OPTIONS --help Show this help text. --ls=SC Link-sharing service curve --rt=SC Real-time service curve --sc=SC Specifiy both of the above --ul=SC Upper limit where SC := [ [ m1 bits ] d usec ] m2 bits
EXAMPLE # Attach class 1:1 to hfsc qdisc 1: and use rt and ls curve nl-class-add --dev=eth1 --parent=1: --classid=1:1 hfsc --sc=m1:250,d:8,m2:100Unable to parse sc "%s": Invalid format.Usage: nl-qdisc-add [...] hfsc [OPTIONS]...
OPTIONS --help Show this help text. --default=ID Default class for unclassified traffic.
EXAMPLE # Create hfsc root qdisc 1: and direct unclassified traffic to class 1:10 nl-qdisc-add --dev=eth1 --parent=root --handle=1: hfsc --default=10;D��`�����������|��������������8zRx�$@� FJw�?:*3$"D8���H\P����B�B�B �B(�D0�A8�DPN 8A0A(B BBBGH������F�B�E �E(�G0�C8�DpH 8A0A(B BBBF@�H����F�E�E �D(�A0�K@� 0A(A BBBA8����$HWP<���$HWGNU��