Decode an Intel/DVI ADPCM coded fragment to a linear fragment.lin2adpcm($module, fragment, width, state, /) --
Convert samples to 4 bit Intel/DVI ADPCM encoding.alaw2lin($module, fragment, width, /) --
Convert sound fragments in a-LAW encoding to linearly encoded sound fragments.lin2alaw($module, fragment, width, /) --
Convert samples in the audio fragment to a-LAW encoding.ulaw2lin($module, fragment, width, /) --
Convert sound fragments in u-LAW encoding to linearly encoded sound fragments.lin2ulaw($module, fragment, width, /) --
Convert samples in the audio fragment to u-LAW encoding.ratecv($module, fragment, width, nchannels, inrate, outrate, state, weightA=1, weightB=0, /) --
Convert the frame rate of the input fragment.lin2lin($module, fragment, width, newwidth, /) --
Convert samples between 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-byte formats.byteswap($module, fragment, width, /) --
Convert big-endian samples to little-endian and vice versa.reverse($module, fragment, width, /) --
Reverse the samples in a fragment and returns the modified fragment.bias($module, fragment, width, bias, /) --
Return a fragment that is the original fragment with a bias added to each sample.add($module, fragment1, fragment2, width, /) --
Return a fragment which is the addition of the two samples passed as parameters.tostereo($module, fragment, width, lfactor, rfactor, /) --
Generate a stereo fragment from a mono fragment.tomono($module, fragment, width, lfactor, rfactor, /) --
Convert a stereo fragment to a mono fragment.mul($module, fragment, width, factor, /) --
Return a fragment that has all samples in the original fragment multiplied by the floating-point value factor.cross($module, fragment, width, /) --
Return the number of zero crossings in the fragment passed as an argument.maxpp($module, fragment, width, /) --
Return the maximum peak-peak value in the sound fragment.avgpp($module, fragment, width, /) --
Return the average peak-peak value over all samples in the fragment.findmax($module, fragment, length, /) --
Search fragment for a slice of specified number of samples with maximum energy.findfactor($module, fragment, reference, /) --
Return a factor F such that rms(add(fragment, mul(reference, -F))) is minimal.findfit($module, fragment, reference, /) --
Try to match reference as well as possible to a portion of fragment.rms($module, fragment, width, /) --
Return the root-mean-square of the fragment, i.e. sqrt(sum(S_i^2)/n).avg($module, fragment, width, /) --
Return the average over all samples in the fragment.minmax($module, fragment, width, /) --
Return the minimum and maximum values of all samples in the sound fragment.max($module, fragment, width, /) --
Return the maximum of the absolute value of all samples in a fragment.getsample($module, fragment, width, index, /) --
Return the value of sample index from the fragment.?������?������[���������} �[0U@| �Z�>�{ �[pV`{ �[�R`x �[PP�x [�N�z =Z�;`z )[@K`y T[�L�y [J�w �Y�0@w �Y.�u �Y�, u �Y�*r �Y)�r �YP'q Y@%�q sY#�s .Z`7p �Y�3�p gY�v XY @v �Z�H�| JY��t =Y` t �Z0@s GA$3a1��XGA$3p1113��XGA*GA$annobin gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA$plugin name: annobinGA$running gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA*GA*GA! GA*FORTIFYGA+GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONSGA*GOW*�GA*cf_protectionGA+omit_frame_pointerGA+stack_clashGA!stack_realign GA*FORTIFY����k�7zXZ�ִF!t/��wN]?�E�h=��ڊ�2N��@������n�Q���gq��i�P$���Z�2{Z�����ST��6XPѨ��c�=��ָUd���F"��@|[�"m-)�!z�[���*�gFƛꂚC����o ����E5*��E���X����+���Y�^�c��y�P�Xe�� hY���z]�˵������NX����j���FE��3�0b��m٣R��,Ŕiv�>���EY �я�S�m�^%�$9�k�S-��ed��!��:����v���|PNW鉈��3�I�ꌇ��Z_{q��QW� �Z�8> �� H�pA�;Šfh+0Q���4Ϟ�+][ܚ��3A���l��!O�i�7<Bo9l�����S5)�j�7��f4�(���[��l����<T�����_����|�6Qi�<~�!*o�)�kGn�f��*X��+�)Ͼqwȉa��a7.N�����N��_��9ˁ�h&��N6tʚ�1մ6�nĈ�����A����<�0�@W���>��[9Z_,�gR���W�&���N�&�pځxm��tE"L5��(�@����%@��k�7e6ȮG�]P_b;�|ߢA���佧�9��0�m��+�k�^�����桠�A���?Oy#��g���y2��d�E�ia�NB!"�4E�<�8�.�_�jd����k%?\�6�٤Ņ�D�c�%�K.}�]?�l�@�V�^S�MOi�K�nHtyR��_n���ω~��Q��2���<겲bB��H���l�{���-�M,h���m� �z�K�����6�j�ą�;�f���z������>L�J ��U�|b-q9>���P�uc��.i����K�y8���߸ӻ�`ض/�(�zY������XK�vr�;etFtò�Q�F .��;J*���7W��3A%2jG�<�K�Ԕ{����w�ĻI./-�~�K)�E�I'3��~��@�Q.:�'Kqy�e7ֱV�����