Show or change the CPU affinity of a process. Options: -a, --all-tasks operate on all the tasks (threads) for a given pid -p, --pid operate on existing given pid -c, --cpu-list display and specify cpus in list format The default behavior is to run a new command: %1$s 03 sshd -b 1024 You can retrieve the mask of an existing task: %1$s -p 700 Or set it: %1$s -p 03 700 List format uses a comma-separated list instead of a mask: %1$s -pc 0,3,7-11 700 Ranges in list format can take a stride argument: e.g. 0-31:2 is equivalent to mask 0x55555555 Try '%s --help' for more information. cannot determine NR_CPUS; abortingwrite error/usr/share/localeutil-linuxinvalid PID argument%s from %s util-linux 2.32.1display versiondisplay this help -V, --version -h, --help%-25s%s %-25s%s