Options: b: sort by objects per slab c: sort by cache size l: sort by number of slabs n: sort by name p: sort by pages per slab s: sort by object size
For more details see %s. slabtop(1)/usr/share/localeprocps-ngillegal delay%s from %s procps-ng 3.3.15d:s:ohVterminal setting retrievalActive / Total Size (% used)Active / Total Slabs (% used)%-78s sortoncehelpversion -d, --delay <secs> delay updates -o, --once only display once, then exit -s, --sort <char> specify sort criteria by character (see below) -h, --help display this help and exit -V, --version output version information and exit
The following are valid sort criteria: a: sort by number of active objects v: sort by number of active slabs o: sort by number of objects (the default) u: sort by cache utilization delay must be positive integerMinimum / Average / Maximum ObjectActive / Total Caches (% used)Active / Total Objects (% used) %-35s: %d / %d (%.1f%%) %-35s: %d / %d (%.1f%%) %-35s: %d / %d (%.1f%%) %-35s: %.2fK / %.2fK (%.1f%%) %-35s: %.2fK / %.2fK / %.2fK