Time changed by %ldus from %ld.%06ld -> %ld.%06ld Synchronizing time: syncType %d, slewCorrection %d, allowBackwardSync %d guestResync %d, guestResyncTimeout %d. Unable to retrieve the guest OS time: %s.
Guest resync operation failed. Guest resync is in progress, ignoring one-time synchronization event. One time synchronization: stepping time. One time synchronization: correction not needed. Periodic synchronization: stepping time. Periodic synchronization: slewing time. Adjustment too large (%ld), resetting PLL state. Activating PLL ppmEst=%ld (%ld) PPM error too large: %ld (%ld) not activating PLL Calibrating error: adjustment %ld Unable to synchronize time when starting time loop. Unable to change time sync period. time.synchronize.tools.slewCorrectionDaemon: Setting slewCorrection, %d. time.synchronize.tools.percentCorrectionDaemon: Setting slewPercentCorrection to %s. time.synchronize.tools.startup.backwardtime.synchronize.tools.startupUnable to sync time during startup. time.synchronize.guest.resync.timeoutGuest resync timeout handler: stepping time. Unable to tokenize TimeSync RPC datatimeSyncStarting slew. Stopping slew. Stopping time sync loop. 1Guest resync: stepping time. Starting PLL calibration. Updating PLL: adjustment %ld Slewing time: adjustment %ld Starting time sync loop. New sync period is %d sec. synctimesynctime.periodtime.synchronize.tools.enabletime.synchronize.guest.resyncguestResync = %d guestResyncTimeout = %d Unable to synchronize time. Unable to sync timeTime_SynchronizeTimeInfo_Updatetcs_set_optiontcs_shutdownadjtimex failed: %s time slew end time slew start: %ld %s : off %ld freq %ld maxerr %ld esterr %ld status %d const %ld precision %ld tolerance %ld tick %ld %s: clamped offset at -500000 %s: adjtimex set offset failed: %d %s %s: adjtimex set time constant failed: %d %s %s: adjtimex set status failed: %d %s %s: adjtimex failed: %d %s %s: clamped offset at 500000 Set PLL time constant Set PLL status TimeSync_PLLUpdateTimeSync_PLLSetFrequency(NULL)timeInfo.%s%s: Sending RPC: '%s'%s: RpcChannel_Send failed.%s: RPC response: %s OK%s: RPC was unsuccessful.%s: > Response: data: %s%s: Invalid result payload.precisionclock0get-updates%s: Failed to fetch updates.%s: Notification received.TimeInfo not enabledtcs_prop_thread_pooltimeInfo.enablednot unsubscribe%s: Empty response received from VMX.%s: Fetching updates from VMX.%s: Failed to perform get-updates.update: key %s value %s time %s%s: Failed to subscribe with VMX for notifications.%s: TimeInfo support is %senabled. %s: Subscribing for notifications from VMX.%s: Unsubscribing from notifications from VMX.%s: Failed to unsubscribe from VMX notifications.TimeInfoVmxUnsubscribeTimeInfoVmxSubscribeTimeInfo_InitTimeInfoVmxRpcDoTimeInfoVmxGetUpdatesTimeInfoGetAndLogUpdatesTimeInfoHandleNotificationTaskversion=;$#���@���h����t��������(���������88��X���l�������x��4��p���X������8�4��X��l�����h������x�D��x(��X� ������������zRx�$p��0FJw�?:*3$"Dx�� H\`���B�B�E �E(�D0�I8�D�� 8A0A(B BBBJ����eD F F0�8��dA�D�F q AABaAA�t��VA�T���1E�S HL4���Z4H$��E�D�Gp�xF�IxFpV AAA\�����B�J�B �B(�A0�A8�J�s�K�H�A�