IP :
Hostname :
Kernel : Linux 4.18.0-513.18.1.lve.2.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Sat Mar 30 15:36:11 UTC 2024 x86_64
Disable Function : None :)
OS : Linux
U e5dn5� @s�dZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZdddgZ ddd �Z dd d�Zdd�Zddd�Z ddd�Zdd�Zedkr�ee��Ze�e�dS)a�Module/script to byte-compile all .py files to .pyc files. When called as a script with arguments, this compiles the directories given as arguments recursively; the -l option prevents it from recursing into directories. Without arguments, if compiles all modules on sys.path, without recursing into subdirectories. (Even though it should do so for packages -- for now, you'll have to deal with packages separately.) See module py_compile for details of the actual byte-compilation. �N)�partial�compile_dir�compile_file�compile_path� ccs|dkrt|tj�rt�|�}|s0td�|��zt�|�} rl|dkrdtd�|��g}YnX|��|D]�}|dkr�qztj � ||�}|dk r�tj � ||�}nd}tj �|�s�||fVqz|dkrz|tjkrz|tj krztj �|�rztj �|�szt|||d|d�EdHqzdS)N�zListing {!r}...zCan't list {!r}�__pycache__r�)�ddir� maxlevels�quiet)� isinstance�os�PathLike�fspath�print�format�listdir�OSError�sort�path�join�isdir�curdir�pardir�islink� _walk_dir)�dirr rr�names�name�fullname�dfile�r"�"/usr/lib64/python3.8/compileall.pyrs: � ��rF���r c Cs�d} |dkrtd��|dkrFzddlm} Wntk rDd}YnXt||||d�}d}|dkr�| dk r�|ppd}| |d��0} | �tt|||||| d �|�}t|dd �}W5QRXn(|D]"\}}t |||||||| �s�d}q�|S)aByte-compile all modules in the given directory tree. Arguments (only dir is required): dir: the directory to byte-compile maxlevels: maximum recursion level (default 10) ddir: the directory that will be prepended to the path to the file as it is compiled into each byte-code file. force: if True, force compilation, even if timestamps are up-to-date quiet: full output with False or 0, errors only with 1, no output with 2 legacy: if True, produce legacy pyc paths instead of PEP 3147 paths optimize: optimization level or -1 for level of the interpreter workers: maximum number of parallel workers invalidation_mode: how the up-to-dateness of the pyc will be checked Nrz%workers must be greater or equal to 0r )�ProcessPoolExecutor)rrr T)Zmax_workers)�force�rxr�legacy�optimize�invalidation_mode)�defaultF) � ValueErrorZconcurrent.futuresr%�ImportErrorr�mapr�_compile_file_tuple�minr)rrr r&r'rr(r)�workersr*r%Zfiles_and_ddirs�successZexecutorZresults�filer!r"r"r#r2sF ����cKs|\}}t||f|�S)z-Needs to be toplevel for ProcessPoolExecutor.)r)Zfile_and_dfile�kwargsr3r!r"r"r#r/esr/c Cs�d}|dkr"t|tj�r"t�|�}tj�|�} |dk rFtj�|| �} nd} |dk rd|�|�}|rd|Stj�|��r�|r�|d}nB|dkr�|dkr�|nd} t j j|| d�}nt j �|�}tj�|�}| dd �| d d�}}|d k�r�|�s\zXt t�|�j�}t�dt j jd|�}t|d��}|�d �}W5QRX||k�rB|WSWntk �rZYnX|�sptd�|��ztj||| d||d�}W�ntjk �r}zjd}|dk�r�|WY�RS|�r�td�|��ntddd�|jjtjjdd�}|� tjj�}t|�W5d}~XYn�t!t"tfk �r�}zRd}|dk�rJ|WY�:S|�r`td�|��ntddd�t|j#j$d|�W5d}~XYnX|dk�r�d}|S)aTByte-compile one file. Arguments (only fullname is required): fullname: the file to byte-compile ddir: if given, the directory name compiled in to the byte-code file. force: if True, force compilation, even if timestamps are up-to-date quiet: full output with False or 0, errors only with 1, no output with 2 legacy: if True, produce legacy pyc paths instead of PEP 3147 paths optimize: optimization level or -1 for level of the interpreter invalidation_mode: how the up-to-dateness of the pyc will be checked TrN�crr �)�optimization���z.pyz<4sll�rb�zCompiling {!r}...)r)r*Fz*** Error compiling {!r}...z*** )�end�backslashreplace)�errors�:)%r rrrr�basenamer�search�isfile� importlib�util�cache_from_source�dirname�int�stat�st_mtime�structZpack�MAGIC_NUMBER�open�readrrr� py_compile�compile�PyCompileError�msg�encode�sys�stdout�encoding�decode�SyntaxError�UnicodeError� __class__�__name__)r r r&r'rr(r)r*r2rr!Zmo�cfile�optZ cache_dir�head�tail�mtimeZexpectZchandleZactual�ok�errrP�er"r"r#rjs� � � � � $ c CsTd}tjD]D}|r|tjkr2|r2|dkrNtd�q |oLt||d|||||d�}q |S)a�Byte-compile all module on sys.path. Arguments (all optional): skip_curdir: if true, skip current directory (default True) maxlevels: max recursion level (default 0) force: as for compile_dir() (default False) quiet: as for compile_dir() (default 0) legacy: as for compile_dir() (default False) optimize: as for compile_dir() (default -1) invalidation_mode: as for compiler_dir() TrzSkipping current directoryN)rr(r)r*)rRrrrrr) Zskip_curdirrr&rr(r)r*r2rr"r"r#r�s � c Cs�ddl}|jdd�}|jdddddd d �|jdtdd d�|jddddd�|jdddddd�|jddddd�|jdddddd �|jd!d"d#dd$d �|jd%d&d'd(d)�|jd*d+d,d-d.�|jd/d0d1td2d3�d4d5�tjD�}|jd6t|�d7d8�|��}|j}|j �r$ddl }|�|j �|_ |jdk �r8|j}n|j }|j�r�zF|jd9k�rZtjnt|j�� }|D]}|�|����qjW5QRXWn4tk �r�|jd:k�r�td;�|j��Yd<SX|j�r�|j�d9d=���} tj| } nd} d>}z�|�rl|D]h}tj�|��r6t||j|j |j |j|j!| d?��sbd<}n,t"|||j|j |j |j|j!|j#| d@� �s�d<}�q�|WSt$|j!|j |j| dA�WSWn,t%k �r�|jd:k�r�tdB�Yd<SXd>S)CzScript main program.rNz1Utilities to support installing Python libraries.)Zdescriptionz-lZstore_constrrz!don't recurse into subdirectories)�actionZconstr+�dest�helpz-r� recursionzhcontrol the maximum recursion level. if `-l` and `-r` options are specified, then `-r` takes precedence.)�typercrdz-f� store_truer&z/force rebuild even if timestamps are up to date)rbrcrdz-q�countrzIoutput only error messages; -qq will suppress the error messages as well.)rbrcr+rdz-br(z0use legacy (pre-PEP3147) compiled file locationsz-dZDESTDIRr z�directory to prepend to file paths for use in compile-time tracebacks and in runtime tracebacks in cases where the source file is unavailable)�metavarrcr+rdz-xZREGEXPr'zskip files matching the regular expression; the regexp is searched for in the full path of each file considered for compilationz-iZFILE�flistzzadd all the files and directories listed in FILE to the list considered for compilation; if "-", names are read from stdin)rircrd�compile_destzFILE|DIR�*zrzero or more file and directory names to compile; if no arguments given, defaults to the equivalent of -l sys.path)ri�nargsrdz-jz --workersr zRun compileall concurrently)r+rfrdcSsg|]}|j���dd��qS)�_�-)r�lower�replace)�.0�moder"r"r#� <listcomp> s�zmain.<locals>.<listcomp>z--invalidation-modez�set .pyc invalidation mode; defaults to "checked-hash" if the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable is set, and "timestamp" otherwise.)�choicesrdrorzError reading file list {}FrnT)r*)r1r*)r(r&rr*z [interrupted])&�argparse�ArgumentParser�add_argumentrFrM�PycInvalidationMode�sorted� parse_argsrkr'�rerNrerrjrR�stdinrK�append�striprrrrr*rq�upperrrrArr r&r(rr1r�KeyboardInterrupt) rv�parserZinvalidation_modes�argsZ compile_destsr|r�f�lineZivl_moder*r2rcr"r"r#�main�s�� � � �� ��� � � ��� � � �r��__main__)Nrr) rNFNrFr$r N)NFNrFr$N)r rFrFr$N)�__doc__rrR�importlib.utilrBrMrI� functoolsr�__all__rrr/rrr�rYrFZexit_status�exitr"r"r"r#�<module>s< � 3� V� "i