IP :
Hostname :
Kernel : Linux 4.18.0-513.18.1.lve.2.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Sat Mar 30 15:36:11 UTC 2024 x86_64
Disable Function : None :)
OS : Linux
���%�PBQ!���9�M�e/:����} � *� 1� "98Ir��Zj�������Jh.��<�D&hk;�#�4�2,Kx&�B�Q��Q .<Ldy -V, --version output version information and exit -d, --domain=TEXTDOMAIN retrieve translated message from TEXTDOMAIN -e enable expansion of some escape sequences -E (ignored for compatibility) -h, --help display this help and exit -V, --version display version information and exit [TEXTDOMAIN] retrieve translated message from TEXTDOMAIN MSGID MSGID-PLURAL translate MSGID (singular) / MSGID-PLURAL (plural) COUNT choose singular/plural form based on this value -d, --domain=TEXTDOMAIN retrieve translated messages from TEXTDOMAIN -e enable expansion of some escape sequences -E (ignored for compatibility) -h, --help display this help and exit -n suppress trailing newline -V, --version display version information and exit [TEXTDOMAIN] MSGID retrieve translated message corresponding to MSGID from TEXTDOMAIN -h, --help display this help and exit -v, --variables output the variables occurring in SHELL-FORMAT Display native language translation of a textual message whose grammatical form depends on a number. Display native language translation of a textual message. If the TEXTDOMAIN parameter is not given, the domain is determined from the environment variable TEXTDOMAIN. If the message catalog is not found in the regular directory, another location can be specified with the environment variable TEXTDOMAINDIR. Standard search directory: %s In normal operation mode, standard input is copied to standard output, with references to environment variables of the form $VARIABLE or ${VARIABLE} being replaced with the corresponding values. If a SHELL-FORMAT is given, only those environment variables that are referenced in SHELL-FORMAT are substituted; otherwise all environment variables references occurring in standard input are substituted. Informative output: Operation mode: Report bugs to <>. Substitutes the values of environment variables. Unknown system errorUsage: %s [OPTION] [SHELL-FORMAT] Usage: %s [OPTION] [TEXTDOMAIN] MSGID MSGID-PLURAL COUNT Usage: %s [OPTION] [[TEXTDOMAIN] MSGID] or: %s [OPTION] -s [MSGID]... When --variables is used, standard input is ignored, and the output consists of the environment variables that are referenced in SHELL-FORMAT, one per line. Written by %s. error while reading "%s"memory exhaustedmissing argumentsstandard inputtoo many argumentswrite errorProject-Id-Version: gettext-runtime 0.13-pre1 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2016-06-11 22:08+0900 PO-Revision-Date: 2003-11-23 09:19+0200 Last-Translator: Eugen Hoanca <> Language-Team: Romanian <> Language: ro MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit -V, --version afi�eaz� informa�ii despre versiune �i iese -d, --domain=DOMENIU_TEXT preia mesaje traduse din DOMENIU_TEXT -e activeaz� expansiunea unor secven�e escape -E (ignorat pentru compatibilitate) -h, --help afi�eaz� acest ajutor �i iese -V, --version afi�eaz� informa�ii despre versiune �i iese [DOMENIU_TEXT] preia mesajele traduse din DOMENIU_TEXT MSGID MSGID-PLURAL traduce MSGID (singular) / MSGID-PLURAL (plural) NUM�RARE alege forma singular�/plural� bazat� pe aceast� valoare -d, --domain=DOMENIU_TEXT preia mesaje traduse din DOMENIU_TEXT -e activeaz� expansiunea unor secven�e escape -E (ignorat pentru compatibilitate) -h, --help afi�eaz� acest ajutor �i iese -n elimin� marcajul newline de sf�r�it -V, --version afi�eaz� informa�ii despre versiune �i iese [DOMENIU_TEXT] MSGID preia mesajele traduse corespunz�toare lui MSGID din DOMENIU_TEXT -h, --help afi�eaz� acest ajutor �i iese -v, --variables afi�eaz� variabilele din FORMAT-SHELL Afi�eaz� traducerea din limba nativ� a mesajului textual a c�rui form� gramatical� depinde de un num�r. Afi�eaz� traducerea din limb� nativ� a unui mesaj textual. Dac� nu este furnizat parametrul DOMENIU_TEXT, domeniul este determinat din variabila de mediu TEXTDOMAIN. �n cazul �n care catalogul de mesaje nu este g�sit �n directorul obi�nuit, o alt� loca�ie poate fi specificat� �n variabila de mediu TEXTDOMAINDIR. Directorul de c�utare standard: %s �n modul normal de operare, intrarea(input) standard este copiat� la ie�irea(output) standard), cu referirile c�tre variabilele de mediu de forma $VARIABLE sau $(VARIABLE) fiind �nlocuite cu valorile corespunz�toare. Dac� este specificat un FORMAT-SHELL, doar acele variabile de mediu c�tre se face referire �n FORMAT-SHELL sunt substituite, �n caz contrar toate referin�ele variabilelor de mediu din intrarea(input) standard sunt substituite. Output informativ: Mod de operare: Raporta�i bug-urile la <>. �nlocuie�te valorile variabilelor de mediu. Eroare de sistem necunoscut�Folosire: %s [OP�IUNE] [FORMAT-SHELL] Folosire: %s [OP�IUNE] [DOMENIU_TEXT] MSGID MSGID-PLURAL NUM�RARE Folosire: %s [OP�IUNE] [[DOMENIU_TEXT] MSGID] sau: %s [OP�IUNE] -s [MSGID]... Dac� e folosit --variables, intrarea(input) standard este ignorat�, iar ie�irea (output) va consta �n variabilele de mediula care se face referire �n FORMAT-SHELL, c�te una pe linie. Scris de %s. eroare �n citirea "%s"memorie plin�parametri lips�intrare(input) standardprea mul�i parametrieroare de scriere