Profile data element %s replaced with new hash ref (for %s) and original value stored with key '%s'panic: DBI active kids (%ld) < 0 or > kids (%ld) DESTROY %s skipped due to InactiveDestroy sv, msg="DBI::dump_handle", level=0 FETCH $h->{%s} from $h->{NAME} with $h->{NUM_OF_FIELDS} = %d and %ld entries in $h->{NAME}%s Can't get %s->{%s}: unrecognised attribute name dbih_setup_fbav realloc from %ld to %ld fields dbih_setup_fbav alloc for %ld fields dbih_setup_fbav now %ld fields (perhaps you need to successfully call execute first, or again)Statement has no result columns to bind%s dbih_sth_bind_col %s => %s %s bind_col: column %d is not a valid column (1..%d)Can't %s->bind_col(%s, %s,...), need a reference to a scalar%s->%s(...): attribute parameter '%s' is not a hash refdbi_profile_merge_nodes(%s, ...) requires array refdbi_profile_merge_nodes: increment %s not an array or hash refdbi_profile_merge_nodes(%s,...) destination is not an array referencedbi_class, meth_name, file, attribs=Nullsvinstall_method %s: invalid classinstall_method %s: bad attribs, usage: min %d, max %d, '%s'DBI/DBD internal version mismatch (DBI is v%d/s%lu, DBD %s expected v%d/s%d) %s. DBI/DBD internal structure mismatch%s (dr:%d/%ld, db:%d/%ld, st:%d/%ld, fd:%d/%ld), %s. -> HandleSetErr(%s, err=%s, errstr=%s, state=%s, %s) <- HandleSetErr= %s (err=%s, errstr=%s, state=%s, %s) -- HandleSetErr err=%s, errstr=%s, state=%s, %s set_err: state (%s) is not a 5 character string, using 'S1000' insteadCan't take_imp_data from handle that's not ActiveCan't take_imp_data from handle while it still has Active kidstake_imp_data from handle while it still has kidsNumber of row fields inconsistent with NUM_OF_FIELDS (driver bug)Deep recursion. Probably fetch-fetchrow-fetch loop.fetchrow returned %d fields, expected %dDeep recursion, probably fetchrow-fetch-fetchrow loopfetchrow: updating fbav 0x%lx from 0x%lx _set_fbav(%s): not an array ref_set_fbav(%s): array has %d elements, the statement handle row buffer has %d (and NUM_OF_FIELDS is %d)h, err, errstr=&PL_sv_no, state=&PL_sv_undef, method=&PL_sv_undef, result=Nullsvdbih_setup_attrib(%s): %s not set and no parent supplieddbih_setup_attrib(%s): %s not set and not in parent dbih_setup_attrib(%s, %s, %s) >> %s %s clearing %d CachedKids Invalid DBI handle %s, has no dbi_imp_dataProfile attribute isn't a hash ref (%s,%ld) dbi_profile +%fs %s %s Ignored ref returned by code ref in Profile PathUnknown ! element in DBI::Profile Path: %sInvalid Profile data leaf element: %s (type %ld)dbi_profile(%s,...) invalid handle argumentCan't make DBI com handle for %s: %s dbih_make_com(%s, %p, %s, %ld, %p) thr#%p Can't use dbi_imp_data of wrong size (%ld not %ld)Can't use dbi_imp_data from different type of handleCan't use dbi_imp_data that not from a setup handledbih_make_com dbi_imp_data bad h typepanic: dbih_makefdsv %s '%s' imp_size %ld invalid dbih_make_fdsv(%s, %s, %ld, '%s') -> $DBI::%s (%c) FETCH from lasth=%s Can't read $DBI::%s, last handle unknown or destroyedCan't locate $DBI::%s object method "%s" via package "%s"hash_sv, kv_sep_sv, pair_sep_sv, use_neat_sv, num_sort_svDBI trace filehandle is not validDBI trace filehandle from GLOB is not valid %s trace level set to 0x%lx/%ld (DBI @ 0x%lx/%ld) in DBI %s%s (pid %d) Note: perl is running without the recommended perl -w option h, level=&PL_sv_undef, file=Nullsv, perhaps you meant NUM_OF_FIELDSpanic: DBI active kids (%ld) > kids (%ld)Can't set FetchHashKeyName for a statement handle, set in parent before prepare()Can't set LongReadLen < 0 or > %ldMultiThread support not yet implemented in DBIDBD driver has not implemented the AutoCommit attributeCan't set %s->{%s}: unrecognised attribute name or invalid value%s$h->{%s}=%s ignored for invalid driver-specific attribute class, level_sv=&PL_sv_undef, file=Nullsv DBI %s%s default trace level set to 0x%lx/%ld (pid %d pi %p) at %s dbih_setup_handle(%s=>%s, %s, %lx, %s) already a DBI (or ~magic) handleCan't setup DBI handle of %s to %s: %ssv, imp_class, parent, imp_datasvclass, parent, attr_ref, imp_datasv, imp_class New %s (for %s, parent=%s, id=%s) Can't swap_inner_handle between %sh and %shCan't swap_inner_handle with handle from different parentCan't use attribute '%s' because it doesn't contain a reference to an array (%s), actual method will not be called%c >> %-11s DISPATCH (%s rc%ld/%ld @%ld g%x ima%lx pid#%ld)%c <> %s for %s ignored (inner handle gone) %c <> %s for %s ignored (no imp_data) Can't call %s method on handle %s%s DESTROY ignored because DBI %sh handle (%s) is owned by thread %p not current thread %p %s %s failed: handle %d is owned by thread %lx not current thread %lx (%s)handles can't be shared between threads and your driver may need a CLONE method added%s->%s() invalid redirect method name %sDBI %s: invalid number of arguments: got handle + %ld, expected handle + between %d and %d parameter %d of %s->%s method callon DESTROY handle %s still has child %s (refcnt %ld, obj %d, dirty=%d) !! The %s '%s' was CLEARED by call to %s method %c {{ %s callback %s being invoked with %ld args %c }} %s callback %s returned%s Callback for %s returned %d values but must not return any (temporary restriction in current version)Can't locate DBI object method "%s" via package "%s"(err=%s, errstr=undef, state=%s) -> HandleError on %s via %s%s%s%s %c <> DESTROY(%s) ignored for outer handle (inner %s has ref cnt %ld) preparse found placeholder :%d out of sequence, expected :%dpreparse found mixed placeholder styles (%s / %s)preparse found unterminated single-quoted stringpreparse found unterminated double-quoted stringpreparse found unterminated bracketed {...} commentpreparse found unterminated bracketed C-style commentdbh, statement, ps_accept, ps_return, foo=NullchDBI::SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_MINUTEDBI::SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECONDDBI::SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_MINUTEDBI::SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_SECONDDBI::SQL_INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECONDDBI::SQL_INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTHDBI::SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONEDBI::SQL_TYPE_TIME_WITH_TIMEZONEDBD::_::common::swap_inner_handlepn���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n���n��Hn��'���@���p���@���0���@���@���@����@���@���@���ŝ��@���@�������@���'���/������@���@���@�������:������ٕ��Ԝ��ٕ��ٕ��ٕ������ٕ��2���*���"���ٕ��ٕ��B���ٕ��˩��ө��é��ٕ��ٕ���������(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(���(�������(�������(���ș��X��������T���w���4���7���4���4���4�������4���i��������4���4���k���4���ę��T�����4���4�������you probably need to rebuild the DBD driver (or possibly the DBI)DBI::Profile ��.A�C;,d�N��HpW��p@`��$0a���Pa����a���b���@b����i��Xj��t�k����k���pl����u��X�y���`z���{��d|����|���@~��Ѐ��H��������� �������������L`���|��p������� p���X ����� ���� ��� ����� �� p��������������@����|`�������� ���P `���� ���� ��������h��p���������p�������@��� �����t������L@��p�p�`������ �( �t��������@�������L`��������4����H������8 ��X�������L����p���p��Dp���$���@)��40,����,���@-����/��l1���@2���J���`K��� N���V��L�W���[���p`��P�d�������� ���� !����l!zRx�$@K���FJw�?:*3$"D�S���\�]��p�]��2(��]��xA�D�F q CAH�,^��!HR`�D^��uF�B�B �E(�A0�D8�D`�hHpXhA`X 8A0A(B BBBGM hBpQ,`e��7E�q8H�e��vB�B�D �D(�G0� (A ABBE��f����f���|��g��V B�E�E �B(�A0�D8�N`�hOpNhB`i 8A0A(B BBBAThNpWhB`whLpXhA`]hNpVhA`t,pp���M�B�B �A(�A0�� (A BFBK� (A BBBDX (E DBBK� (D IBBI8��s���B�D�D �Y EBFh CBCT�Lt��I�B�E �A(�A0�o8H@T8A0D (A BBBGy8I@^8A0(8u��yE�A�J Z AAA,dhu��{F�A�A �` ABAH��u���F�B�B �B(�A0�A8�GP� 8A0A(B BBBD8�,w���F�B�A �A(�J0� (A ABBH8�y��)F�B�A �A(�G02 (A ABBG,Xt{���F�A�A �s ABA,��{���F�A�A �o ABA�4|��ZKL�||��F�B�B 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