IP : : host45.registrar-servers.comKernel : Linux host45.registrar-servers.com 4.18.0-513.18.1.lve.2.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Sat Mar 30 15:36:11 UTC 2024 x86_64Disable Function : None :) OS : Linux
SET SQL_MODE = "NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; SET time_zone = "+00:00";
INSERT INTO `Courses` VALUES (1, 'C0001', 'Info Marketing', 'Learn how to Create and Outsource Info Marketing Products', 1, 'Tim Jhon', 'Tim Jhon has a background in business management and has been working with small business to establish their online presence', 'Company Sponsored', 'USD', '55.00', 'Active', '[[regtime]]', '[[regtime]]'), (2, 'C0002', 'People Management', 'Learn how to Manage People', 1, 'Tim Jhon', 'Tim Jhon has a background in business management and has been working with small business to establish their online presence', 'Company Sponsored', 'USD', '59.00', 'Active', '[[regtime]]', '[[regtime]]');
-- -- Table structure for table `EmployeeLanguages` --
CREATE TABLE `EmployeeLanguages` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `language_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `employee` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `reading` enum('Elementary Proficiency','Limited Working Proficiency','Professional Working Proficiency','Full Professional Proficiency','Native or Bilingual Proficiency') DEFAULT NULL, `speaking` enum('Elementary Proficiency','Limited Working Proficiency','Professional Working Proficiency','Full Professional Proficiency','Native or Bilingual Proficiency') DEFAULT NULL, `writing` enum('Elementary Proficiency','Limited Working Proficiency','Professional Working Proficiency','Full Professional Proficiency','Native or Bilingual Proficiency') DEFAULT NULL, `understanding` enum('Elementary Proficiency','Limited Working Proficiency','Professional Working Proficiency','Full Professional Proficiency','Native or Bilingual Proficiency') DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `employee` (`employee`,`language_id`), KEY `Fk_EmployeeLanguages_Languages` (`language_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;
-- -- Dumping data for table `EmploymentStatus` --
INSERT INTO `EmploymentStatus` VALUES (1, 'Full Time Contract', 'Full Time Contract'), (2, 'Full Time Internship', 'Full Time Internship'), (3, 'Full Time Permanent', 'Full Time Permanent'), (4, 'Part Time Contract', 'Part Time Contract'), (5, 'Part Time Internship', 'Part Time Internship'), (6, 'Part Time Permanent', 'Part Time Permanent');
INSERT INTO `Reports` VALUES (1, 'Employee Details Report', 'This report list all employee details and you can filter employees by department, employment status or job title', '[\r\n[ "department", {"label":"Department","type":"select2","remote-source":["CompanyStructure","id","title"],"allow-null":true}],\r\n[ "employment_status", {"label":"Employment Status","type":"select2","remote-source":["EmploymentStatus","id","name"],"allow-null":true}],\r\n[ "job_title", {"label":"Job Title","type":"select2","remote-source":["JobTitle","id","name"],"allow-null":true}]\r\n]', 'Select id, employee_id as ''Employee ID'',\r\nconcat(`first_name`,'' '',`middle_name`,'' '', `last_name`) as ''Name'',\r\n(SELECT name from Nationality where id = nationality) as ''Nationality'',\r\nbirthday as ''Birthday'',\r\ngender as ''Gender'',\r\nmarital_status as ''Marital Status'',\r\nssn_num as ''SSN Number'',\r\nnic_num as ''NIC Number'',\r\nother_id as ''Other IDs'',\r\ndriving_license as ''Driving License Number'',\r\n(SELECT name from EmploymentStatus where id = employment_status) as ''Employment Status'',\r\n(SELECT name from JobTitles where id = job_title) as ''Job Title'',\r\n(SELECT name from PayGrades where id = pay_grade) as ''Pay Grade'',\r\nwork_station_id as ''Work Station ID'',\r\naddress1 as ''Address 1'',\r\naddress2 as ''Address 2'',\r\ncity as ''City'',\r\n(SELECT name from Country where code = country) as ''Country'',\r\n(SELECT name from Province where id = province) as ''Province'',\r\npostal_code as ''Postal Code'',\r\nhome_phone as ''Home Phone'',\r\nmobile_phone as ''Mobile Phone'',\r\nwork_phone as ''Work Phone'',\r\nwork_email as ''Work Email'',\r\nprivate_email as ''Private Email'',\r\njoined_date as ''Joined Date'',\r\nconfirmation_date as ''Confirmation Date'',\r\n(SELECT title from CompanyStructures where id = department) as ''Department'',\r\n(SELECT concat(`first_name`,'' '',`middle_name`,'' '', `last_name`,'' [Employee ID:'',`employee_id`,'']'') from Employees e1 where e1.id = e.supervisor) as ''Supervisor'' \r\nFROM Employees e _where_', '["department","employment_status","job_title"]', 'Query', 'Employee Information', 'CSV'), (2, 'Employee Attendance Report', 'This report list all employee attendance entries by employee and date range', '[\r\n[ "employee", {"label":"Employee","type":"select2multi","allow-null":true,"null-label":"All Employees","remote-source":["Employee","id","first_name+last_name"]}],\r\n[ "date_start", {"label":"Start Date","type":"date"}],\r\n[ "date_end", {"label":"End Date","type":"date"}]\r\n]', 'EmployeeAttendanceReport', '["employee","date_start","date_end"]', 'Class', 'Time Management', 'CSV'), (3, 'Employee Time Tracking Report', 'This report list employee working hours and attendance details for each day for a given period ', '[\r\n[ "employee", {"label":"Employee","type":"select2","allow-null":false,"remote-source":["Employee","id","first_name+last_name"]}],\r\n[ "date_start", {"label":"Start Date","type":"date"}],\r\n[ "date_end", {"label":"End Date","type":"date"}]\r\n]', 'EmployeeTimeTrackReport', '["employee","date_start","date_end"]', 'Class', 'Time Management', 'CSV'), (4, 'Employee Time Entry Report', 'View employee time entries by date range and project', '[\r\n[ "employee", {"label":"Employee","type":"select2multi","allow-null":true,"null-label":"All Employees","remote-source":["Employee","id","first_name+last_name"]}],\r\n[ "client", {"label":"Select Client","type":"select","allow-null":true,"null-label":"Not Selected","remote-source":["Client","id","name"]}],\r\n[ "project", {"label":"Or Project","type":"select","allow-null":true,"null-label":"All Projects","remote-source":["Project","id","name","getAllProjects"]}],\r\n[ "date_start", {"label":"Start Date","type":"date"}],\r\n[ "date_end", {"label":"End Date","type":"date"}]\r\n]', 'EmployeeTimesheetReport', '["employee","client","project","date_start","date_end","status"]', 'Class', 'Time Management', 'CSV'), (5, 'Active Employee Report', 'This report list employees who are currently active based on joined date and termination date ', '[\r\n[ "department", {"label":"Department","type":"select2","remote-source":["CompanyStructure","id","title"],"allow-null":true}]\r\n]', 'ActiveEmployeeReport', '["department"]', 'Class', 'Employee Information', 'CSV'), (6, 'New Hires Employee Report', 'This report list employees who are joined between given two dates ', '[[ "department", {"label":"Department","type":"select2","remote-source":["CompanyStructure","id","title"],"allow-null":true}],\r\n[ "date_start", {"label":"Start Date","type":"date"}],\r\n[ "date_end", {"label":"End Date","type":"date"}]\r\n]', 'NewHiresEmployeeReport', '["department","date_start","date_end"]', 'Class', 'Employee Information', 'CSV'), (7, 'Terminated Employee Report', 'This report list employees who are terminated between given two dates ', '[[ "department", {"label":"Department","type":"select2","remote-source":["CompanyStructure","id","title"],"allow-null":true}],\r\n[ "date_start", {"label":"Start Date","type":"date"}],\r\n[ "date_end", {"label":"End Date","type":"date"}]\r\n]', 'TerminatedEmployeeReport', '["department","date_start","date_end"]', 'Class', 'Employee Information', 'CSV'), (8, 'Travel Request Report', 'This report list employees travel requests for a specified period', '[\r\n[ "employee", {"label":"Employee","type":"select2multi","allow-null":true,"null-label":"All Employees","remote-source":["Employee","id","first_name+last_name"]}],\r\n[ "date_start", {"label":"Start Date","type":"date"}],\r\n[ "date_end", {"label":"End Date","type":"date"}],\r\n[ "status", {"label":"Status","type":"select","source":[["NULL","All Statuses"],["Approved","Approved"],["Pending","Pending"],["Rejected","Rejected"],["Cancellation Requested","Cancellation Requested"],["Cancelled","Cancelled"]]}]\r\n]', 'TravelRequestReport', '["employee","date_start","date_end","status"]', 'Class', 'Travel and Expense Management', 'CSV'), (9, 'Employee Time Sheet Report', 'This report list all employee time sheets by employee and date range', '[\r\n[ "employee", {"label":"Employee","type":"select2multi","allow-null":true,"null-label":"All Employees","remote-source":["Employee","id","first_name+last_name"]}],\r\n[ "date_start", {"label":"Start Date","type":"date"}],\r\n[ "date_end", {"label":"End Date","type":"date"}],\r\n[ "status", {"label":"Status","allow-null":true,"null-label":"All Status","type":"select","source":[["Approved","Approved"],["Pending","Pending"],["Rejected","Rejected"]]}]\r\n]', 'EmployeeTimeSheetData', '["employee","date_start","date_end","status"]', 'Class', 'Time Management', 'CSV'), (10, 'Overtime Report', 'This report list all employee attendance entries by employee with overtime calculations', '[\r\n[ "employee", {"label":"Employee","type":"select2multi","allow-null":true,"null-label":"All Employees","remote-source":["Employee","id","first_name+last_name"]}],\r\n[ "date_start", {"label":"Start Date","type":"date"}],\r\n[ "date_end", {"label":"End Date","type":"date"}]\r\n]', 'OvertimeReport', '["employee","date_start","date_end"]', 'Class', 'Time Management', 'CSV'), (11, 'Overtime Summary Report', 'This report list all employee attendance entries by employee with overtime calculation summary', '[\r\n[ "employee", {"label":"Employee","type":"select2multi","allow-null":true,"null-label":"All Employees","remote-source":["Employee","id","first_name+last_name"]}],\r\n[ "date_start", {"label":"Start Date","type":"date"}],\r\n[ "date_end", {"label":"End Date","type":"date"}]\r\n]', 'OvertimeSummaryReport', '["employee","date_start","date_end"]', 'Class', 'Time Management', 'CSV'), (12, 'Overtime Request Report', 'This report list employee overtime requests by employee, date range, overtime category and project', '[[ "employee", {"label":"Employee","type":"select2multi","allow-null":true,"null-label":"All Employees","remote-source":["Employee","id","first_name+last_name"]}],[ "date_start", {"label":"Start Date","type":"date"}],[ "date_end", {"label":"End Date","type":"date"}],[ "category", {"label":"Category","type":"select2","allow-null":true,"remote-source":["OvertimeCategory","id","name"]}],[ "project", {"label":"Project","type":"select2","allow-null":true,"remote-source":["Project","id","name"]}],[ "status", {"label":"Status","type":"select","source":[["NULL","All Statuses"],["Approved","Approved"],["Pending","Pending"],["Rejected","Rejected"],["Cancellation Requested","Cancellation Requested"],["Cancelled","Cancelled"],["Processing","Processing"]]}]]', 'OvertimeRequestReport', '["employee","date_start","date_end","category","project"]', 'Class', 'Time Management', 'CSV');
INSERT INTO `Settings` VALUES (1, 'Company: Logo', '', '', '[ "value", {"label":"Logo","type":"fileupload","validation":"none"}]'), (2, 'Company: Name', '[[site_name]]', 'Update your company name - For updating company logo copy a file named logo.png to /app/data/ folder', ''), (3, 'Company: Description', '[[site_desc]]', '', ''), (4, 'Email: Enable', '1', '0 will disable all outgoing emails from modules. Value 1 will enable outgoing emails', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (5, 'Email: Mode', 'SMTP', 'SMTP, PHP Mailer or Amazon SES. SMTP = send emails using local or a remote smtp server. PHP Mailer = send emails using mail function provided by php. Amazon SES = send emails trough amazon Simple Email Service.', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["SMTP","SMTP"],["PHP Mailer","PHP Mailer"],["SES","Amazon SES"]]}]'), (6, 'Email: SMTP Host', 'localhost', 'SMTP host IP', ''), (7, 'Email: SMTP Authentication Required', '0', 'Is authentication required by this SMTP server', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (8, 'Email: SMTP User', 'none', 'SMTP user', ''), (9, 'Email: SMTP Password', 'none', 'SMTP password', ''), (10, 'Email: SMTP Port', 'none', '25', ''), (11, 'Email: Amazon Access Key ID', '', 'If email mode is Amazon SNS please provide SNS Key', ''), (12, 'Email: Amazon Secret Access Key', '', 'If email mode is Amazon SNS please provide SNS Secret', ''), (13, 'Email: Email From', '[[admin_email]]', '', ''), (14, 'System: Do not pass JSON in request', '0', 'Select Yes if you are having trouble loading data for some tables', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (15, 'System: Reset Modules and Permissions', '0', 'Select this to reset module and permission information in Database (If you have done any changes to meta files)', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (16, 'System: Reset Module Names', '0', 'Select this to reset module names in Database', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (17, 'System: Add New Permissions', '0', 'Select this to add new permission changes done to meta.json file of any module', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (18, 'System: Debug Mode', '0', '', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (19, 'Projects: Make All Projects Available to Employees', '1', '', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (20, 'Attendance: Time-sheet Cross Check', '0', 'Only allow users to add an entry to a timesheet only if they have marked atteandance for the selected period', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (21, 'Api: REST Api Enabled', '1', '', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["0","No"],["1","Yes"]]}]'), (22, 'Api: REST Api Token', 'Click on edit icon', '', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"placeholder"}]'), (23, 'LDAP: Enabled', '0', '', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["0","No"],["1","Yes"]]}]'), (24, 'LDAP: Server', '', 'LDAP Server IP or DNS', ''), (25, 'LDAP: Port', '389', 'LDAP Server Port', ''), (26, 'LDAP: Root DN', '', 'e.g: dc=mycompany,dc=net', ''), (27, 'LDAP: Manager DN', '', 'e.g: cn=admin,dc=mycompany,dc=net', ''), (28, 'LDAP: Manager Password', '', 'Password of the manager user', ''), (29, 'LDAP: Version 3', '1', 'Are you using LDAP v3', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (30, 'LDAP: User Filter', '', 'e.g: uid={}, we will replace {} with actual username provided by the user at the time of login', ''), (31, 'Notifications: Send Document Expiry Emails', '1', '', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (32, 'Notifications: Copy Document Expiry Emails to Manager', '1', '', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (33, 'Travel: Pre-Approve Travel Request', '0', '', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (34, 'Attendance: Use Department Time Zone', '0', '', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (35, 'Travel: Allow Indirect Admins to Approve', '0', 'Allow indirect admins to approve travel requests', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (36, 'Overtime: Allow Indirect Admins to Approve', '0', 'Allow indirect admins to approve overtime requests', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (37, 'Attendance: Overtime Calculation Class', 'BasicOvertimeCalculator', 'Set the method used to calculate overtime', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["BasicOvertimeCalculator","BasicOvertimeCalculator"],["CaliforniaOvertimeCalculator","CaliforniaOvertimeCalculator"]]}]'), (38, 'Attendance: Overtime Calculation Period', 'Daily', 'Set the period for overtime calculation. (Affects attendance sheets)', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["Daily","Daily"],["Weekly","Weekly"]]}]'), (39, 'Attendance: Photo Attendance', '0', 'Require submitting a photo using web cam when marking attendance', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (40, 'Attendance: Overtime Start Hour', '8', 'Overtime calculation will start after an employee work this number of hours per day, 0 to indicate no overtime', ''), (41, 'Attendance: Double time Start Hour', '12', 'Double time calculation will start after an employee work this number of hours per day, 0 to indicate no double time', ''), (43, 'Attendance: Work Week Start Day', '0', 'Set the starting day of the work week', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["0","Sunday"],["1","Monday"],["2","Tuesday"],["3","Wednesday"],["4","Thursday"],["5","Friday"],["6","Saturday"]]}]'), (44, 'System: Allowed Countries', '', 'Only these countries will be allowed in select boxes', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select2multi","remote-source":["Country","id","name"]}]'), (45, 'System: Allowed Currencies', '', 'Only these currencies will be allowed in select boxes', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select2multi","remote-source":["CurrencyType","id","code+name"]}]'), (46, 'System: Allowed Nationality', '', 'Only these nationalities will be allowed in select boxes', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select2multi","remote-source":["Nationality","id","name"]}]'), (47, 'Travel: Enable Multi Level Approvals', '0', 'Allow multi level approvals in travel module', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (48, 'Overtime: Enable Multi Level Approvals', '0', 'Allow multi level approvals in overtime module', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (49, 'System: Company Structure Managers Enabled', '0', 'Allow Managers to View Employees in Their Company Structure, if They are Assigned as a Head of the Company Structure', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (50, 'System: Child Company Structure Managers Enabled', '0', 'Allow Managers to View Employees in Their Company Structure and all Child Company Structures, if They are Assigned as a Head of the Company Structure', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (51, 'Files: Upload Files to S3', '0', '', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (52, 'Files: Amazon S3 Key for File Upload', '', 'Please provide S3 Key for uploading files', ''), (53, 'Files: Amazon S3 Secret for File Upload', '', 'Please provide S3 Secret for uploading files', ''), (54, 'Files: S3 Bucket', '', 'Please provide S3 Bucket name for uploading files', ''), (55, 'Files: S3 Web Url', '', 'Please provide Url to the s3 bucket', ''), (56, 'System: Language', '[[language]]', 'Current Language', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select2","allow-null":false,"remote-source":["SupportedLanguage","name","description"]}]'), (57, 'System: Time-sheet Entry Start and End time Required', '0', 'Select 0 if you only need to store the time spend in time sheets', '["value", {"label":"Value","type":"select","source":[["1","Yes"],["0","No"]]}]'), (58, 'Instance : ID', '[[instanceid]]', NULL, NULL);
-- -- Constraints for table `EmployeeOvertime` -- ALTER TABLE `EmployeeOvertime` ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_EmployeeOvertime_Category` FOREIGN KEY (`category`) REFERENCES `OvertimeCategories` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_EmployeeOvertime_Employee` FOREIGN KEY (`employee`) REFERENCES `Employees` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
-- -- Constraints for table `EmployeeProjects` -- ALTER TABLE `EmployeeProjects` ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_EmployeeProjects_Employee` FOREIGN KEY (`employee`) REFERENCES `Employees` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_EmployeeProjects_Projects` FOREIGN KEY (`project`) REFERENCES `Projects` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE;
-- -- Constraints for table `Employees` -- ALTER TABLE `Employees` ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_Employee_CompanyStructures` FOREIGN KEY (`department`) REFERENCES `CompanyStructures` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_Employee_Country` FOREIGN KEY (`country`) REFERENCES `Country` (`code`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_Employee_EmploymentStatus` FOREIGN KEY (`employment_status`) REFERENCES `EmploymentStatus` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_Employee_JobTitle` FOREIGN KEY (`job_title`) REFERENCES `JobTitles` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_Employee_Nationality` FOREIGN KEY (`nationality`) REFERENCES `Nationality` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_Employee_PayGrades` FOREIGN KEY (`pay_grade`) REFERENCES `PayGrades` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_Employee_Province` FOREIGN KEY (`province`) REFERENCES `Province` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_Employee_Supervisor` FOREIGN KEY (`supervisor`) REFERENCES `Employees` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE;
-- -- Constraints for table `EmployeeSalary` -- ALTER TABLE `EmployeeSalary` ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_EmployeeSalary_Currency` FOREIGN KEY (`currency`) REFERENCES `CurrencyTypes` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_EmployeeSalary_Employee` FOREIGN KEY (`employee`) REFERENCES `Employees` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
-- -- Constraints for table `EmployeeSkills` -- ALTER TABLE `EmployeeSkills` ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_EmployeeSkills_Employee` FOREIGN KEY (`employee`) REFERENCES `Employees` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_EmployeeSkills_Skills` FOREIGN KEY (`skill_id`) REFERENCES `Skills` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
-- -- Constraints for table `EmployeeTimeEntry` -- ALTER TABLE `EmployeeTimeEntry` ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_EmployeeTimeEntry_Employee` FOREIGN KEY (`employee`) REFERENCES `Employees` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_EmployeeTimeEntry_EmployeeTimeSheets` FOREIGN KEY (`timesheet`) REFERENCES `EmployeeTimeSheets` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_EmployeeTimeEntry_Projects` FOREIGN KEY (`project`) REFERENCES `Projects` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE;
-- -- Constraints for table `EmployeeTimeSheets` -- ALTER TABLE `EmployeeTimeSheets` ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_EmployeeTimeSheets_Employee` FOREIGN KEY (`employee`) REFERENCES `Employees` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
-- -- Constraints for table `EmployeeTrainingSessions` -- ALTER TABLE `EmployeeTrainingSessions` ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_EmployeeTrainingSessions_Employee` FOREIGN KEY (`employee`) REFERENCES `Employees` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_EmployeeTrainingSessions_TrainingSessions` FOREIGN KEY (`trainingSession`) REFERENCES `TrainingSessions` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
-- -- Constraints for table `EmployeeTravelRecords` -- ALTER TABLE `EmployeeTravelRecords` ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_EmployeeTravelRecords_Employee` FOREIGN KEY (`employee`) REFERENCES `Employees` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
-- -- Constraints for table `LeaveGroupEmployees` -- ALTER TABLE `LeaveGroupEmployees` ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_LeaveGroupEmployees_Employee` FOREIGN KEY (`employee`) REFERENCES `Employees` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_LeaveGroupEmployees_LeaveGroups` FOREIGN KEY (`leave_group`) REFERENCES `LeaveGroups` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
-- -- Constraints for table `Notifications` -- ALTER TABLE `Notifications` ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_Notifications_Users` FOREIGN KEY (`toUser`) REFERENCES `Users` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
-- -- Constraints for table `PayGrades` -- ALTER TABLE `PayGrades` ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_PayGrades_CurrencyTypes` FOREIGN KEY (`currency`) REFERENCES `CurrencyTypes` (`code`);
-- -- Constraints for table `PayrollData` -- ALTER TABLE `PayrollData` ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_PayrollData_Payroll` FOREIGN KEY (`payroll`) REFERENCES `Payroll` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
-- -- Constraints for table `PayrollEmployees` -- ALTER TABLE `PayrollEmployees` ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_PayrollEmployee_Employee` FOREIGN KEY (`employee`) REFERENCES `Employees` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_PayrollEmployees_DeductionGroup` FOREIGN KEY (`deduction_group`) REFERENCES `DeductionGroup` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE;
-- -- Constraints for table `Projects` -- ALTER TABLE `Projects` ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_Projects_Client` FOREIGN KEY (`client`) REFERENCES `Clients` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE;
-- -- Constraints for table `Province` -- ALTER TABLE `Province` ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_Province_Country` FOREIGN KEY (`country`) REFERENCES `Country` (`code`);
-- -- Constraints for table `SalaryComponent` -- ALTER TABLE `SalaryComponent` ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_SalaryComponent_SalaryComponentType` FOREIGN KEY (`componentType`) REFERENCES `SalaryComponentType` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE;
-- -- Constraints for table `TrainingSessions` -- ALTER TABLE `TrainingSessions` ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_TrainingSessions_Courses` FOREIGN KEY (`course`) REFERENCES `Courses` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
-- -- Constraints for table `Users` -- ALTER TABLE `Users` ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_User_Employee` FOREIGN KEY (`employee`) REFERENCES `Employees` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT `Fk_User_SupportedLanguages` FOREIGN KEY (`lang`) REFERENCES `SupportedLanguages` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE;