%-20s Send different SNI name. 1st_hs_name - at first %-20s handshake, 2nd_hs_name - at second handshake. %-20s Default is host from the -h argument. %-20s Hostname to connect with %-20s Port number for SSL server %-20s Directory with cert database (default is ~/.netscape) %-20s Run without a cert database %-20s Load the default "builtins" root CA module %-20s Load the given root CA module %-20s Print certificate chain information %-20s (use -C twice to print more certificate details) %-20s (use -C three times to include PEM format certificate dumps) %-20s Nickname of key and cert %-20s Restricts the set of enabled SSL/TLS protocols versions. %-20s All versions are enabled by default. %-20s Possible values for min/max: ssl3 tls1.0 tls1.1 tls1.2 tls1.3 %-20s Example: "-V ssl3:" enables SSL 3 and newer. %-20s Prints only payload data. Skips HTTP header. %-20s Use synchronous certificate selection & validation %-20s Override bad server cert. Make it OK. %-20s Disable SSL socket locking. %-20s Verbose progress reporting. %-20s Ping the server and then exit. %-20s Timeout for server ping (default: no timeout). %-20s Renegotiate N times (resuming session if N>1). %-20s Enable the session ticket extension. %-20s Enable the cert_status extension (OCSP stapling). %-20s Enable the signed_certificate_timestamp extension. %-20s Enable the delegated credentials extension. %-20s Require fresh revocation info from side channel. %-20s -F once means: require for server cert only %-20s -F twice means: require for intermediates, too %-20s (Connect, handshake with server, disable dynamic download %-20s of OCSP/CRL, verify cert using CERT_PKIXVerifyCert.) %-20s Exit code: %-20s 0: have fresh and valid revocation data, status good %-20s 1: cert failed to verify, prior to revocation checking %-20s 2: missing, old or invalid revocation data %-20s 3: have fresh and valid revocation data, status revoked %-20s Test -F allows 0=any (default), 1=only OCSP, 2=only CRL %-20s Print cipher values allowed for parameter -c and exit %-20s Enforce using an IPv4 destination address %-20s Enforce using an IPv6 destination address %-20s (Options -4 and -6 cannot be combined.) %-20s Enable the extended master secret extension [RFC7627] %-20s Require the use of FFDHE supported groups [RFC7919] %-20s Read from a file instead of stdin %-20s Allow 0-RTT data (TLS 1.3 only) %-20s Disconnect and reconnect up to N times total %-20s Comma separated list of enabled groups for TLS key exchange. %-20s The following values are valid: %-20s P256, P384, P521, x25519, FF2048, FF3072, FF4096, FF6144, FF8192 %-20s xyber768d00 %-20s Comma separated list of signature schemes in preference order. %-20s The following values are valid: %-20s rsa_pkcs1_sha1, rsa_pkcs1_sha256, rsa_pkcs1_sha384, rsa_pkcs1_sha512, %-20s ecdsa_sha1, ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256, ecdsa_secp384r1_sha384, %-20s ecdsa_secp521r1_sha512, %-20s rsa_pss_rsae_sha256, rsa_pss_rsae_sha384, rsa_pss_rsae_sha512, %-20s rsa_pss_pss_sha256, rsa_pss_pss_sha384, rsa_pss_pss_sha512, %-20s dsa_sha1, dsa_sha256, dsa_sha384, dsa_sha512 %-20s Use Encrypted Client Hello with the given Base64-encoded ECHConfigs %-20s Enable Encrypted Client Hello GREASEing with the given padding size (0-255) %-20s Enable post-handshake authentication %-20s for TLS 1.3; need to specify -n %-20s Export and print keying material after successful handshake. %-20s The argument is a comma separated list of exporters in the form: %-20s LABEL[:OUTPUT-LENGTH[:CONTEXT]] %-20s where LABEL and CONTEXT can be either a free-form string or %-20s a hex string if it is preceded by "0x"; OUTPUT-LENGTH %-20s is a decimal integer. %-20s Configure a TLS 1.3 External PSK with the given hex string for a key %-20s To specify a label, use ':' as a delimiter. For example %-20s 0xAAAABBBBCCCCDDDD:mylabel. Otherwise, the default label of %-20s 'Client_identity' will be used. %-20s Enable middlebox compatibility mode (TLS 1.3 only) %-20s Enable zlib certificate compression %-20s Enable certificate compression with an external %-20s compresser. The compression_spec value has the following format: %-20s id,name,dll,encode,decode %-20s where: %-20s %-10s is an int matching the ssl spec for the compresser. %-20s %-10s is a friendly name for the compresser. %-20s %-10s is the path to the implementation for the compresser. %-20s %-10s is the name of the encode function which will compress. %-20s %-10s is the name of the decode function which will decompress. -a name-h host-p port-d certdir-D-b-R-C-n nickname-V [min]:[max]-K%-20s Send TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV -S-f%-20s Client speaks first. -O-o-s-v-q-t seconds-r N-u-g%-20s Enable false start. -T-U-B-F-M-c ciphers%-20s Restrict ciphers -Y-4-6-G-H-A-Z-L-I-J-P {client, server}%-20s Use DTLS -Q%-20s Exit after handshake -N-i-E-x-z externalPsk-e-j-k {compression_spec}decodeencodedllidUnable to allocate buffer for client cert callback Server requested Client Authentication CA[%d]: %s sent cert: %s send no cert 1.2.11-----END CERTIFICATE----------BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----%s %s %s ==== certificate(s) sent by server: ==== ==== locally found issuer certificate(s): ==== ==== end of certificate chain information ==== %s: using asynchronous certificate validation Certificate%s: handshake was paused by auth certificate hook nonersa_pkcs1_sha1rsa_pkcs1_sha256rsa_pkcs1_sha384rsa_pkcs1_sha512ecdsa_sha1ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256ecdsa_secp384r1_sha384ecdsa_secp521r1_sha512rsa_pss_rsae_sha256rsa_pss_rsae_sha384rsa_pss_rsae_sha512ed25519ed448rsa_pss_pss_sha256rsa_pss_pss_sha384rsa_pss_pss_sha512dsa_sha256dsa_sha384dsa_sha512RSA PKCS#1 SHA1+MD5Unknown Scheme FIPSYesNosubject DN: %s issuer DN: %s tstclnt: SSL version %d.%d using %d-bit %s with %d-bit %s MAC%s tstclnt: Server Auth: %d-bit %s, Key Exchange: %d-bit %s Compression: %s, Extended Master Secret: %s Signature Scheme: %s %ld cache hits; %ld cache misses, %ld cache not reusable %ld stateless resumes Received %d Cert Status items (OCSP stapled data) Received a Signed Certificate Timestamp of length %u Received a Delegated Credential SSL_CipherPrefSet didn't like value 0x%04x (i = %d): %s Failed to load a suitable client certificate %s: Writing %d bytes to server authentication of server cert failed%s: about to call PR_Poll on writable socket ! %s: PR_Poll returned with writable socket ! write to SSL socket failed%s: %d bytes written too much early data to savePR_Poll failedEarly data rejected. Re-sending %d bytes couldn't export keying material: %s error creating socketerror setting socket optionserror importing socketerror enabling socketSSL_CipherPrefSet()error enabling false starterror forcing fallback scsvzliberror enabling 0-RTTSSL_NamedGroupConfig failedSSL_SetClientEchConfigsSSL_EnableTls13GreaseEchSSL_SetTls13GreaseEchSizeUsing External PSKPK11_GetInternalSlot failedPK11_ImportSymKey failedSSL_AddExternalPskimportPsk failederror installing server certunable to connect (poll)%s: PR_Poll returned zero! pollunable to connect%s: ready... %s: about to call PR_Poll ! select failed%s: PR_Poll returned! %s: stdin read %d bytes read from stdin failedSSL_GetEchRetryConfigsSSL_GetEchRetryConfigs failedread from socket failed
server bind to remote end failederror enabling client handshakeerror setting SSL/TLS version range error disabling SSL socket lockingerror enabling Session Ticket extensionSSL_SetCertificateCompressionAlgorithmerror enabling Zlib Certificate Compressionerror enabling External Certificate Compressionerror enabling cert status (OCSP stapling)error enabling delegated credentialserror enabling extended master secreterror enabling alternate ServerHello typeerror enabling middlebox compatibility modeerror in requiring the use of fixed finite-field DH groupserror enabling signed cert timestampserror enabling post-handshake authSSL_SignatureSchemePrefSet failedECHConfigs record is invalid base64SSL_SetClientEchConfigs failedSSL_EnableTls13GreaseEch failedSSL_SetTls13GreaseEchSize failederror configuring session cache%s: about to call PR_Poll for connect completion! %s: PR_Poll returned 0x%02x for socket out_flags. %s: unable to open input file: %s %s: PR_Poll returned 0x%02x for stdin out_flags. NSSBase64_EncodeItem on retry_configs failedReceived ECH retry_configs: %s %s: Read from server %d bytes NSS_DEBUG_TIMEOUTBad group specified. serverclientalt-server-helloBad exporter specified. Bad PSK specified. Bad version specified. localhostlocalhost.localdomainHOSTNAME=%s error looking up hostFailed to create a TCP socketTCP Connection failedunable to open cert databasefailed to initialize NSSlibnssckbi.soBuiltinserror looking up host address46A:BCDEFGHI:J:KL:M:N:OP:QR:STUV:W:X:YZa:bc:d:efgh:i:jk:m:n:op:qr:st:uvw:x:z:Bad signature scheme specified. %-20s Letter(s) chosen from the following list c SSL3 RSA WITH RC4 128 MD5 d SSL3 RSA WITH 3DES EDE CBC SHA e SSL3 RSA WITH DES CBC SHA i SSL3 RSA WITH NULL MD5 n SSL3 RSA WITH RC4 128 SHA o SSL3 DHE DSS WITH RC4 128 SHA p SSL3 DHE RSA WITH 3DES EDE CBC SHA q SSL3 DHE DSS WITH 3DES EDE CBC SHA r SSL3 DHE RSA WITH DES CBC SHA s SSL3 DHE DSS WITH DES CBC SHA t SSL3 DHE DSS WITH AES 128 CBC SHA u SSL3 DHE RSA WITH AES 128 CBC SHA v SSL3 RSA WITH AES 128 CBC SHA w SSL3 DHE DSS WITH AES 256 CBC SHA x SSL3 DHE RSA WITH AES 256 CBC SHA y SSL3 RSA WITH AES 256 CBC SHA z SSL3 RSA WITH NULL SHA
:WXYZ Use cipher with hex code { 0xWX , 0xYZ } in TLS Unable to allocate buffer for 0-RTT ECH Grease size must be within 1..255 (inclusive). %s: parameters -h and -p are mandatory %s: -F requires the use of -O %s: Cannot combine parameters -D and -d %s: Cannot combine parameters -b and -R %s: -E requires the use of -n %s: connecting to %s:%hu (address=%s) Failed to set blocking socket optionClient timed out while waiting for connection to servertstclnt: exiting with return code %d ��d�����d��d��d��d��d��d��d��d��d��d�����P��@��h�����������p�� �����������p��P��0�����������������p��P��(���������d��d��d��d��d��d��`��P��0���������������`��H����d�����������x��`��8�� �����������p��@��d����%s: : %s: error %d : error %d %s:(empty) %02x:%c%s [Len: %d] %s: (null) %s: %d (0x%x) function failed %s MD2MD4SHA1SHA224SHA256SHA384SHA5120x................................ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~.................................................................................................................................0123456789abcdef %a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y(%d least significant bits unused) ssl3tls1.0tls1.1tls1.2tls1.3",Error opening input terminal for read Error opening output terminal for write No password file "%s" exists. password file contains no data externalIncorrect password/PIN entered. Enter Password or Pin for "%s":Press Enter, then enter PIN for "%s" on external device. Password check failed: No password found. Enter a password which will be used to encrypt your keys. The password should be at least %d characters long, and should consist of at least three character classes. The available character classes are: digits (0-9), ASCII lowercase letters, ASCII uppercase letters, ASCII non-alphanumeric characters, and non-ASCII characters.
If an ASCII uppercase letter appears at the beginning of the password, it is not counted toward its character class. Similarly, if a digit appears at the end of the password, it is not counted toward its character class.
Enter a password which will be used to encrypt your keys. The password should be at least 8 characters long, and should contain at least one non-alphabetic character.
Passwords do not match. Try again. Enter new password: Re-enter password: Invalid password. Try again. Password changed successfully. Invalid password. Failed to change password. SSL_DIR%s%s%s/%sHOME%.900s%s.netscape%.900s/%s%.900sunable to read data from input file Warning: ignoring private key. Consider to use pk12util. input has header but no trailer error converting ascii to binary (%s) PRIVATE KEY-----BEGIN-----ENDerror converting der (%s) ValidityNot BeforeNot After BooleanTrueFalse%s: %s %s: [%d][%d] %s: NULL AH��)L��L���K��~K��MK��@K��AH��AH��AH��L��AH��3K��AH��AH��AH��&K��&K��AH��3K��3K��AH��3K��K��K��AH��3K��AH��QJ��AH��tI��Set Sequence %s{ (encoded)Value (%d)%sOut of memory Hash algorithmMask algorithmMask hash algorithmSalt lengthInvalid RSA-PSS parameters Hash algorithm: default, SHA-1 Mask algorithm: default, MGF1 Mask hash algorithm: default, SHA-1 Invalid mask generation algorithm parameters Salt length: default, %i (0x%2X) Iteration CountParametersEncryptionMACArgsKey LengthKDF algorithmImplicit KDF Algorithm: HMAC-SHA-1 KDFCipherUnknownEncrypted Content InformationContent Type: %s Content Encryption AlgorithmEncrypted ContentModulusExponentError: INVALID RSA KEY! PrimeSubprimeBasePublicValueSubject Public Key InfoPublic Key AlgorithmRSA Public KeyDSA Public KeyEC Public KeyCurveunknown SPKI algorithm type Parsing public keyErrorRawunable to format this SPKI algorithm type �W��W��,W��LW��LW��LW��lV��(empty)!Invalid AVA!Parsing extensionSubjectIssuerSerial NumberIssuer DER Base64: Serial DER Base64: \x%02x" } Serial DER as C source: { %d, "%s: Other NameOIDDirectory NameRFC822 NameDNS nameURIIP AddressRegistered IDX400 AddressEDI Partyunknown type [%d]�\��@[��p[���[���[���[��\�� \��H\���Z��%s Subtree: MinimumMaximumnone Non-RepudiationDigital SignatureCriticalURLCommentServerName%c%sIs not a CA. Usages: (none) Allocating new ArenaPoolKey IDDistribution point: RDNPointReasonsCRL issuerPermittedExcludedMethodError: missing method LocationIs a CA with a maximum path length of %d. Is a CA with no maximum path length. �]��d��d��d��d��d��d��d��d���]���]�� d��c��d���c���]���]���]��8c���c���b���b��0b���a��x`��X`���]���]���_��0_���^���]���]���c���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]���]��d��VersionSignature AlgorithmIssuer Unique IDSubject Unique IDSigned ExtensionsDigest AlgorithmDigest Encryption AlgorithmEncrypted DigestAuthenticated Attributes: Attribute (%d)Unauthenticated Attributes: Attribute (%x)Key Encryption AlgorithmEncrypted Key(NULL)%-60s %-5s Attribute TypeAttribute ValuesEncrypted Data%s (SHA-256):%s (SHA1):FingerprintThis UpdateNext UpdateCRL ExtensionsEntry %d (0x%x): Revocation DateEntry ExtensionsTerminal Record Trusted Warn When Sending Valid CA Netscape Trusted CA User Trusted Client CA Step-up SSL Flags: Email Flags: Object Signing Flags: Bag Attributes%s IDEncrypted Private KeyCertificate BagCrl BagSecret BagNested Bag %d%s Value%s AttributesAttribute IDBag ValueNested BagBag ID����|�����������|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���|���<���\���|�����������܁��������������<no content> Digest Algorithm List: Digest Algorithm (%x)Certificate List: Certificate (%x)Signed Revocation Lists: Signed Revocation List (%x)Certificate Revocation ListSigner Information List: Signer Information (%x)Recipient Information List: Recipient Information (%x)Safe %d@���(���ȉ������X�����true (attribute present)false (attribute present)false (attribute missing)Mozilla-CA-Policy: %s Certificate Trust FlagsCertificate Distrust DatesServer Distrust AfterE-mail Distrust After[Certificate Authority]Cert cannot sign.Cert cannot be used for SSL.Cert cannot encrypt.Cert cannot sign other certs.[unknown usage].PROBLEM WITH THE CERT CHAIN: CERT %d. %s %s: Email Address(es): ERROR %ld: %s %s Cert cannot be used as an object signing CA.Cert cannot be used for object signing.Cert cannot be used as an SSL CA.Cert cannot be used for SMIME.Cert cannot be used as an SMIME CA.-----END CRL----------BEGIN CRL-----P256P384P521x25519FF2048FF3072FF4096FF6144FF8192xyber768d00Unable to allocate buffer for keying material Exported Keying Material: LabelContextLength: %u Keying MaterialAuthSafeMac DataMac%s Digest Algorithm ID%s DigestMac SaltIterationsUnknown extra data found Key EnciphermentData EnciphermentKey AgreementCertificate SigningCRL SigningEncipher OnlyDecipher OnlySSL ClientSSL ServerS/MIMEObject SigningReservedSSL CAS/MIME CAObjectSigning CA�non-alphabetic characters Password must be at least 8 characters long with one or more Invalid Policy DataPolicy NamePolicy Qualifier NameError: missing qualifier Display TextPolicy Qualifier DataError: notBefore or notAfter MUST be present. 8 ;�����������t �����P��4�����P��h��������������H���\������p�8 �d������p������ ��� �� �� ���l ���� ���� ������D����@���`������d ����������0 0��D ���p ���� ���� ��� ���\��������@�����8���|@���������$���8���h� ����"����$��H'���0'����'���p(����)��0 ,��d�,��|0-����.���P/��0�/��d00���`0����0����1��`2��Pp3���4����8��8 :��|�;���0>�� p?��d�@���@B��<�C���PD���E����E��4H��x�H����H����K���N��``O����O����[��P^��P�`���pa����b��0d��H�d����e���Pf���f��Lg���Ph���j��0k��| l����n��p��dPr���s���t��H�u���pv����v����|��0 `���| Љ��� �� ���� ���<!�����!�����!���8"����"���"��#��h#Ж���#`����#`���$$Й��p$����$П���$���%У��l%����%�����%P���D&`����& ����&p���$'б��D'��X'0����'P���(����X(zRx�X��/D$4��0FJw�?:*3$"\�� t���;E�u�����A�O�K c(G0a(H �(G0P8J@AHAPAXA`L <(G0h8P@JHAPL �(G0P8J@I(G0a(H f(O0A8H@AHHPAXH`AhCpI H,8���F�E�B �B(�A0�D8�D�` 8A0A(B BBBFHx���FF�B�B �B(�A0�A8�G�� 8A0A(B BBBI8����IF�B�A �A(�G�� (A ABBF���;DrL���F�B�B �E(�A0�A8�J�} 8A0A(B BBBF8h����B�E�D �A(�D0S (C ABBE������|���F�B�B �B(�A0�A8�J���Q�V�D�a 8A0A(B BBBD��R�F�F�S�k�R�N�D�]�@���HI8X����F�B�A �A(�D0E (A ABBA(�0���E�D�G@i AAE����VR�sK�H����!B�B�B �B(�D0�D8�Fp� 8A0A(B BBBK((����E�A�J�� AACxTp��TB�B�B �B(�A0�A8�G� L�!4 8A0A(B BBBE��!G�!D�!D�!F�!��!G�!D�!D�!F�!`�����F�B�B �E(�D0�A8�G�} 8A0A(B BBBAw�D�^�B�4�)A�gP���d���Lx����F�E�E �B(�A0�A8�G� 8A0A(B BBBE(�,���E�D�G�� AAA8�����F�B�A �A(�J�� (A ABBF00����F�A�D �I@x AABH8dp���F�B�F �A(�GP� (A ABBF8�T���IJ�I�D �C(�F0](A ABBE����L�h���PF�E�E �E(�A0�A8�J� 8A0A(B BBBD,h���|@t���VF�B�B �E(�A0�C8�GP- 8D0A(B BBBLI 8M0F(B BBBLT 8A0A(B BBBB8�T���^F�K�I �A(�S�� (A ABBA@�x���F�B�E �A(�D0�G`� 0A(A BBBGH@���2F�B�E �E(�D0�A8�DP� 8C0A(B BBBD����3(�����E�A�J�[ AAC�x���J�[K�H�<�X���P�B�A �A(�D0\(A ABBF����L, ���&F�B�B �A(�A0�� (C BBBHZ (A BBBA8| ����F�D�D �� ABEK CBA8� , ���E�D�D q AAH] FAD@� � ��B�E�E �G(�A0�D`� 0A(A BBBF08 � ���B�A�D �F@y AABF$l (��?A�D�D sAA@� @���B�A�A �p ABI` ABE` ABE`� ����B�E�E �E(�A0�I8�DP? 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