%% CRD End (Prefix) [ (Pantone ) (PANTONE ) ] (Suffix) [ ( CV) ( CVC) ( C) ] /Current exch /HPSpotTable defineresource pop dup 0.0 lt { pop 0.0 } if dup 1.0 gt { pop 1.0 } if /MatrixA [ 0.9642 1.0000 0.8249 ] /RangeLMN [ 0.0 0.9642 0.0 1.0000 0.0 0.8249 ] Color Rendering Dictionary (CRD)Profile is not suitable for CSA. Unsupported colorspace.Cannot create transform Profile -> Lab{100 mul 16 add 116 div } bind {255 mul 128 sub 500 div } bind {255 mul 128 sub 200 div } bind /MatrixABC [ 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 -1] /RangeLMN [ -0.236 1.254 0 1 -0.635 1.640 ] {dup 6 29 div ge {dup dup mul mul} {4 29 div sub 108 841 div mul} ifelse 0.964200 mul} bind {dup 6 29 div ge {dup dup mul mul} {4 29 div sub 108 841 div mul} ifelse } bind {dup 6 29 div ge {dup dup mul mul} {4 29 div sub 108 841 div mul} ifelse 0.824900 mul} bind Only 3, 4 channels supported for CSA. This profile has %d channels.Cannot create transform Lab -> Profile in CRD creation/MatrixPQR [1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ] /RangePQR [ -0.5 2 -0.5 2 -0.5 2 ] %% Absolute colorimetric -- encode to relative to maximize LUT usage /TransformPQR [ {0.9642 mul %g div exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop} bind {1.0000 mul %g div exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop} bind {0.8249 mul %g div exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop} bind ] /RangeLMN [ -0.635 2.0 0 2 -0.635 2.0 ] { 0.964200 div dup 0.008856 le {7.787 mul 16 116 div add}{1 3 div exp} ifelse } bind { 1.000000 div dup 0.008856 le {7.787 mul 16 116 div add}{1 3 div exp} ifelse } bind { 0.824900 div dup 0.008856 le {7.787 mul 16 116 div add}{1 3 div exp} ifelse } bind /MatrixABC [ 0 1 0 1 -1 1 0 0 -1 ] { 116 mul 16 sub 100 div } bind { 500 mul 128 add 256 div } bind { 200 mul 128 add 256 div } bind %% Bradford Cone Space /MatrixPQR [0.8951 -0.7502 0.0389 0.2664 1.7135 -0.0685 -0.1614 0.0367 1.0296 ] %% VonKries-like transform in Bradford Cone Space /TransformPQR [ {exch pop exch 3 get mul exch pop exch 3 get div} bind {exch pop exch 4 get mul exch pop exch 4 get div} bind {exch pop exch 5 get mul exch pop exch 5 get div} bind ] %% VonKries-like transform in Bradford Cone Space plus BPC /TransformPQR [ {4 index 3 get div 2 index 3 get mul 2 index 3 get 2 index 3 get sub mul 2 index 3 get 4 index 3 get 3 index 3 get sub mul sub 3 index 3 get 3 index 3 get exch sub div exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop } bind {4 index 4 get div 2 index 4 get mul 2 index 4 get 2 index 4 get sub mul 2 index 4 get 4 index 4 get 3 index 4 get sub mul sub 3 index 4 get 3 index 4 get exch sub div exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop } bind {4 index 5 get div 2 index 5 get mul 2 index 5 get 2 index 5 get sub mul 2 index 5 get 4 index 5 get 3 index 5 get sub mul sub 3 index 5 get 3 index 5 get exch sub div exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop } bind ] /Current exch /ColorRendering defineresource pop �������cmsopt.c(Lut -> InputChannels < 16)(Lut -> OutputChannels < 16)(internal) Attempt to PatchLUT on non-lut stage(internal) %d Channels are not supported on PatchLUTOptimizeByResamplingXFormSampler16DupPluginOptimizationList�@?��@����>{�G�z�?H