/* external symbol declarations for data (%d files) */ U_EXPORT struct { uint16_t headerSize; uint8_t magic1, magic2; UDataInfo info; char padding[%lu]; uint32_t count, reserved; struct { const char *name; const void *data; } toc[%lu]; } U_EXPORT2 %s_dat = { 32, 0xda, 0x27, { %lu, 0, %u, %u, %u, 0, {0x54, 0x6f, 0x43, 0x50}, {1, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }, "", %lu, 0, { CmnD.txtmissing list file "%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?_.lst.tmpicupkg: unable to open list file "%s" icupkg/makeTargetName(%s) target item name length %ld too long icupkg/ures_enumDependencies(%s res=%08x) alias string contains non-invariant characters icupkg/ures_enumDependencies(%s res=%08x) %%ALIAS contains a '/' icupkg/ures_enumDependencies(%s res=%08x) alias locale ID length %ld too long icupkg/ures_enumDependencies(%s table res=%08x)[%d].recurse(%s: %08x) failed icupkg/ures_enumDependencies(%s array res=%08x)[%d].recurse(%08x) failed icupkg: .res format version %02x.%02x not supported, or bundle malformed icupkg: %s is not a pool bundle icupkg: %s has mismatched checksum for %s icupkg/ucnv_enumDependencies(): .cnv format version %02x.%02x not supported icupkg/ucnv_enumDependencies(): too few bytes (%d after header) for an ICU .cnv conversion table icupkg/ucnv_enumDependencies(): too few bytes (%d after headers) for an ICU MBCS .cnv conversion table icupkg/ucnv_enumDependencies(): unsupported _MBCSHeader.version %d.%d icupkg/ucnv_enumDependencies(): too few bytes (%d after headers) for an ICU MBCS .cnv conversion table with extension data icupkg/ucnv_enumDependencies(%s): base name length %ld too long .res%%ALIAS%%DEPENDENCYrootpool.cnvResBcnvtCvAlucderror reading preparsed UCD"no file name given"error opening preparsed UCDName_AliasConditional_Case_MappingsTurkic_Case_Foldingpropertybinaryvaluedefaultsblockcpunassignedalgnamesrangeerror reading preparsed UCD before line %ld error in preparsed UCD: unknown line type (first field) '%s' on line %ld error in preparsed UCD: '%s' is not a valid code point on line %ld error in preparsed UCD: '%s' is not a valid code point range on line %ld error in preparsed UCD: missing algnamesrange range field (no second field) on line %ld error in preparsed UCD: '%s' is not a valid Unicode string on line %ld error opening preparsed UCD file %s error in preparsed UCD: '%s' is not a valid script code on line %ld error in preparsed UCD: scx has duplicate '%s' codes on line %ld error in preparsed UCD: empty scx= on line %ld error in preparsed UCD: mix of binary-property-no and enum-property syntax '%s' on line %ld error in preparsed UCD: enum-property syntax '%s' for binary property on line %ld error in preparsed UCD: binary-property syntax '%s' for non-binary property on line %ld error in preparsed UCD: prop value is invalid: '%d' for line %ld error in preparsed UCD: '%s' is not a valid value on line %ld error in preparsed UCD: '%s' is not a valid default value on line %ld error in preparsed UCD: missing default/block/cp range field (no second field) on line %ld error in preparsed UCD: default line %ld after one or more block lines error in preparsed UCD: second line with default properties on line %ld error in preparsed UCD: default range must be 0..10FFFF, not '%s' on line %ld error in preparsed UCD: cp range %s on line %ld only partially overlaps with block range %04lX..%04lX N6icu_6913PropertyNamesEpErrorCode is NULLtest_swap(): data header swap failed %s test_swap(): data format %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x (format version %02x) is not recognized as testdata test_swap(): too few bytes (%d after header, wanted %d) for all of testdata upname_swap(): data format %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x (format version %02x) is not recognized as pnames.icu upname_swap(): too few bytes (%d after header) for pnames.icu upname_swap(): too few bytes (%d after header, should be %d) for pnames.icu ulayout_swap(): data format %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x (format version %02x) is not recognized as text layout properties data ulayout_swap(): too few bytes (%d after header) for text layout properties data ulayout_swap(): too few indexes (%d) for text layout properties data ulayout_swap(): too few bytes (%d after header) for all of text layout properties data ubidi_swap(): data format %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x (format version %02x) is not recognized as bidi/shaping data ubidi_swap(): too few bytes (%d after header) for bidi/shaping data ubidi_swap(): too few bytes (%d after header) for all of bidi/shaping data ucase_swap(): data format %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x (format version %02x) is not recognized as case mapping data ucase_swap(): too few bytes (%d after header) for case mapping data ucase_swap(): too few bytes (%d after header) for all of case mapping data uprops_swap(): data format %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x (format version %02x) is not a Unicode properties file uprops_swap(): too few bytes (%d after header) for a Unicode properties file unorm_swap(): data format %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x (format version %02x) is not recognized as unorm.icu unorm_swap(): too few bytes (%d after header) for unorm.icu unorm_swap(): too few bytes (%d after header) for all of unorm.icu udata_swap(): failure swapping data format %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x ("%c%c%c%c") - %s udata_swap() warning: swapped only %d out of %d bytes - data format %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x ("%c%c%c%c") udata_swap(): unknown data format %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x ("%c%c%c%c") error at %s: %s error: %s - out of memory error: %s - trying to use more than maxCapacity=%ld units N6icu_6916IcuToolErrorCodeE ###WARNING: Encountered abnormal bytes while converting input stream to target encoding: %s ###WARNING: No converter defined. Using codepage of system. Could not open codepage [%s]: %s Pre-context: %s Context: %s Post-context: %s Bad escape: [%c%s]... UTF-8UTF-16BEUTF-16LEUTF-16UTF-32UTF-32BEUTF-32LESCSUBOCU-1UTF-7<U%04lX>\x%02X |%u ucm error: no bytes on "%s" incomplete charmap section END CHARMAPucm error: unable to allocate reverseMap ucm error: sortTable()/uprv_sortArray() fails - %s ucm error: byte must be formatted as \xXX (2 hex digits) - "%s" ucm error: too many bytes on "%s" ucm error: Unicode code point must be formatted as <UXXXX> (1..6 hex digits) - "%s" ucm error: Unicode code point must be 0..d7ff or e000..10ffff - "%s" ucm error: too many code points on "%s" ucm error: no Unicode code points on "%s" ucm error: too many UChars on "%s" ucm error: fallback indicator must be |0..|4 - "%s" ucm error: unable to allocate a UCMTable ucm error: unable to allocate %d UCMappings ucm error: unable to allocate %d UChar32s ucm error: unable to allocate %d bytes ucm error: too many code points in multiple-code point mappings ucm error: too many bytes in mappings with >4 charset bytes ucm error: the base table contains mappings without precision flags ucm error: extension table contains mappings without precision flags ucm error: the base table contains a mapping whose input sequence is a prefix of the input sequence of an extension mapping ucm error: the base table contains a mapping whose input sequence is the same as the input sequence of an extension mapping but it maps differently ucm error: unable to allocate a UCMFile warning: removing illegal mapping from an SI/SO-stateful table ucm error: illegal <subchar1> |2 mapping from multiple code points ucm error: the state table contains loops ucm error: too many states (maximum %u) ucm error: parse error in state definition at '%s' ucm error: no header field <key> in line "%s" ucm error: incomplete header field <key> in line "%s" ucm error: unknown <uconv_class> %s ucm error: illegal <mb_cur_max> %s ucm error: illegal <mb_cur_min> %s ucm error: <icu:state> entry for non-MBCS table or before the <uconv_class> line ucm error: <icu:state> before the <mb_cur_max> line ucm error: <icu:base> without a base table name ucm error: missing conversion type (<uconv_class>) error: SBCS codepage with max B/char!=1 ucm error: missing state table information (<icu:state>) for MBCS error: DBCS codepage with min B/char!=1 or max B/char!=2 initial, 0-3f:4, e:1.s, f:0.s, 40:3, 41-fe:2, ff:4error: DBCS codepage with min or max B/char!=2 ucm error: unknown charset structure ucm error: max B/char < min B/char ucm error: max B/char too large ucm error: state table entry [%x][%x] has a next state of %x that is too high ucm error: state table entry [%x][%x] is final but has a non-initial next state of %x ucm error: state table entry [%x][%x] is not final but has an initial next state of %x ucm error: SI/SO codepages must have max 2 bytes/char (not %x) ucm error: SI/SO codepages must have at least 3 states (not %x) ucm error: SI/SO codepages must have in states 0 and 1 transitions e:1.s, f:0.s ucm error: state %d is 'initial' - not supported except for SI/SO codepages ucm warning: min B/char too small compacting toUnicode data saves %ld bytes cannot compact toUnicode because the maximum number of states is reached cannot compact toUnicode: out of memory cannot compact toUnicode: out of memory allocating %ld 16-bit code units all-unassigned sequences from prefix 0x%02lx state %ld use %ld bytes all-unassigned sequences from initial state %ld use %ld bytes ucm error: there is no state information! ucm error: byte sequence ends in illegal state ucm error: byte sequence ends in state-change-only ucm error: byte sequence reached reserved action code, entry: 0x%02lx ucm error: byte sequence too short, ends in non-final state %u ucm error: SI/SO (like EBCDIC-stateful) result with %d characters does not contain all DBCS initialsurrogatesuconv_classDBCSSBCSMBCSEBCDIC_STATEFULmb_cur_maxmb_cur_minicu:stateicu:base0-ff0-ff, e:1.s, f:0.s0-40:1.i, 41-fe:1., ff:1.i0-ff:1.i, 40:1.0-ff:1.i0-3f:3, 40:2, 41-fe:1, ff:341-fe40(null)UDAT_FULLUCAL_JANUARYUCOL_PRIMARYULOC_ACCEPT_FAILEDLinux <!-- n="%s" ERROR: %s --> </icuSystemParams> cldrbug:CLDR-ICU-KNOWN ISSUES] copyrightproducticu4cproduct.full69.1version.unicode13.0platform.numberplatform.typelocale.defaultlocale.default.bcp47converter.defaulticudata.nameicudata.pathcldr.versiontz.versiontz.defaultcpu.bitscpu.big_endianos.wchar_widthos.charset_familyos.hostx86_64-pc-linux-gnubuild.buildbuild.ccbuild.cxxg++uconfig.internal_digitlistuconfig.have_parseallinputUDBG_UDebugEnumTypeUDBG_UCalendarDateFieldsUDBG_UCalendarMonthsUDBG_UDateFormatStyleUDBG_UAcceptResultUDBG_UColAttributeValueUCOL_SECONDARYUCOL_TERTIARYUCOL_QUATERNARYUCOL_IDENTICALUCOL_OFFUCOL_ONUCOL_SHIFTEDUCOL_NON_IGNORABLEUCOL_LOWER_FIRSTUCOL_UPPER_FIRSTULOC_ACCEPT_VALIDULOC_ACCEPT_FALLBACKUDAT_LONGUDAT_MEDIUMUDAT_SHORTUCAL_FEBRUARYUCAL_MARCHUCAL_APRILUCAL_MAYUCAL_JUNEUCAL_JULYUCAL_AUGUSTUCAL_SEPTEMBERUCAL_OCTOBERUCAL_NOVEMBERUCAL_DECEMBERUCAL_UNDECIMBERUCAL_ERAUCAL_YEARUCAL_MONTHUCAL_WEEK_OF_YEARUCAL_WEEK_OF_MONTHUCAL_DATEUCAL_DAY_OF_YEARUCAL_DAY_OF_WEEKUCAL_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTHUCAL_AM_PMUCAL_HOURUCAL_HOUR_OF_DAYUCAL_MINUTEUCAL_SECONDUCAL_MILLISECONDUCAL_ZONE_OFFSETUCAL_DST_OFFSETUCAL_YEAR_WOYUCAL_DOW_LOCALUCAL_EXTENDED_YEARUCAL_JULIAN_DAYUCAL_MILLISECONDS_IN_DAYUCAL_IS_LEAP_MONTH0A�� A��A��A���@���@���A���A���A���A��`A��xA���B��xB���B��B���B���B��
<icuSystemParams type="icu4c"> <param name="%s">%s</param> https://unicode-org.atlassian.net/browse/International Components for Unicode for C/C++basic_string::_M_construct null not validerror %s writing dummy data file %s/%s.%s ����������������missing%2x%Y-%m-%d%lu0x%lx %s, NULL, %s, %s, { %s },
# Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. # License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html # Copyright (C) 1999-2016, International Business Machines # Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. # # file name: %s # # machine-generated by: %s