AAKWCA(0<���E�O�M�o AAA(\����E�O�M�o AAAL�$���F�P�I �B(�A0�A8�D�� 8A0A(B BBBDP����eF�A�D �S ABGB AEHm ABHg ABFL,��sF�P�B �E(�A0�A8�G�� 8A0A(B BBBC<|��,F�P�A �A(�F�� (A ABBG<����F�P�A �A(�F�9 (A ABBC<�p��F�P�A �A(�F� (A ABBFL<��F�P�I �B(�A0�A8�I�� 8A0A(B BBBH<����F�P�A �C(�D�: (A ABBB4�0�^F�O�J �D�� AABA(X�E�M�D � DAEGNU�p0�L T^s��h �;�L �L ���o`(� ��N X� x ���o���oh ���o�o ���o<�L ������ 0@P`p�������� Conversion between binary data and ASCIIb2a_qp($module, /, data, quotetabs=False, istext=True, header=False) --
Encode a string using quoted-printable encoding.
On encoding, when istext is set, newlines are not encoded, and white space at end of lines is. When istext is not set, \r and \n (CR/LF) are both encoded. When quotetabs is set, space and tabs are encoded.a2b_qp($module, /, data, header=False) --
Decode a string of qp-encoded data.unhexlify($module, hexstr, /) --
Binary data of hexadecimal representation.
hexstr must contain an even number of hex digits (upper or lower case).a2b_hex($module, hexstr, /) --
Binary data of hexadecimal representation.
hexstr must contain an even number of hex digits (upper or lower case). This function is also available as "unhexlify()".hexlify($module, data, /) --
Hexadecimal representation of binary data.
The return value is a bytes object.b2a_hex($module, data, /) --
Hexadecimal representation of binary data.
The return value is a bytes object. This function is also available as "hexlify()".crc32($module, data, crc=0, /) --