Close the channel for the current interpreter. 'send' and 'recv' (bool) may be used to indicate the ends to close. By default both ends are closed. Closing an already closed end is a noop.channel_close(cid, *, send=None, recv=None, force=False)
Close the channel for all interpreters.
If the channel is empty then the keyword args are ignored and both ends are immediately closed. Otherwise, if 'force' is True then all queued items are released and both ends are immediately closed.
If the channel is not empty *and* 'force' is False then following happens:
* recv is True (regardless of send): - raise ChannelNotEmptyError * recv is None and send is None: - raise ChannelNotEmptyError * send is True and recv is not True: - fully close the 'send' end - close the 'recv' end to interpreters not already receiving - fully close it once empty
Closing an already closed channel results in a ChannelClosedError.
Once the channel's ID has no more ref counts in any interpreter the channel will be destroyed.channel_recv(cid) -> obj
Return a new object from the data at the from of the channel's queue.channel_send(cid, obj)
Add the object's data to the channel's queue.channel_list_all() -> [cid]
Return the list of all IDs for active channels.channel_destroy(cid)
Close and finalize the channel. Afterward attempts to use the channel will behave as though it never existed.channel_create() -> cid
Create a new cross-interpreter channel and return a unique generated ID.is_shareable(obj) -> bool
Return True if the object's data may be shared between interpreters and False otherwise.run_string(id, script, shared)
Execute the provided string in the identified interpreter.
See PyRun_SimpleStrings.is_running(id) -> bool
Return whether or not the identified interpreter is running.get_main() -> ID
Return the ID of main interpreter.get_current() -> ID
Return the ID of current interpreter.list_all() -> [ID]
Return a list containing the ID of every existing interpreter.destroy(id)
Destroy the identified interpreter.
Attempting to destroy the current interpreter results in a RuntimeError. So does an unrecognized ID.create() -> ID