exit WriteJNGImage()Enter ReadJNGImage()JNGCorruptImageexit ReadJNGImage()Perceptual IntentRelative IntentSaturation IntentAbsolute IntentUndefined IntentGrayscaleTruecolorIndexedGrayAlphaRGBAUndefinedColorType6.9.13-171.2.11 running with %s Zlib version = %spng:chunk-cache-maxpng:chunk-malloc-maxMNGprofile:skipICCpng:preserve-iCCPpng:swap-bytespng:IHDR.color-type-origpng:IHDR.bit-depth-orig Found PNG iCCP chunk. Found PNG gAMA chunk. Found PNG cHRM chunk. Found PNG sRGB chunk. Reading PNG iCCP chunk.ICC profile is NULL with crc=%8xiccNo global PLTE in file Reading PNG tRNS chunk. image->gamma=%g image->colorspace=%dMemory allocation failed%d, %dpng:IHDR.width,heightpng:IHDR.bit_depthpng:IHDR.color_type%d (Not interlaced)png:IHDR.interlace_method%d (Adam7 method)%d (Unknown method)png:PLTE.number_colors exit ReadOnePNGImage(). Reading PNG IDAT chunk(s) ...got one.Load/ImageInvalidColormapIndex./magick/colormap-private.h Found transparent pixel Reading PNG text chunkRaw profile type invalid profile lengthmissing profile length length: %luunable to copy profileran out of profile data Read raw profile %s Skipping raw profile %sdensityunitsversionwidthpng:text%d were foundpng:text-encoded profilespng:cHRMchunk was foundpng:bKGDpng:iCCPpng:tRNSintent=%d (%s)png:sRGBgamma=%.8g (See Gamma, above)png:gAMApng:pHYsx_off=%.20g, y_off=%.20gpng:oFFspng:caNv exit ReadOnePNGImage()Enter ReadPNGImage()exit ReadPNGImage() Enter ReadOneMNGImage()DeltaPNGNotSupported Skip to IEND. MNG width: %.20g MNG height: %.20g%.20gx%.20g+0+0object id too large Framing_mode=%d Framing_delay=%.20g Framing_timeout=%.20gCLON is not implemented yetPAST is not implemented yetSHOW is not implemented yetpHYg is not implemented.BASI is not implemented yet Processing %c%c%c%c chunk Skipping invisible object Processing MNG MAGN chunk Allocate magnified image Magnify the rows to %.20g Delete original image Finished MAGN processing Crop the PNG image No beginning Corrupt list First image null No visible images found.No visible images in file Before coalesce: scene 0 delay=%.20g scene %.20g delay=%.20g Coalesce Images After coalesce: exit ReadOneJNGImage();Enter ReadMNGImage()exit ReadMNGImage() image->taint=MagickTrue image->taint=MagickFalseUnknownGrayGray+AlphaPaletteRGB+Alpha Enter WriteOnePNGImage() IM version = %s Libpng version = %sICM image_info->magick= %s Freeing bogus colormap Enter BUILD_PALETTE: image->columns=%.20g image->rows=%.20g image->matte=%.20g image->depth=%.20g Original colormap: %d (%d,%d,%d,%d) image->colors=%d (zero means unknown) Regenerate the colormap image has %d colorsincompatible colorspace Sort the new colormap AcquireImageColormap image->colors=%d (%d) %d (%d,%d,%d,%d) Exit BUILD_PALETTE: width=%.20g height=%.20g image_matte=%.20g Setting up pHYs chunk Setting up bKGD chunk (1) ping_bit_depth=%d %5ld (%5d,%5d,%5d)number_colors <= 256image->colormap != NULL Selecting PNG colortype: Selected PNG colortype=%dimage has 0 colors image_info->type: %.20g image_depth: %.20g image->depth: %.20g ping_bit_depth: %.20g to (%d,%d,%d) Setting up bKGD chunk (2) to %d background =(%d,%d,%d) PNG color type: %s (%d) Compression mem level: 9 Compression level: %d Setting up filtering Compression strategy: %d Base filter method: NONE Base filter method: %d Writing PNG header chunks Setting up empty PLTE chunk PLTE[%d] = (%d,%d,%d) Setting up iCCP chunkng-chunk-%8lu Setting up sRGB chunk Setting up cHRM chunk Setting up bKGD chunk index = %d, gray=%d x_resolution=%g y_resolution=%g unit_type=%g Reset tIME in tainted imagedate:modify%d-%d-%dT%d:%d:%d%d-%d-%dT%d:%d:%d%d:%d Invalid date, ret=%d`%s' (ret=%d) tRNS color =(%d,%d,%d) Writing PNG image data Writing row of pixels (0) Writing row of pixels (1)Save/Image Writing row of pixels (2) Writing row of pixels (3) Wrote PNG image data Width: %.20g Height: %.20g PNG bit-depth written: %d Defined png:bit-depth: %d PNG Interlace method: %dpng:jpeg:exif:ResolutionUnitexif:XResolutionexif:YResolutiontiff:ResolutionUnittiff:XResolutiontiff:YResolutiondate: Have eXIf profile Writing PNG end info exit WriteOnePNGImage()Enter WritePNGImage()PNG8PNG24PNG32PNG48PNG64png:formatPNG00 Format=%spng8png24png32png48png64png0016png:bit-depthpng:color-typepng:preserve-colormappng:compression-level5png:compression-strategypng:compression-filterpng:exclude-chunkpng:include-chunkspng:include-chunknonebkgdchrmgamaiccpoffsphyssrgbtimetrnszccpztxt bKGD caNv cHRM date EXIF eXIf gAMA iCCP oFFs pHYs sRGB tEXt tIME tRNS zCCP zTXtexit WritePNGImage()Enter WriteMNGImage() Matte: True Matte: False Number of colors: %.20g 10 cs `%s'�MNG
mng:need-cacheoffCACHEOFF TERM delay: %.20g TERM iterations: %.20g Image iterations: %.20g Writing JNG object. Writing PNG object.Save/Imagesexit WriteMNGImage()libpng ,video/x-mngPortable Network Graphicsimage/pngzlib JPEG Network Graphicsimage/x-jngExpected %.20g bytes; found %.20g bytes read_user_chunk: found %c%c%c%c chunk%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ Writing %c%c%c%c chunk, length: %.20gimage->signature == MagickCoreSignature Creating jpeg_image_info for opacity. JNG Quality = %d JNG Color Type = %d JNG Alpha Compression = %d JNG Alpha Depth = %d JNG Alpha Quality = %d Creating PNG blob for alpha. Successfully read jpeg_image into a blob, length=%.20g. Write IDAT chunks from blob, length=%.20g. Skipping %c%c%c%c chunk, length=%.20g. Write JDAA chunk, length=%.20g. Write JDAT chunk, length=%.20g. exit WriteOneJNGImage(); unique_filenames=%d Created jpeg_image, %.20g x %.20g. Creating JPEG blob for alpha. Reading JNG chunk type %c%c%c%c, length: %.20g jng_width: %16lu, jng_height: %16lu jng_color_type: %16d, jng_image_sample_depth: %3d jng_image_compression_method:%3d jng_image_interlace_method: %3d jng_alpha_sample_depth: %3d jng_alpha_compression_method:%3d jng_alpha_filter_method: %3d jng_alpha_interlace_method: %3d JNG width or height too large: (%lu x %lu) Writing IHDR chunk to alpha_blob. Copying JDAT chunk data to color_blob. Copying IDAT chunk data to alpha_blob. Copying JDAA chunk data to alpha_blob. Reading jng_image from color_blob.color_image_info != (ImageInfo *) NULL Copying jng_image pixels to main image. Reading opacity from alpha_blob. exit ReadOneJNGImage(); unique_filenames=%dimage_info != (const ImageInfo *) NULLimage_info->signature == MagickCoreSignatureexception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULLexception->signature == MagickCoreSignatureexit ReadJNGImage() with error Enter ReadOnePNGImage() IM version = %s Libpng version = %s Before reading: image->matte=%d image->rendering_intent=%d image->colorspace=%d image->gamma=%f exit ReadOnePNGImage() with error. PNG width: %.20g, height: %.20g PNG color_type: %d, bit_depth: %d PNG compression_method: %d PNG interlace_method: %d, filter_method: %d Got a %lu-byte ICC profile (potentially sRGB) It is sRGB with rendering intent = %s Got a %lu-byte ICC profile not recognized as sRGB Reading PNG sRGB chunk: rendering_intent: %d Reading PNG gAMA chunk: gamma: %f Reading PNG oFFs chunk: x: %.20g, y: %.20g. Reading PNG pHYs chunk: xres: %.20g, yres: %.20g, units: %d.global tRNS has more entries than global PLTE Reading PNG bKGD chunk, raw ping_background=(%d,%d,%d). bkgd_scale=%d. ping_background=(%d,%d,%d). image->background_color=(%.20g,%.20g,%.20g). Ignoring PNG tRNS chunk with out-of-range sample. Raw tRNS graylevel = %d, scaled graylevel = %d. Reading PNG PLTE chunk: number_colors: %d. Skipping PNG image data for scene %.20g Converting PNG pixels to pixel packetsFailed to allocate quantum_info Looking for cheap transparent pixel Converting grayscale pixels to pixel packets No transparent pixel was found exit ReadOnePNGImage() early. Found a generic profile, type %s length: %lu Keyword: %s%d tEXt/zTXt/iTXt chunks were foundchunk was found (see Chromaticity, above)chunk was found (see Background color, above)x_res=%.10g, y_res=%.10g, units=%dwidth=%.20g, height=%.20g, x_offset=%.20g, y_offset=%.20gexit ReadPNGImage() with errorexit ReadPNGImage() with error.SetImageColorspace to RGBColorspace page.w: %.20g, page.h: %.20g,page.x: %.20g, page.y: %.20g. Reading MNG chunk type %c%c%c%c, length: %.20g repeat=%d, final_delay=%.20g, iterations=%.20gDEFI chunk found in MNG-VLC datastreamNonzero object_id in MNG-LC datastreamDEFI cannot redefine a frozen MNG object x_off[%d]: %.20g, y_off[%d]: %.20gFRAM chunk found in MNG-VLC datastream Frame_clip: L=%.20g R=%.20g T=%.20g B=%.20g subframe_width=%.20g, subframe_height=%.20g Insert backgd layer, L=%.20g, R=%.20g T=%.20g, B=%.20g LOOP level %.20g has %.20g iterations ENDL: LOOP level %.20g has %.20g remaining iters MAGN is not implemented yet for nonzero objectsUnknown MAGN method in MNG datastream Inserted transparent background layer, W=%.20g, H=%.20g Insert background layer, L=%.20g, R=%.20g T=%.20g, B=%.20g Seeking back to beginning of %c%c%c%c chunkyy < (ssize_t) large_image->rows Magnify the columns to %.20g Finished reading image datastream. Finished reading all image datastreams. No images found. Inserting a background layer. Allocation failed, returning NULL.Linked list is corrupted, beginning of list not foundLinked list is corrupted; next_image is NULLimage->next for first image is NULL but shouldn't be. image->delay=%.20g, final_delay=%.20g scene 0 delay=%.20g dispose=%.20g scene %.20g delay=%.20g dispose=%.20gexit ReadMNGImage() with error image->storage_class=UndefinedClass image->storage_class=DirectClass image->storage_class=PseudoClass OK to reduce PNG bit depth to 8 without loss of info Not OK to reduce PNG bit depth to 8 without loss of info i (red,green,blue,opacity) Check colormap for background (%d,%d,%d) background_color index is %d No room in the colormap to add background color image has more than 256 colors image_colors (%d) and n (%d) don't match Update the pixel indexes i (red,green,blue,opacity) number_transparent = %d number_transparent > 256 number_opaque = %d number_opaque > 256 number_semitransparent = %d number_semitransparent > 256 All pixels and the background are black or white All pixels and the background are gray At least one pixel or the background is non-gray Thresholding the alpha channel to binary Quantizing the background color to 4-4-4 Quantizing the pixel colors to 4-4-4 Quantizing the colormap to 4-4-4 Quantizing the background color to 3-3-3 Quantizing the pixel colors to 3-3-3-1 Quantizing the colormap to 3-3-3-1 Quantizing the background color to 3-3-2 Quantizing the pixel colors to 3-3-2-1 Quantizing the colormap to 3-3-2-1 Merging two dark red background colors to 3-3-2-1 Merging two dark red pixel colors to 3-3-2-1 Cheap transparency is not possible. Cheap transparency is possible.Cannot write PNG8 or color-type 3; colormap is NULL Tentative ping_bit_depth=%.20g Set up PNG pHYs chunk: xres: %.20g, yres: %.20g, units: %d. Setting up PLTE chunk with %d colors (%d) PNG colortype %d was specified: Tentative PNG bit depth: %d Tentative PNG color type: %s (%.20g) Scaling ping_trans_color (0) Setting up PLTE chunk with %d colors Scaling ping_trans_color (1) Scaling ping_trans_color from (%d,%d,%d) ping_background.index is %d ping_background.gray is %d Scaling ping_trans_color.gray from %d Setting up bKGD chunk with index=%d No room in PLTE to add bKGD color Setting up deflate compression Compression buffer size: 32768 Base filter method: ADAPTIVE Image has transparency but tRNS chunk was excluded Defined png:bit-depth=%u, Computed depth=%uCannot write image with defined png:bit-depth or png:color-type. Defined png:color-type=%u, Computed color type=%u Added an opaque matte channel Setting ping_have_tRNS=MagickTrue. PLTE[%d] = (%d,%d,%d), tRNS[%d] = (%d) Setting up zTXT chunk with uuencoded ICCwriting raw profile: type=%s, length=%.20g maximum profile length exceeded Setting up text chunk with %s profile Setting up gAMA chunk (%.20g) background color = (%d,%d,%d) Writing tIME chunk: timestamp property is %30s Date format specified for png:tIME=%s ret=%d,y=%d, m=%d, d=%d, h=%d, m=%d, s=%d, ah=%d, as=%dInvalid date format specified for png:tIME png_set_tIME: y=%d, m=%d, d=%d, h=%d, m=%d, s=%d, ah=%d, am=%d Calling png_set_tRNS with num_trans=%d Setting up oFFs chunk with x=%d, y=%d, units=0 Allocating %.20g bytes of memory for pixelsAllocation of memory for pixels failedMemory allocation for quantum_info failed Writing GRAY PNG pixels (2) Writing GRAY_ALPHA PNG pixels (2) Writing GRAY_ALPHA PNG pixels (3) pass %d, Image Is not GRAY or GRAY_ALPHA pass %d, Image Is RGB, 16-bit GRAY, or GRAY_ALPHA Writing GRAY_ALPHA PNG pixels (4) Writing row of non-gray pixels (4) ping_pixels[0]=%d,ping_pixels[1]=%d PNG color-type written: %d Defined png:color-type: %dCannot convert GIF with disposal method 3 to MNG-LC png00 inherited bit depth=%s png00 inherited color type=%signoring invalid defined png:bit-depth png:bit-depth=%d was defined. ignoring invalid defined png:color-type png:color-type=%d was defined. ignoring invalid defined png:compression-levelignoring invalid defined png:compression-strategyignoring invalid defined png:compression-filter png:exclude-chunk=%s found in image options. png:exclude-chunk=%s found in image artifacts. png:include-chunk=%s found in image options. png:include-chunk=%s found in image artifacts. Chunks to be excluded from the output png: Checking input image(s) Image_info depth: %.20g, Type: %d Scene: %.20g , Image depth: %.20g Storage class: PseudoClass Storage class: DirectClass Number of colors: unspecifiedinput has zero delay between all frames; assumingMultiple-image Network Graphics8-bit indexed with optional binary transparencyopaque or binary transparent 24-bit RGBopaque or transparent 32-bit RGBAopaque or binary transparent 48-bit RGBopaque or transparent 64-bit RGBAPNG inheriting bit-depth, color-type from original if possible�e���e���e���e���e���e���c���d���d��|d��h��h���d��$[��Ii��Ui��=i����hn��Ui��\n���y���z���z���z��lz��Lz���v���z��ReadOneMNGImageReadOneMNGImageReadMNGImageReadMNGImageWriteMNGImageWriteMNGImage