammar Failed to create a name %s element xmlRelaxNGParse: no namespace for prefix %s Found nsName/except//nsName forbidden construct Found anyName/except//anyName forbidden construct Found nsName/except//anyName forbidden construct xmlRelaxNGParse: externalRef has no href attribute Failed to compute URL for externalRef %s exceptNameClass allows only a single except node Element %s name '%s' is not an NCName Attribute with namespace '%s' is not allowed Attribute with QName 'xmlns' is not allowed expecting name, anyName, nsName or choice : got %s Relax-NG types library '%s' already registered Relax-NG types library failed to register '%s' Element or text conflicts in interleave Attributes conflicts in interleave callback on %s missing context callback on %s missing define callback on %s define is not element xmlRelaxNGParseattribute: attribute has no children attribute has invalid content RNG Internal error, noop found in attribute attribute has multiple children ref name '%s' is not an NCName Could not create references hash data type '%s' is not an NCName Use of unregistered type library '%s' Internal error with type library '%s': no 'have' Error type '%s' is not exported by type library '%s' http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypesType library '%s' does not allow type parameters Element data has unexpected content %s value type '%s' is not an NCName Expecting a single text value for <value>content Element <value> has no content Value '%s' is not acceptable for type '%s' xmlRelaxNGParse: notAllowed element is not empty Use of parentRef without a parent grammar parentRef name '%s' is not an NCName Internal error parentRef definitions '%s' Unexpected node %s is not a pattern xmlRelaxNGParseElement: element has no children xmlRelaxNGParseElement: element has no content RNG Internal error, start found in element RNG Internal error, param found in element RNG Internal error, except found in element RNG Internal error, noop found in element element notAllowed is not empty define name '%s' is not an NCName Could not create definition hash Internal error on define aggregation of %s Include document root is not a grammar grammar has unexpected child %s Element <grammar> has no <start> Internal error: start element not found <start> use both 'choice' and 'interleave' <start> uses unknown combine value '%s'' Some <start> element miss the combine attribute Failed to allocate sh table for Relax-NG types xmlRelaxNGParse: could not load %s xmlRelaxNGParse: could not parse schemas xmlRelaxNGParse: nothing to parse RelaxNG empty or failed to compile xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0" <!-- invalid combine value --> <!-- grammar had no start -->����������������������������{���t���m���f���D���;���4���-���&������������ ��������������ȩ��Щ��ة��������������������xmlSAX2StartDocumentxmlSAX2StartElementxmlns: %s not a valid URI xmlns:%s: %s not a valid URI Attribute %s in %s redefined xml:idxmlSAX2CharactersxmlSAX2TextNodexmlSAX2AttributeNsxmlSAX2StartElementNsxmlSAX2InternalSubsetxmlSAX2ExternalSubsetFailure to process entity %s invalid namespace declaration '%s' Avoid attribute ending with ':' like '%s' Empty namespace name for prefix %s Namespace prefix %s of attribute %s is not defined xml:id : attribute value %s is not an NCName Validation failed: no DTD found !Namespace prefix %s is not defined Namespace prefix %s was not found Namespace default prefix was not found xmlSAX2Characters: xmlStrdup returned NULLxmlSAX2Characters: huge text nodexmlSAX2Characters overflow preventedSAX.xmlSAX2NotationDecl(%s) externalID or PublicID missing SAX.xmlSAX2NotationDecl(%s) called while not in subset SAX.xmlSAX2ElementDecl(%s) called while not in subset xml:id : attribute type should be ID SAX.xmlSAX2AttributeDecl(%s) called while not in subset Entity(%s) already defined in the internal subset Entity(%s) already defined in the external subset SAX.xmlSAX2UnparsedEntityDecl(%s) called while not in subset SAX.xmlSAX2EntityDecl(%s) called while not in subset Entity(%s) document marked standalone but requires external subset SAX.startDocument(): out of memory xmlTextWriterVSprintf : out of memory! xmlTextWriterWriteDocCallback : XML error %d ! xmlNewTextWriter : out of memory! xmlNewTextWriterFilename : cannot open uri xmlNewTextWriterFilename : out of memory! xmlNewTextWriterMemory : out of memory! xmlNewTextWriterPushParser : invalid context! xmlNewTextWriterPushParser : error at xmlOutputBufferCreateIO! xmlNewTextWriterPushParser : error at xmlNewTextWriter! xmlNewTextWriterDoc : error at xmlCreatePushParserCtxt! xmlNewTextWriterDoc : error at xmlNewDoc! xmlNewTextWriterDoc : error at xmlNewTextWriterPushParser! xmlNewTextWriterTree : invalid document tree! xmlTextWriterStartDocument : invalid writer! xmlTextWriterStartDocument : not allowed in this context! xmlTextWriterStartDocument : out of memory! xmlTextWriterEndComment : invalid writer! xmlTextWriterEndComment : not allowed in this context! xmlTextWriterStartAttributeNS : out of memory! xmlTextWriterStartComment : invalid writer! xmlTextWriterStartElement : out of memory! xmlTextWriterStartElementNS : out of memory! xmlTextWriterWriteRawLen : invalid writer! xmlTextWriterWriteRawLen : invalid content! xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatComment : invalid writer! xmlTextWriterStartPI : target name [Xx][Mm][Ll] is reserved for xml standardization! xmlTextWriterStartPI : nested PI! xmlTextWriterStartPI : out of memory! xmlTextWriterStartCDATA : CDATA not allowed in this context! xmlTextWriterStartCDATA : out of memory! xmlTextWriterStartDTD : DTD allowed only in prolog! xmlTextWriterStartDTD : out of memory! xmlTextWriterStartDTD : system identifier needed! xmlTextWriterStartDTDElement : out of memory! xmlTextWriterStartDTDAttlist : out of memory! xmlTextWriterEndDocument : invalid writer! xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntityContents: xmlTextWriterPtr invalid! xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntityContents: you must call xmlTextWriterStartDTDEntity before the call to this function! xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntityContents: notation not allowed with parameter entities! xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntityContents: system identifier needed! <?xml version= encoding= standalone= [ SYSTEM��������������������0�����H�����`���������������$��H%���%���$���%���%���%���$��x(���(�� )��x(��x(��x(��)�� 9���8���9���9���9���9���9���9���9��t9��j;��<��<��<��<��<���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;��ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/htmlDecodeEntities() deprecated function reached SAX function hasInternalSubsetSAX function hasExternalSubsetSAX function unparsedEntityDeclSAX function setDocumentLocatorSAX function ignorableWhitespaceSAX function processingInstructionSAX function getParameterEntityxmlDecodeEntities() deprecated function reached xmlNamespaceParseNCName() deprecated function reached xmlNamespaceParseQName() deprecated function reached xmlNamespaceParseNSDef() deprecated function reached xmlParseQuotedString() deprecated function reached xmlParseNamespace() deprecated function reached xmlScanName() deprecated function reached xmlParserHandleReference() deprecated function reached xmlHandleEntity() deprecated function reached xmlNewGlobalNs() deprecated function reached xmlUpgradeOldNs() deprecated function reached Deprecated API xmlEncodeEntities() used change code to use xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant() Use of deprecated SAXv1 function %s keep blanksdisable SAXfetch external entitiessubstitute entitiesgather line infouser datais htmlis standaloneis well formedis validSAX blockSAX function internalSubsetSAX function isStandaloneSAX function resolveEntitySAX function getEntitySAX function entityDeclSAX function notationDeclSAX function attributeDeclSAX function elementDeclSAX function startDocumentSAX function endDocumentSAX function startElementSAX function endElementSAX function referenceSAX function charactersSAX function commentSAX function warningSAX function errorSAX function fatalErrorSAX function cdataBlockSAX function externalSubsetgetPublicIdgetSystemIdgetLineNumbergetColumnNumberhasInternalSubsethasExternalSubsetgetParameterEntityunparsedEntityDeclsetDocumentLocatorignorableWhitespaceprocessingInstructionglobalNamespacesetNamespacecheckNamespacenamespaceDeclload subsetstop parser00!0)0N��������@@FF��001050�0�0�0�0`i��f o � � f o � � fo��fo��f o PY�� )E`a��������������KRpp���������� < < > L M M Q T b c � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �
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