Press any button to map or unmap the Command widget.
COMMAND WIDGET The Command widget lists a number of sub-menus and commands. They are
Animate Open... Save... Play Step Repeat Auto Reverse Speed Slower Faster Direction Forward Reverse Help Overview Browse Documentation About Animate Image Info Quit
Menu items with a indented triangle have a sub-menu. They are represented above as the indented items. To access a sub-menu item, move the pointer to the appropriate menu and press a button and drag. When you find the desired sub-menu item, release the button and the command is executed. Move the pointer away from the sub-menu if you decide not to execute a particular command.
KEYBOARD ACCELERATORS Accelerators are one or two key presses that effect a particular command. The keyboard accelerators that animate(1) understands is:
Ctl+O Press to open an image from a file.
space Press to display the next image in the sequence.
< Press to speed-up the display of the images. Refer to -delay for more information.
> Press to slow the display of the images. Refer to -delay for more information.
F1 Press to display helpful information about animate(1).
Find Press to browse documentation about ImageMagick.
? Press to display information about the image. Press any key or button to erase the information.
This information is printed: image name; image size; and the total number of unique colors in the image.
Pixel Color black blue cyan green gray red magenta yellow white Browser... Direction horizontal vertical Help Dismiss
Choose a background color from the Pixel Color sub-menu. Additional background colors can be specified with the color browser. You can change the menu colors by setting the X resources pen1 through pen9.
If you choose the color browser and press Grab, you can select the background color by moving the pointer to the desired color on the screen and press any button.
Choose a point in the image window and press this button and hold. Next, move the pointer to another location in the image. As you move a line connects the initial location and the pointer. When you release the button, the degree of image rotation is determined by the slope of the line you just drew. The slope is relative to the direction you choose from the Direction sub-menu of the Command widget.
To cancel the image rotation, move the pointer back to the starting point of the line and release the button. In region of interest mode, the Command widget has these options:
Help Dismiss
To define a region of interest, press button 1 and drag. The region of interest is defined by a highlighted rectangle that expands or contracts as it follows the pointer. Once you are satisfied with the region of interest, release the button. You are now in apply mode. In apply mode the Command widget has these options:
File Save... Print... Edit Undo Redo Transform Flop Flip Rotate Right Rotate Left Enhance Hue... Saturation... Brightness... Gamma... Spiff Dull Contrast Stretch Sigmoidal Contrast... Normalize Equalize Negate Grayscale Map... Quantize... Effects Despeckle Emboss Reduce Noise Sharpen... Blur... Threshold... Edge Detect... Spread... Shade... Raise... Segment... F/X Solarize... Sepia Tone... Swirl... Implode... Vignette... Wave... Oil Painting... Charcoal Drawing... Miscellany Image Info Zoom Image Show Preview... Show Histogram Show Matte Help Dismiss
You can make adjustments to the region of interest by moving the pointer to one of the rectangle corners, pressing a button, and dragging. Finally, choose an image processing technique from the Command widget. You can choose more than one image processing technique to apply to an area. Alternatively, you can move the region of interest before applying another image processing technique. To exit, press Dismiss. A small window appears showing the location of the cursor in the image window. You are now in paste mode. To exit immediately, press Dismiss. In paste mode, the Command widget has these options:
Operators over in out atop xor plus minus add subtract difference replace Help Dismiss
Choose a composite operation from the Operators sub-menu of the Command widget. How each operator behaves is described below. Image window is the image currently displayed on your X server and image is the image obtained with the File Browser widget.
Over The result is the union of the two image shapes, with image obscuring image window in the region of overlap.
In The result is simply image cut by the shape of image window. None of the image data of image window is in the result.
Out The resulting image is image with the shape of image window cut out.
Atop The result is the same shape as the image window, with image obscuring image window where the image shapes overlap. Note this differs from over because the portion of image outside image window's shape does not appear in the result.
Xor The result is the image data from both image and image window that is outside the overlap region. The overlap region is blank.
Plus The result is just the sum of the image data. Output values are cropped to QuantumRange (no overflow). This operation is independent of the matte channels.
Minus The result of image - image window, with underflow cropped to zero.
Add The result of image + image window, with overflow wrapping around (mod 256).
Subtract The result of image - image window, with underflow wrapping around (mod 256). The add and subtract operators can be used to perform reversible transformations.
Difference The result of abs(image - image window). This useful for comparing two very similar images.
Copy The resulting image is image window replaced with image. Here the matte information is ignored.
CopyRed The red layer of the image window is replace with the red layer of the image. The other layers are untouched.
CopyGreen The green layer of the image window is replace with the green layer of the image. The other layers are untouched.
CopyBlue The blue layer of the image window is replace with the blue layer of the image. The other layers are untouched.
CopyOpacity The matte layer of the image window is replace with the matte layer of the image. The other layers are untouched.
The image compositor requires a matte, or alpha channel in the image for some operations. This extra channel usually defines a mask which represents a sort of a cookie-cutter for the image. This the case when matte is opaque (full coverage) for pixels inside the shape, zero outside, and between 0 and QuantumRange on the boundary. If image does not have a matte channel, it is initialized with 0 for any pixel matching in color to pixel location (0,0), otherwise QuantumRange.
Note that matte information for image window is not retained for colormapped X server visuals (e.g. StaticColor, StaticColor, GrayScale, PseudoColor). Correct compositing behavior may require a TrueColor or DirectColor visual or a Standard Colormap.
Choosing a composite operator is optional. The default operator is replace. However, you must choose a location to paste your image and press button 1. Press and hold the button before releasing and an outline of the image will appear to help you identify your location.
The actual colors of the pasted image is saved. However, the color that appears in image window may be different. For example, on a monochrome screen image window will appear black or white even though your pasted image may have many colors. If the image is saved to a file it is written with the correct colors. To assure the correct colors are saved in the final image, any PseudoClass image is promoted to DirectClass (see miff(5)). To force a PseudoClass image to remain PseudoClass, use -colors. When an image exceeds the width or height of the X server screen, display maps a small panning icon. The rectangle within the panning icon shows the area that is currently displayed in the image window. To pan about the image, press any button and drag the pointer within the panning icon. The pan rectangle moves with the pointer and the image window is updated to reflect the location of the rectangle within the panning icon. When you have selected the area of the image you wish to view, release the button.
Use the arrow keys to pan the image one pixel up, down, left, or right within the image window.
The panning icon is withdrawn if the image becomes smaller than the dimensions of the X server screen. Matte information within an image is useful for some operations such as image compositing (See IMAGE COMPOSITING). This extra channel usually defines a mask which represents a sort of a cookie-cutter for the image. This the case when matte is opaque (full coverage) for pixels inside the shape, zero outside, and between 0 and QuantumRange on the boundary.
A small window appears showing the location of the cursor in the image window. You are now in matte edit mode. To exit immediately, press Dismiss. In matte edit mode, the Command widget has these options:
Method point replace floodfill filltoborder reset Border Color black blue cyan green gray red magenta yellow white Browser... Fuzz 0% 2% 5% 10% 15% Dialog... Matte Opaque Transparent Dialog... Undo Help Dismiss
Choose a matte editing method from the Method sub-menu of the Command widget. The point method changes the matte value of any pixel selected with the pointer until the button is is released. The replace method changes the matte value of any pixel that matches the color of the pixel you select with a button press. Floodfill changes the matte value of any pixel that matches the color of the pixel you select with a button press and is a neighbor. Whereas filltoborder changes the matte value any neighbor pixel that is not the border color. Finally reset changes the entire image to the designated matte value.
Choose Matte Value and pick Opaque or Transparent. For other values select the Dialog entry. Here a dialog appears requesting a matte value. The value you select is assigned as the opacity value of the selected pixel or pixels.
Now, press any button to select a pixel within the image window to change its matte value.
If the Magnify widget is mapped, it can be helpful in positioning your pointer within the image (refer to button 2).
Matte information is only valid in a DirectClass image. Therefore, any PseudoClass image is promoted to DirectClass (see miff(5)). Note that matte information for PseudoClass is not retained for colormapped X server visuals (e.g. StaticColor, StaticColor, GrayScale, PseudoColor) unless you immediately save your image to a file (refer to Write). Correct matte editing behavior may require a TrueColor or DirectColor visual or a Standard Colormap. BUTTONS The effects of each button press is described below. Three buttons are required. If you have a two button mouse, button 1 and 3 are returned. Press ALT and button 3 to simulate button 2.
1 Press this button to map or unmap the Command widget.
2 Press and drag to define a region of the image to magnify.
3 Press and drag to choose from a select set of commands. This button behaves differently if the image being displayed is a visual image directory. Here, choose a particular tile of the directory and press this button and drag to select a command from a pop-up menu. Choose from these menu items:
Open Next Former Delete Update
If you choose Open, the image represented by the tile is displayed. To return to the visual image directory, choose Next from the Command widget. Next and Former moves to the next or former image respectively. Choose Delete to delete a particular image tile. Finally, choose Update to synchronize all the image tiles with their respective images.
COMMAND WIDGET The Command widget lists a number of sub-menus and commands. They are
File Open... Next Former Select... Save... Print... Delete... New... Visual Directory... Quit Edit Undo Redo Cut Copy Paste View Half Size Original Size Double Size Resize... Apply Refresh Restore Transform Crop Chop Flop Flip Rotate Right Rotate Left Rotate... Shear... Roll... Trim Edges Enhance Brightness... Saturation... Hue... Gamma... Sharpen... Dull Contrast Stretch... Sigmoidal Contrast... Normalize Equalize Negate Grayscale Map... Quantize... Effects Despeckle Emboss Reduce Noise Add Noise Sharpen... Blur... Threshold... Edge Detect... Spread... Shade... Painting... Segment... F/X Solarize... Sepia Tone... Swirl... Implode... Vignette... Wave... Oil Painting... Charcoal Drawing... Image Edit Annotate... Draw... Color... Matte... Composite... Add Border... Add Frame... Comment... Launch... Region of Interest... Miscellany Image Info Zoom Image Show Preview... Show Histogram Show Matte Background... Slide Show Preferences... Help Overview Browse Documentation About Display
Menu items with a indented triangle have a sub-menu. They are represented above as the indented items. To access a sub-menu item, move the pointer to the appropriate menu and press a button and drag. When you find the desired sub-menu item, release the button and the command is executed. Move the pointer away from the sub-menu if you decide not to execute a particular command.
KEYBOARD ACCELERATORS Accelerators are one or two key presses that effect a particular command. The keyboard accelerators that display(1) understands is:
Ctl+O Press to open an image from a file.
space Press to display the next image.
If the image is a multi-paged document such as a Postscript document, you can skip ahead several pages by preceding this command with a number. For example to display the third page beyond the current page, press 3<space>.
backspace Press to display the former image.
If the image is a multi-paged document such as a Postscript document, you can skip behind several pages by preceding this command with a number. For example to display the third page preceding the current page, press 3<backspace>.
Ctl+S Press to write the image to a file.
Ctl+P Press to print the image to a Postscript printer.
Ctl+D Press to delete an image file.
Ctl+N Press to create a blank canvas.
Ctl+Q Press to discard all images and exit program.
Ctl+Z Press to undo last image transformation.
Ctl+R Press to redo last image transformation.
Ctl+X Press to cut a region of the image.
Ctl+C Press to copy a region of the image.
Ctl+V Press to paste a region to the image.
< Press to half the image size.
- Press to return to the original image size.
> Press to double the image size.
% Press to resize the image to a width and height you specify.
Cmd-A Press to make any image transformations permanent. By default, any image size transformations are applied to the original image to create the image displayed on the X server. However, the transformations are not permanent (i.e. the original image does not change size only the X image does). For example, if you press > the X image will appear to double in size, but the original image will in fact remain the same size. To force the original image to double in size, press > followed by Cmd-A.
@ Press to refresh the image window.
C Press to cut out a rectangular region of the image.
[ Press to chop the image.
H Press to flop image in the horizontal direction.
V Press to flip image in the vertical direction.
/ Press to rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise.
\ Press to rotate the image 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
* Press to rotate the image the number of degrees you specify.
S Press to shear the image the number of degrees you specify.
R Press to roll the image.
T Press to trim the image edges.
Shft-H Press to vary the image hue.
Shft-S Press to vary the color saturation.
Shft-L Press to vary the color brightness.
Shft-G Press to gamma correct the image.
Shft-C Press to sharpen the image contrast.
Shft-Z Press to dull the image contrast.
= Press to perform histogram equalization on the image.
Shft-N Press to perform histogram normalization on the image.
Shft-~ Press to negate the colors of the image.
. Press to convert the image colors to gray.
Shft-# Press to set the maximum number of unique colors in the image.
F2 Press to reduce the speckles in an image.
F3 Press to eliminate peak noise from an image.
F4 Press to add noise to an image.
F5 Press to sharpen an image.
F6 Press to delete an image file.
F7 Press to threshold the image.
F8 Press to detect edges within an image.
F9 Press to emboss an image.
F10 Press to displace pixels by a random amount.
F11 Press to negate all pixels above the threshold level.
F12 Press to shade the image using a distant light source.
F13 Press to lighten or darken image edges to create a 3-D effect.
F14 Press to segment the image by color.
Meta-S Press to swirl image pixels about the center.
Meta-I Press to implode image pixels about the center.
Meta-W Press to alter an image along a sine wave.
Meta-P Press to simulate an oil painting.
Meta-C Press to simulate a charcoal drawing.
Alt-A Press to annotate the image with text.
Alt-D Press to draw on an image.
Alt-P Press to edit an image pixel color.
Alt-M Press to edit the image matte information.
Alt-V Press to composite the image with another.
Alt-B Press to add a border to the image.
Alt-F Press to add an ornamental border to the image.
Alt-Shft-! Press to add an image comment.
Ctl-A Press to apply image processing techniques to a region of interest.
Shft-? Press to display information about the image.
Shft-+ Press to map the zoom image window.
Shft-P Press to preview an image enhancement, effect, or f/x.
F1 Press to display helpful information about display(1).
Find Press to browse documentation about ImageMagick.
1-9 Press to change the level of magnification.
Use the arrow keys to move the image one pixel up, down, left, or right within the magnify window. Be sure to first map the magnify window by pressing button 2.
Press ALT and one of the arrow keys to trim off one pixel from any side of the image. The cursor changes to a crosshair to indicate you are in draw mode. To exit immediately, press Dismiss. In draw mode, the Command widget has these options:
Element point line rectangle fill rectangle circle fill circle ellipse fill ellipse polygon fill polygon Color black blue cyan green gray red magenta yellow white transparent Browser... Stipple Brick Diagonal Scales Vertical Wavy Translucent Opaque Open... Width 1 2 4 8 16 Dialog... Undo Help Dismiss
Choose a drawing primitive from the Element sub-menu.
Choose a color from the Color sub-menu. Additional colors can be specified with the color browser.
If you choose the color browser and press Grab, you can select the color by moving the pointer to the desired color on the screen and press any button. The transparent color updates the image matte channel and is useful for image compositing.
Choose a stipple, if appropriate, from the Stipple sub-menu. Additional stipples can be specified with the file browser. Stipples obtained from the file browser must be on disk in the X11 bitmap format.
Choose a width, if appropriate, from the Width sub-menu. To choose a specific width select the Dialog widget.
Choose a point in the Image window and press button 1 and hold. Next, move the pointer to another location in the image. As you move, a line connects the initial location and the pointer. When you release the button, the image is updated with the primitive you just drew. For polygons, the image is updated when you press and release the button without moving the pointer.
To cancel image drawing, move the pointer back to the starting point of the line and release the button. In crop mode, the Command widget has these options:
Help Dismiss
To define a cropping region, press button 1 and drag. The cropping region is defined by a highlighted rectangle that expands or contracts as it follows the pointer. Once you are satisfied with the cropping region, release the button. You are now in rectify mode. In rectify mode, the Command widget has these options:
Crop Help Dismiss
You can make adjustments by moving the pointer to one of the cropping rectangle corners, pressing a button, and dragging. Finally, press Crop to commit your cropping region. To exit without cropping the image, press Dismiss. In copy mode, the Command widget has these options:
Help Dismiss
To define a copy region, press button 1 and drag. The copy region is defined by a highlighted rectangle that expands or contracts as it follows the pointer. Once you are satisfied with the copy region, release the button. You are now in rectify mode. In rectify mode, the Command widget has these options:
Copy Help Dismiss
You can make adjustments by moving the pointer to one of the copy rectangle corners, pressing a button, and dragging. Finally, press Copy to commit your copy region. To exit without copying the image, press Dismiss. In cut mode, the Command widget has these options:
Help Dismiss
To define a cut region, press button 1 and drag. The cut region is defined by a highlighted rectangle that expands or contracts as it follows the pointer. Once you are satisfied with the cut region, release the button. You are now in rectify mode. In rectify mode, the Command widget has these options:
Cut Help Dismiss
You can make adjustments by moving the pointer to one of the cut rectangle corners, pressing a button, and dragging. Finally, press Cut to commit your copy region. To exit without cutting the image, press Dismiss. First a widget window is displayed requesting you to enter an image name. Press Composite, Grab or type a file name. Press Cancel if you choose not to create a composite image. When you choose Grab, move the pointer to the desired window and press any button.
If the Composite image does not have any matte information, you are informed and the file browser is displayed again. Enter the name of a mask image. The image is typically grayscale and the same size as the composite image. If the image is not grayscale, it is converted to grayscale and the resulting intensities are used as matte information.
A small window appears showing the location of the cursor in the image window. You are now in composite mode. To exit immediately, press Dismiss. In composite mode, the Command widget has these options:
Operators Over In Out Atop Xor Plus Minus Add Subtract Difference Multiply Bumpmap Copy CopyRed CopyGreen CopyBlue CopyOpacity Clear Dissolve Displace Help Dismiss
Choose a composite operation from the Operators sub-menu of the Command widget. How each operator behaves is described below. Image window is the image currently displayed on your X server and image is the image obtained with the File Browser widget.
Over The result is the union of the two image shapes, with image obscuring image window in the region of overlap.
In The result is simply image cut by the shape of image window. None of the image data of image window is in the result.
Out The resulting image is image with the shape of image window cut out.
Atop The result is the same shape as the image window, with image obscuring image window where the image shapes overlap. Note this differs from over because the portion of image outside image window's shape does not appear in the result.
Xor The result is the image data from both image and image window that is outside the overlap region. The overlap region is blank.
Plus The result is just the sum of the image data. Output values are cropped to QuantumRange (no overflow).
Minus The result of image - image window, with underflow cropped to zero.
Add The result of image + image window, with overflow wrapping around (mod 256).
Subtract The result of image - image window, with underflow wrapping around (mod 256). The add and subtract operators can be used to perform reversible transformations.
Difference The result of abs(image - image window). This useful for comparing two very similar images.
Multiply The result of image * image window. This useful for the creation of drop-shadows.
Bumpmap The result of surface normals from image * image window.
Copy The resulting image is image window replaced with image. Here the matte information is ignored.
CopyRed The red layer of the image window is replace with the red layer of the image. The other layers are untouched.
CopyGreen The green layer of the image window is replace with the green layer of the image. The other layers are untouched.
CopyBlue The blue layer of the image window is replace with the blue layer of the image. The other layers are untouched.
CopyOpacity The matte layer of the image window is replace with the matte layer of the image. The other layers are untouched.
The image compositor requires a matte, or alpha channel in the image for some operations. This extra channel usually defines a mask which represents a sort of a cookie-cutter for the image. This the case when matte is opaque (full coverage) for pixels inside the shape, zero outside, and between 0 and QuantumRange on the boundary. If image does not have a matte channel, it is initialized with 0 for any pixel matching in color to pixel location (0,0), otherwise QuantumRange.
If you choose Dissolve, the composite operator becomes Over. The image matte channel percent transparency is initialized to factor. The image window is initialized to (100-factor). Where factor is the value you specify in the Dialog widget.
Displace shifts the image pixels as defined by a displacement map. With this option, image is used as a displacement map. Black, within the displacement map, is a maximum positive displacement. White is a maximum negative displacement and middle gray is neutral. The displacement is scaled to determine the pixel shift. By default, the displacement applies in both the horizontal and vertical directions. However, if you specify a mask, image is the horizontal X displacement and mask the vertical Y displacement.
Note that matte information for image window is not retained for colormapped X server visuals (e.g. StaticColor, StaticColor, GrayScale, PseudoColor). Correct compositing behavior may require a TrueColor or DirectColor visual or a Standard Colormap.
Choosing a composite operator is optional. The default operator is replace. However, you must choose a location to composite your image and press button 1. Press and hold the button before releasing and an outline of the image will appear to help you identify your location.
The actual colors of the composite image is saved. However, the color that appears in image window may be different. For example, on a monochrome screen image window will appear black or white even though your composited image may have many colors. If the image is saved to a file it is written with the correct colors. To assure the correct colors are saved in the final image, any PseudoClass image is promoted to DirectClass (see miff(5)). To force a PseudoClass image to remain PseudoClass, use -colors. In color edit mode, the Command widget has these options:
Method point replace floodfill filltoborder reset Pixel Color black blue cyan green gray red magenta yellow white Browser... Border Color black blue cyan green gray red magenta yellow white Browser... Fuzz 0% 2% 5% 10% 15% Dialog... Undo Help Dismiss
Choose a color editing method from the Method sub-menu of the Command widget. The point method recolors any pixel selected with the pointer until the button is released. The replace method recolors any pixel that matches the color of the pixel you select with a button press. Floodfill recolors any pixel that matches the color of the pixel you select with a button press and is a neighbor. Whereas filltoborder recolors any neighbor pixel that is not the border color. Finally reset changes the entire image to the designated color.
Next, choose a pixel color from the Pixel Color sub-menu. Additional pixel colors can be specified with the color browser. You can change the menu colors by setting the X resources pen1 through pen9.
Now press button 1 to select a pixel within the image window to change its color. Additional pixels may be recolored as prescribed by the method you choose.
If the Magnify widget is mapped, it can be helpful in positioning your pointer within the image (refer to button 2).
The actual color you request for the pixels is saved in the image. However, the color that appears in your image window may be different. For example, on a monochrome screen the pixel will appear black or white even if you choose the color red as the pixel color. However, the image saved to a file with -write is written with red pixels. To assure the correct color text in the final image, any PseudoClass image is promoted to DirectClass (see miff(5)). To force a PseudoClass image to remain PseudoClass, use -colors. In chop mode, the Command widget has these options:
Direction horizontal vertical Help Dismiss
If the you choose the horizontal direction (this the default), the area of the image between the two horizontal endpoints of the chop line is removed. Otherwise, the area of the image between the two vertical endpoints of the chop line is removed.
Select a location within the image window to begin your chop, press and hold any button. Next, move the pointer to another location in the image. As you move a line will connect the initial location and the pointer. When you release the button, the area within the image to chop is determined by which direction you choose from the Command widget.
To cancel the image chopping, move the pointer back to the starting point of the line and release the button. In annotate mode, the Command widget has these options:
Font Name fixed variable 5x8 6x10 7x13bold 8x13bold 9x15bold 10x20 12x24 Browser... Font Color black blue cyan green gray red magenta yellow white transparent Browser... Font Color black blue cyan green gray red magenta yellow white transparent Browser... Rotate Text -90 -45 -30 0 30 45 90 180 Dialog... Help Dismiss
Choose a font name from the Font Name sub-menu. Additional font names can be specified with the font browser. You can change the menu names by setting the X resources font1 through font9.
Choose a font color from the Font Color sub-menu. Additional font colors can be specified with the color browser. You can change the menu colors by setting the X resources pen1 through pen9.
If you select the color browser and press Grab, you can choose the font color by moving the pointer to the desired color on the screen and press any button.
If you choose to rotate the text, choose Rotate Text from the menu and select an angle. Typically you will only want to rotate one line of text at a time. Depending on the angle you choose, subsequent lines may end up overwriting each other.
Choosing a font and its color is optional. The default font is fixed and the default color is black. However, you must choose a location to begin entering text and press button 1. An underscore character will appear at the location of the pointer. The cursor changes to a pencil to indicate you are in text mode. To exit immediately, press Dismiss.
In text mode, any key presses will display the character at the location of the underscore and advance the underscore cursor. Enter your text and once completed press Apply to finish your image annotation. To correct errors press BACK SPACE. To delete an entire line of text, press DELETE. Any text that exceeds the boundaries of the image window is automagically continued onto the next line.
The actual color you request for the font is saved in the image. However, the color that appears in your image window may be different. For example, on a monochrome screen the text will appear black or white even if you choose the color red as the font color. However, the image saved to a file with -write is written with red lettering. To assure the correct color text in the final image, any PseudoClass image is promoted to DirectClass (see miff(5)). To force a PseudoClass image to remain PseudoClass, use -colors. ���������U�U�U�U�V@�V��>{�G�z�@�F��F@`��h����������H��8��|����������x��p��X����Е� ��t��p��\������|��l��\��L��<��,����������ܖ�̖���������|��l��������������ؗ�������0������ ��������ȗ�����H������������P������x��К�К�����������O������I��ɤ�d����������d��d��j��j������f����I��g������\�����\��\��\��\��\�����\��\��\��\��\��\��\��\��l��\��\��l���� ���� �� ����� ��(��8���������������������P���������������l���l�l���l�l�l�l�l�������\���d���������� �����T�l�|�����SparseColorImageSparseColorImageRotateImageRotateImageAcquireResampleFilterTLSGenerateCoefficientsDistortImageDistortImageDistortResizeImageDistortResizeImageAffineTransformImageAffineTransformImage*ii*ii*ii*ii*ii*ii*ii*ii*ii*jj*ii*ii*ii*jj*jj*ii*ii*jj*jj*jj*ii*jj*jj*jj*jj*jj*jj*jj*jj*jjUNKNOWNInvalidArgumentmagick/distort.cPolynomial%s : '%s'unknown method givenGenerateCoefficientsAffineDistortCoefficients%s : 'Unsolvable Matrix'%s : 'Needs 6 coeff values'%s : 'Zero Scale Given'%s : 'Arc Angle Too Small'%s : 'Outer Radius Too Small'%s : number of arguments%s : Invalid Radius%s : Invalid FOV Angle-define shepards:powerno method handlerDistort/SparseColorDistort/ImageInvdistort:viewport`%s' `%s'DistortImagesAffine Projection: %lf,%lf' Perspective Projection: %.*g, %.*g' %.1024s rr%s0 ? %s : blue' \ (rt < 0 ) ? red : %s' xx = %+lf%s; %s' \ c%.20g = %+lf Arc Distort, FX Equivalent: xx=xx-round(xx); xx=xx*%lf %+lf; v.p{xx-.5,yy-.5}' \ -fx 'aa=(i+.5)*%lf %+lf; rr=(j+.5)*%lf %+lf; xx=rr*sin(aa) %+lf; yy=rr*cos(aa) %+lf; cylinder_radius = %+lf aa=atan(ii/%+lf); xx=%lf*aa%+lf; yy=jj*cos(aa)%+lf; ii=ii/%+lf; xx=%lf*tan(ii)%+lf; yy=jj/cos(ii)%+lf; -fx 'xc=%lf; yc=%lf; p{ii+xc,jj+yc}' \ -define distort:scale./magick/resample-private.h; yy =Barycentric Sparse Color: Bilinear Sparse Color Invalid order, should be integer 1 to 5, or 1.5%s : 'require at least %.20g CPs'%s : 'Needs at least 1 argument'%s : 'Too Many Arguments (7 or less)'%s : 'Needs 8 coefficient values'%s : 'requires CP's (4 numbers each)'v.p{, }p{ xx-page.x-.5, yy-page.y-.5 }Invalid number of args: 2 only -size %.20gx%.20g -page %+.20g%+.20g xc: +insert \ -distort AffineProjection \ 'Affine Distort, FX Equivelent: -fx 'ii=i+page.x+0.5; jj=j+page.y+0.5; xx=%+lf*ii %+lf*jj %+lf; yy=%+lf*ii %+lf*jj %+lf; -distort PerspectiveProjection \ 'Perspective Distort, FX Equivalent: rr=%+.*g*ii %+.*g*jj + 1; xx=(%+.*g*ii %+.*g*jj %+.*g)/rr; yy=(%+.*g*ii %+.*g*jj %+.*g)/rr; BilinearForward Mapping Equations: i = %+lf*x %+lf*y %+lf*x*y %+lf; j = %+lf*x %+lf*y %+lf*x*y %+lf; BilinearForward Distort, FX Equivalent: -fx 'ii=i+page.x%+lf; jj=j+page.y%+lf; bb=%lf*ii %+lf*jj %+lf; rt=bb*bb %+lf*(%lf*ii%+lf*jj); yy=( -bb + sqrt(rt) ) / %lf; yy=(%lf*ii%+lf*jj)/bb; xx=(ii %+lf*yy)/(%lf %+lf*yy); BilinearReverse Distort, FX Equivalent: xx=%+lf*ii %+lf*jj %+lf*ii*jj %+lf; yy=%+lf*ii %+lf*jj %+lf*ii*jj %+lf; Polynomial (order %lg, terms %lu), FX Equivalent Arc Distort, Internal Coefficients: -fx 'ii=i+page.x; jj=j+page.y; xx=(atan2(jj,ii)%+lf)/(2*pi); yy=(%lf - hypot(ii,jj)) * %lf; Polar Distort, Internal Coefficients Polar Distort, FX Equivalent: xx=(atan2(ii,jj)%+lf)/(2*pi); xx=xx*2*pi*%lf + v.w/2; yy=(hypot(ii,jj)%+lf)*%lf; DePolar Distort, Internal Coefficients DePolar Distort, FX Equivalent: Cylinder to Plane Distort, Internal Coefficients Cylinder to Plane Distort, FX Equivalent: -fx 'ii=i+page.x%+lf+0.5; jj=j+page.y%+lf+0.5; Plane to Cylinder Distort, Internal Coefficients Plane to Cylinder Distort, FX Equivalent: Barrel%s Distort, FX Equivalent: -fx 'xc=(w-1)/2; yc=(h-1)/2; ii=i-xc; jj=j-yc; rr=hypot(ii,jj); ii=ii%s(%lf*rr*rr*rr %+lf*rr*rr %+lf*rr %+lf); jj=jj%s(%lf*rr*rr*rr %+lf*rr*rr %+lf*rr %+lf); affine_matrix != (AffineMatrix *) NULL -channel R -fx '%+lf*i %+lf*j %+lf' \ -channel G -fx '%+lf*i %+lf*j %+lf' \ -channel B -fx '%+lf*i %+lf*j %+lf' \ -channel K -fx '%+lf*i %+lf*j %+lf' \ -channel A -fx '%+lf*i %+lf*j %+lf' \ -channel R -fx '%+lf*i %+lf*j %+lf*i*j %+lf; -channel G -fx '%+lf*i %+lf*j %+lf*i*j %+lf; -channel B -fx '%+lf*i %+lf*j %+lf*i*j %+lf; -channel K -fx '%+lf*i %+lf*j %+lf*i*j %+lf; -channel A -fx '%+lf*i %+lf*j %+lf*i*j %+lf; �?�-DT�! �-DT�!�?-DT�!@�-���q�d@-DT�!��magick/draw.c#000F#FFF0UnableToAllocateDashPattern begin draw-primitive affine: %g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%gdata:ImageTypeNotSupportedftphttphttpsvid%gx%g!%+f%+freplacefilltoborderresetColorPrimitive %.20g,%.20g %sMattePrimitive %.20g,%.20g %sTextPrimitive %.20g,%.20gImagePrimitive %.20g,%.20g begin open (%.20g) %.20g: %.18g,%.18g end last (%.20g) end open (%.20g) begin draw-dash end draw-dash end draw-primitivemoveto ghostlinemoveto openmovetolinetodown begin vector-path end vector-path %g,%g %s begin active-edge end active-edge edge %.20g: direction: %s ghostline: %s bounds: %g,%g - %g,%g %g,%g begin draw-polygon#0000#f00#0f0#00f end draw-polygon begin draw-stroke-polygon end draw-stroke-polygonVectorGraphicsNestedTooDeeplybegin draw-imagemvg:vector-graphics#000000pushpoparcbezierborder-colorclip-ruleclip-unitscurrentColordecoratefill-opacityfill-rulefont-familyfont-sizefont-stretchfont-stylefont-weightgradient-unitsletter-spacing begin mask-path %s#00000000end mask-pathpolylinedefsgraphic-contextpatternsymbolradial%s-type%s-geometry%gx%g%+.15g%+.15groundRectangleskewXskewYstop-colorstroke-antialiasstroke-dasharraystroke-dashoffsetstroke-linecapstroke-linejoinstroke-miterlimitstroke-opacitystroke-widthtext-aligntext-anchortext-antialiastext-undercolortranslateviewbox %.*sAaCcQqSsTtCcSsQqTtRender/Imageend draw-imagename != (const char *) NULLbegin pattern-path %s %send pattern-path begin clip-path %send clip-pathpolygon_info != (PolygonInfo **) NULLsource != (const Image *) NULLsource->signature == MagickCoreSignaturedraw_info != (const DrawInfo *) NULL %.20g: %g %g (duplicate)primitive_info != (PrimitiveInfo *) NULLdraw:render-bounding-rectanglesNonconformingDrawingPrimitiveDefinitionUnbalancedGraphicContextPushPop���@��������������������P��0��p����T����T��T��T��T��T��T��T��T��T������4��ئ���p��������������������ƍ�����h��ܘ�X��ܘ�ܘ�ܘ�ܘ�ܘ�ܘ�ܘ�ܘ�ܘ�P��H����@��P� )� )� )� )� )����0�(�&�(� )�#� )�(�#��$� )�0�� � )���!������ )� )� )� )� )� )� )� )� )����0�(�&�(� )�#� )�(�#��$� )�0�� � 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NULLDespeckle/ImageKernelWidthMustBeAnOddNumber%.20g: %g gaussian:%.20gx%.20g%+f ./magick/random-private.h204x204+10+10#dfdfdfrotate %gshear %gx%groll %+.20gx%+.20g100,100,%gmodulate %sgamma %g+contrast (%.20g)colors %.20gdespeckle (%.20g)noise %guniformmultiplicativeimpulselaplacianpoisson+noise %ssharpen %gx%gblur %gx%gthreshold %gedge %gspread %gsolarize %gshade %gx%graise %.20gx%.20g%+.20g%+.20gsegment %gx%gswirl %gimplode %gwave %gx%gpaint %gcharcoal %gx%gjpeg:%squality %s %gmb quality %s %gkb quality %s %.20gb Preview/Image15x15+3+3columns <= (MAGICK_SSIZE_MAX-2)blur:%.20gx%.20g;blur:%.20gx%.20g+90 FilterImage with %.20gx%.20g kernel: SelectiveBlurImage with %.20gx%.20g kernel:-colorspace gray -colors %.20gv��i� u�pu��q�r��r�v�s�f�t�xs�s��j�@k�`k�k� l��l�@m�m�n�n�o�p�hp��p�`q�q�Hh��w�w�w�rw� 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MagickCoreSignatureD�l��?4@D@T@�LX�z��?�A��������9��B.濮G�z��?{�G�z�?������������?. 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%g hough-lines:accumulator# Hough line transform: %.20gx%.20g%+.20g # x1,y1 x2,y2 # count angle distance MeanShiftImageMeanShiftImageHoughLineImageHoughLineImageGetImageChannelFeaturesGetImageChannelFeaturesCannyEdgeImageCannyEdgeImage�?�?����?��?(���?3OP@��y��?��?3OP���y�ڿ ���o?�;f���?Complex/Imagemagick/fourier.cImageSequenceRequiredcomplex:snr`%s' (FFTW)0�����0��������p������InverseFourierTransformImageInverseFourierTransformImageForwardFourierTransformImageComplexImagesComplexImagesDelegateLibrarySupportNotBuiltInmagnitude_image != (Image *) NULLmagnitude_image->signature == MagickCoreSignature%p.%.20g.%smagick/fx.cmagentabluegreencyanyellowUnableToParseExpressionacoshasinhatanhatan2E+E-j0j1(+-/*%:&^|<>~,ShiftCountOverflowParenthesisNestedTooDeeplyabsacosairyasinaltatanceil%s[%.20g,%.20g].%s: %s=%.*g 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NULLSetHeadElementInLinkedListResetLinkedListIteratorResetHashmapIteratorRemoveLastElementFromLinkedListRemoveEntryFromHashmapRemoveElementFromLinkedListRemoveElementByValueFromLinkedListPutEntryInHashmapNewLinkedListNewHashmapLinkedListToArrayIsLinkedListEmptyIsHashmapEmptyInsertValueInSortedLinkedListInsertValueInLinkedListGetValueFromLinkedListGetValueFromHashmapGetNumberOfElementsInLinkedListGetNumberOfEntriesInHashmapGetNextValueInLinkedListGetNextValueInHashmapGetNextKeyInHashmapGetLastValueInLinkedListGetHeadElementInLinkedListDestroyLinkedListDestroyHashmapClearLinkedListAppendValueToLinkedListUniqueColors/Imagemagick/histogram.c Compute image colors... %10.20g: %s %s %s %s Histogram/ImageIsPaletteImageIsPaletteImageIsHistogramImageIsHistogramImageCheckImageColorsIdentifyPaletteImageIdentifyPaletteImageClassifyImageColorsClassifyImageColorsGetImageHistogram %s: %.*g (%.*g) %s: PH%.20g: %.*g, %.*g Centroid: %.*g,%.*g Ellipse angle: %.*g I%.20g: %.*g (%.*g) Image NameEdit StatusPrioritySupplemental CategoryFixture IdentifierKeywordRelease DateRelease TimeSpecial InstructionsReference ServiceReference DateReference NumberCreated DateCreated TimeOriginating ProgramProgram VersionObject CycleBylineByline TitleCitySub-LocationProvince StateCountry CodeCountryHeadlineCreditCopyright StringLocal CaptionCaption WriterCustom Field 1Custom Field 2Custom Field 3Custom Field 4Custom Field 5Custom Field 6Custom Field 7Custom Field 8Custom Field 9Custom Field 10Custom Field 11Custom Field 12Custom Field 13Custom Field 14Custom Field 15Custom Field 16Custom Field 17Custom Field 18Custom Field 19Custom Field 20magick/identify.cidentify:locateidentify:limit Channel %s locations: %s=>%s[%.20g] %.20gx%.20g=>%.20gx%.20g%+.20g%+.20g %.20g-bit %.20g=>%.20gc %.20g/%f/%fdb %0.3fu %lu:%02lu.%03luidentify:momentsidentify:featuresImage: Filename: %s Base filename: %s Permissions: %s%s%s Format: %s (%s) Mime type: %s Class: %s Base geometry: %.20gx%.20g Resolution: %gx%g Print size: %gx%g Units: %s Colorspace: %s Type: %s Base type: %s Endianness: %s Depth: %.20g-bit Depth: %.20g/%.20g-bit Channel depth: red: %.20g-bit green: %.20g-bit blue: %.20g-bit cyan: %.20g-bit magenta: %.20g-bit yellow: %.20g-bit black: %.20g-bit gray: %.20g-bit alpha: %.20g-bit Channel statistics: Pixels: %.20g Image statistics: Overall Channel moments: Image moments: Channel perceptual hash: Red, HueGreen, ChromaBlue, LumaAlpha, Alpha Total ink density: %.*g%% Alpha: %s identify:unique-colors Colors: %.20g Histogram: Colormap entries: %.20g Colormap: %g: %s %s %s Mean error per pixel: %g Normalized mean error: %g Rendering intent: %s Gamma: %g Chromaticity: red primary: (%g,%g,%g) blue primary: (%g,%g,%g) white point: (%g,%g,%g) Background color: %s Border color: %s Matte color: %s Transparent color: %s Interlace: %s Intensity: %s Compose: %s Dispose: %s Delay: %.20gx%.20g Iterations: %.20g Duration: %.20g Scene: %.20g of %.20g Scene: %.20g Compression: %s Quality: %.20g Orientation: %s Montage: %s 64x64 Directory: %s %.20gx%.20g %s 8BIM:1999,2998:#1 Clipping path: Profiles: Profile-%s: %.20g bytes %s[%.20g,%.20g]: Properties: %s: Artifacts: Tainted: %s Filesize: %s Registry: Number pixels: %s Pixels per second: %s %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ User time: %0.3fu Version: %s Format: %s -----x-w--wxr--r-xrw-rwx %s: Angular Second Moment: %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g Contrast: %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g Correlation: %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g Sum of Squares Variance: %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g Inverse Difference Moment: %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g Sum Average: %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g Sum Variance: %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g Sum Entropy: %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g Entropy: %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g Difference Variance: %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g Difference Entropy: %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g Information Measure of Correlation 1: %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g Information Measure of Correlation 2: %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g Maximum Correlation Coefficient: %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g, %.*g Ellipse Semi-Major/Minor axis: %.*g,%.*g Ellipse eccentricity: %.*g Ellipse intensity: %.*g (%.*g) %s: min: %.*g (%.*g) max: %.*g (%.*g) mean: %.*g (%.*g) standard deviation: %.*g (%.*g) kurtosis: %.*g skewness: %.*g entropy: %.*g Original Transmission Reference Geometry: %.20gx%.20g%+.20g%+.20g Channel features (horizontal, vertical, left and right diagonals, average): Normalized maximum error: %g green primary: (%g,%g,%g) Tile geometry: %.20gx%.20g%+.20g%+.20g Page geometry: %.20gx%.20g%+.20g%+.20g Origin geometry: %+.20g%+.20g Time-to-live: %g:%02g:%02g:%02g%c %s Elapsed time: %lu:%02lu.%03lu �H��H��H��H��H�H��H��H��H��H�H��H��H��H��H�H��H�H��H��H�H��H��H��H��H�H��H��H��H��H�vH��H��H��H��H�jH��H��H��H��H�^H��H�RH��H��H�FH��H��H��H��H�:H��H��H��H��H�.H��H��H��H��H�"H��H��H��H��H�H��H��H��H��H� 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(PixelPacket *) NULLbackground != (const MagickPixelPacket *) NULLSyncImageSettingsSyncImageSettingsSyncImagesSettingsSyncImagesSettingsSyncImageSyncImageStripImageStripImageSmushImagesSmushImagesSetImageVirtualPixelMethodSetImageVirtualPixelMethodSetImageOpacitySetImageOpacitySetImageMaskSetImageMaskSetImageInfoFileSetImageInfoFileSetImageInfoBlobSetImageInfoBlobSetImageInfoSetImageInfoSetImageExtentSetImageClipMaskSetImageClipMaskSetImageStorageClassSetImageStorageClassSetImageColorSetImageColorSetImageBackgroundColorSetImageBackgroundColorResetImagePixelsResetImagePixelsResetImagePageResetImagePageReferenceImageReferenceImageNewMagickImageNewMagickImageModifyImageModifyImageIsTaintImageIsTaintImageIsImageObjectIsImageObjectGetImageVirtualPixelMethodGetImageVirtualPixelMethodGetImageReferenceCountGetImageReferenceCountGetImageChannelsGetImageChannelsGetImageMaskGetImageMaskGetImageInfoGetImageInfoGetImageExceptionGetImageExceptionGetImageClipMaskGetImageClipMaskDisassociateImageStreamDisassociateImageStreamDestroyImageInfoDestroyImageInfoDestroyImageDestroyImageCopyImagePixelsCopyImagePixelsCloneImageCloneImageClipImagePathClipImagePathCatchImageExceptionCatchImageExceptionAppendImagesAppendImagesAcquireNextImageAcquireNextImageAcquireImageInfoAcquireImageR���Q@�o@�E�?@�z�?`��?�Q��?@33�?@33�?����?@33�?�Q��? 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CompareOverlayLayer)(*images) != (const Image *) NULL(*images)->signature == MagickCoreSignatureMergeImageLayersMergeImageLayersCompositeLayersCompositeLayersRemoveZeroDelayLayersRemoveZeroDelayLayersRemoveDuplicateLayersRemoveDuplicateLayersOptimizeImageTransparencyOptimizeImageTransparencyOptimizeLayerFramesOptimizeLayerFramesCompareImageLayersCompareImageLayersDisposeImagesDisposeImagesCoalesceImagesCoalesceImagesmagick/list.cimages != images->previousimages != (Image **) NULLimages != images->nextscenes != (char *) NULLframes:stepInvalidImageIndex%g `%s'replace != (Image *) NULLinsert != (Image *) NULLsplice != (Image *) NULLappend->signature == MagickCoreSignatureimages != (const Image *) NULLreplace->signature == MagickCoreSignatureinsert->signature == MagickCoreSignaturesplice->signature == 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(LocaleInfo *) NULLlocale_info->signature == MagickCoreSignatureLoading locale configure file "%s" ...<?xml version="1.0"?><localemap> <locale name="C"> <Exception> <Message name=""> </Message> </Exception> </locale></localemap>number_messages != (size_t *) NULLLocaleUpperLocaleLowerGetLocaleValueGetLocaleValueGetLocaleOptionsGetLocaleOptionsGetLocaleListGetLocaleListGetLocaleInfoListGetLocaleInfoListLoadLocaleCacheGetLocaleInfo_DestroyLocaleOptionsDestroyLocaleOptions</log> magick/log.c<logmap></logmap>eventsfilenamegenerationsunlimitedoutputlog.xmlMagick-%g.log%0.3fu6.9.13<log> <event>%s</event> %9g %8g ^�]�Z^�Y�Y�Y�Y�z]�Y�Y�\\�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�Y�^�]�Z^�Y�Y�Y�Y�z]�Y�Y�\\�dl�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�m�tl�Dl��k��k�l�m�k�m�m�tk�k�k�m��j�m�i�m�ti�Di�$i�TranslateFilenameGetLogListGetLogListGetLogInfoListGetLogInfoListLoadLogCacheAcquireLogCacheGetLogInfoConsoleDebugEvent FileNoneStderrStdout%t %r %u %v %d %c[%p]: %m/%f/%l/%d\n %e<entry> <timestamp>%s</timestamp> <elapsed-time>%lu:%02lu.%06lu</elapsed-time> <user-time>%0.3f</user-time> <process-id>%.20g</process-id> <thread-id>%.20g</thread-id> <module>%s</module> <function>%s</function> <line>%.20g</line> <domain>%s</domain> <event>%s</event> </entry>log_info->filename != (char *) NULL<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> number_preferences != (size_t *) NULL Generations Limit Format ��.ALoading magic configure file "%s" ...number_aliases != (size_t *) NULLmagic_info != (MagicInfo *) NULLmagic_info->signature == MagickCoreSignature# ImageMagick pixel enumeration:magick/magic.c<magictargetmagic.xmlp->offset >= 0Name Offset Target %6ld \%03o8BIM#ftypavifCICPversion: MIL-STD-1840srcdocid:rorient:BEGMF�*_�DICM�h�:DDS AT&TFORMdigraphSDPXXPDS����v/1DFAX#FIGIT0SIMPLEFLIFGIF8#!/usr/local/bin/gnuplotHDF#?RADIANCE#?RGBEftypheicftypheixftypmif1IN;ILBM2#0="�"�JNG
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