IP :
Hostname :
Kernel : Linux 4.18.0-513.18.1.lve.2.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Sat Mar 30 15:36:11 UTC 2024 x86_64
Disable Function : None :)
OS : Linux
3 nf�\��@sLddlmZddlmZGdd�de�ZGdd�de�ZGdd �d e�Z Gd d�de �Z Gdd �d e�ZGdd�de�ZGdd�de�Z Gdd�de�ZeZGdd�de �ZGdd�de �ZGdd�de�ZGdd�de�ZGdd�dee �ZGdd�de�ZGd d!�d!ee �ZGd"d#�d#e �ZGd$d%�d%e �ZGd&d'�d'ee�ZGd(d)�d)e�ZGd*d+�d+e�ZGd,d-�d-e�ZGd.d/�d/e�ZGd0d1�d1e�ZGd2d3�d3e�Z Gd4d5�d5e�Z!Gd6d7�d7e�Z"Gd8d9�d9e�Z#Gd:d;�d;ee�Z$Gd<d=�d=e�Z%Gd>d?�d?ee�ZGd@dA�dAe�Z&GdBdC�dCe'e�Z(GdDdE�dEe�Z)GdFdG�dGe�Z*dHS)I�)�absolute_import�)�IncompleteReadc@seZdZdZdS)� HTTPErrorz#Base exception used by this module.N)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__�r r � /usr/lib/python3.6/exceptions.pyrsrc@seZdZdZdS)�HTTPWarningz!Base warning used by this module.N)rrrr r r r rr src@s eZdZdZdd�Zdd�ZdS)� PoolErrorz/Base exception for errors caused within a pool.cCs||_tj|d||f�dS)Nz%s: %s)�poolr�__init__)�selfr�messager r rrszPoolError.__init__cCs |jdfS)N)NN)� __class__)rr r r� __reduce__szPoolError.__reduce__N)rrrr rrr r r rr sr c@s eZdZdZdd�Zdd�ZdS)�RequestErrorz8Base exception for PoolErrors that have associated URLs.cCs||_tj|||�dS)N)�urlr r)rrrrr r rrszRequestError.__init__cCs|jd|jdffS)N)rr)rr r rr#szRequestError.__reduce__N)rrrr rrr r r rrsrc@seZdZdZdS)�SSLErrorz9Raised when SSL certificate fails in an HTTPS connection.N)rrrr r r r rr(src@seZdZdZdS)� ProxyErrorz,Raised when the connection to a proxy fails.N)rrrr r r r rr-src@seZdZdZdS)�DecodeErrorz;Raised when automatic decoding based on Content-Type fails.N)rrrr r r r rr2src@seZdZdZdS)� ProtocolErrorz>Raised when something unexpected happens mid-request/response.N)rrrr r r r rr7src@seZdZdZddd�ZdS)� MaxRetryErroraRaised when the maximum number of retries is exceeded. :param pool: The connection pool :type pool: :class:`~urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPConnectionPool` :param string url: The requested Url :param exceptions.Exception reason: The underlying error NcCs&||_d||f}tj||||�dS)Nz0Max retries exceeded with url: %s (Caused by %r))�reasonrr)rrrrrr r rrLs zMaxRetryError.__init__)N)rrrr rr r r rrBsrc@seZdZdZddd�ZdS)�HostChangedErrorz?Raised when an existing pool gets a request for a foreign host.�cCs"d|}tj||||�||_dS)Nz)Tried to open a foreign host with url: %s)rr�retries)rrrrrr r rrXszHostChangedError.__init__N)r)rrrr rr r r rrUsrc@seZdZdZdS)�TimeoutStateErrorz3 Raised when passing an invalid state to a timeout N)rrrr r r r rr^src@seZdZdZdS)�TimeoutErrorz� Raised when a socket timeout error occurs. Catching this error will catch both :exc:`ReadTimeoutErrors <ReadTimeoutError>` and :exc:`ConnectTimeoutErrors <ConnectTimeoutError>`. N)rrrr r r r rr csr c@seZdZdZdS)�ReadTimeoutErrorzFRaised when a socket timeout occurs while receiving data from a serverN)rrrr r r r rr!lsr!c@seZdZdZdS)�ConnectTimeoutErrorz@Raised when a socket timeout occurs while connecting to a serverN)rrrr r r r rr"ssr"c@seZdZdZdS)�NewConnectionErrorzHRaised when we fail to establish a new connection. Usually ECONNREFUSED.N)rrrr r r r rr#xsr#c@seZdZdZdS)�EmptyPoolErrorzCRaised when a pool runs out of connections and no more are allowed.N)rrrr r r r rr$}sr$c@seZdZdZdS)�ClosedPoolErrorzCRaised when a request enters a pool after the pool has been closed.N)rrrr r r r rr%�sr%c@seZdZdZdS)�LocationValueErrorz<Raised when there is something wrong with a given URL input.N)rrrr r r r rr&�sr&c@seZdZdZdd�ZdS)�LocationParseErrorz=Raised when get_host or similar fails to parse the URL input.cCsd|}tj||�||_dS)NzFailed to parse: %s)rr�location)rr(rr r rr�szLocationParseError.__init__N)rrrr rr r r rr'�sr'c@seZdZdZdZdZdS)� ResponseErrorzDUsed as a container for an error reason supplied in a MaxRetryError.ztoo many error responsesz&too many {status_code} error responsesN)rrrr Z GENERIC_ERRORZSPECIFIC_ERRORr r r rr)�sr)c@seZdZdZdS)�SecurityWarningz0Warned when performing security reducing actionsN)rrrr r r r rr*�sr*c@seZdZdZdS)�SubjectAltNameWarningzBWarned when connecting to a host with a certificate missing a SAN.N)rrrr r r r rr+�sr+c@seZdZdZdS)�InsecureRequestWarningz/Warned when making an unverified HTTPS request.N)rrrr r r r rr,�sr,c@seZdZdZdS)�SystemTimeWarningz0Warned when system time is suspected to be wrongN)rrrr r r r rr-�sr-c@seZdZdZdS)�InsecurePlatformWarningzEWarned when certain SSL configuration is not available on a platform.N)rrrr r r r rr.�sr.c@seZdZdZdS)�SNIMissingWarningz9Warned when making a HTTPS request without SNI available.N)rrrr r r r rr/�sr/c@seZdZdZdS)�DependencyWarningzc Warned when an attempt is made to import a module with missing optional dependencies. N)rrrr r r r rr0�sr0c@seZdZdZdS)�ResponseNotChunkedz;Response needs to be chunked in order to read it as chunks.N)rrrr r r r rr1�sr1c@seZdZdZdS)�BodyNotHttplibCompatiblezz Body should be httplib.HTTPResponse like (have an fp attribute which returns raw chunks) for read_chunked(). N)rrrr r r r rr2�sr2cs(eZdZdZ�fdd�Zdd�Z�ZS)rz� Response length doesn't match expected Content-Length Subclass of http_client.IncompleteRead to allow int value for `partial` to avoid creating large objects on streamed reads. cstt|�j||�dS)N)�superrr)r�partial�expected)rr rr�szIncompleteRead.__init__cCsd|j|jfS)Nz/IncompleteRead(%i bytes read, %i more expected))r4r5)rr r r�__repr__�szIncompleteRead.__repr__)rrrr rr6� __classcell__r r )rrr�src@seZdZdZdS)� InvalidHeaderz(The header provided was somehow invalid.N)rrrr r r r rr8�sr8cs eZdZdZ�fdd�Z�ZS)�ProxySchemeUnknownz1ProxyManager does not support the supplied schemecsd|}tt|�j|�dS)NzNot supported proxy scheme %s)r3r9r)r�schemer)rr rr�szProxySchemeUnknown.__init__)rrrr rr7r r )rrr9�sr9cs eZdZdZ�fdd�Z�ZS)�HeaderParsingErrorzNRaised by assert_header_parsing, but we convert it to a log.warning statement.cs$d|pd|f}tt|�j|�dS)Nz%s, unparsed data: %rZUnknown)r3r;r)rZdefectsZ unparsed_datar)rr rr�szHeaderParsingError.__init__)rrrr rr7r r )rrr;�sr;c@seZdZdZdS)�UnrewindableBodyErrorz9urllib3 encountered an error when trying to rewind a bodyN)rrrr r r r rr<�sr<N)+Z __future__rZpackages.six.moves.http_clientrZhttplib_IncompleteRead� Exceptionr�Warningrr rrrrr�ConnectionErrorrrrr r!r"r#r$r%� ValueErrorr&r'r)r*r+r,r-r.r/r0r1r2r8�AssertionErrorr9r;r<r r r r�<module>sH