IP :
Hostname :
Kernel : Linux 4.18.0-513.18.1.lve.2.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Sat Mar 30 15:36:11 UTC 2024 x86_64
Disable Function : None :)
OS : Linux
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errorGSSAPI continuation errorGSSAPI encryption required but was impossible (possibly no credential cache, no server support, or using a local socket) GSSAPI name import errorGSSAPI size check errorGSSAPI unwrap errorGSSAPI wrap errorHINT: %s IPv6 host address may not be empty in URI: "%s" Kerberos 4 authentication not supported Kerberos 5 authentication not supported LINE %d: LOCATION: NOTICEPGEventProc "%s" failed during PGEVT_CONNRESET event PGEventProc "%s" failed during PGEVT_RESULTCREATE event PGresult cannot support more than INT_MAX tuplesPGresult is not an error result PQexec not allowed during COPY BOTH PQgetline: not doing text COPY OUT QUERY: %s SCHEMA NAME: %s SCM_CRED authentication method not supported SSL SYSCALL error: %s SSL SYSCALL error: EOF detected SSL certificate's name contains embedded null SSL certificate's name entry is missing SSL connection has been closed unexpectedly SSL error code %luSSL error: %s SSPI authentication not supported SSPI continuation errorTABLE NAME: %s Unix-domain socket path "%s" is too long (maximum %d bytes) WARNING: line %d too long in password file "%s" WARNING: password file "%s" has group or world access; permissions should be u=rw (0600) or less WARNING: password file "%s" is not a plain file WARNING: sslpassword truncated WSAIoctl(SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS) failed: %ui another command is already in progress argument of lo_read exceeds integer range argument of lo_truncate exceeds integer range argument of lo_write exceeds integer range attribute has no values on LDAP lookup authentication method %u not supported cannot determine OID of function lo_close cannot determine OID of function lo_creat cannot determine OID of function lo_create cannot determine OID of function lo_lseek cannot determine OID of function lo_lseek64 cannot determine OID of function lo_open cannot determine OID of function lo_tell cannot determine OID of function lo_tell64 cannot determine OID of function lo_truncate cannot determine OID of function lo_truncate64 cannot determine OID of function lo_unlink cannot determine OID of function loread cannot determine OID of function lowrite certificate could not be obtained: %s certificate does not match private key file "%s": %s certificate present, but not private key file "%s" channel binding is required, but client does not support it channel binding is required, but server did not offer an authentication method that supports channel binding channel binding required but not supported by server's authentication request channel binding required, but SSL not in use channel binding required, but server authenticated client without channel binding client tried to send oversize GSSAPI packet (%zu > %zu) column number %d is out of range 0..%dcommand string is a null pointer connection in wrong state connection not open connection pointer is NULL could not acquire SSPI credentialscould not connect to server: %s Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "%s"? could not connect to server: %s Is the server running on host "%s" (%s) and accepting TCP/IP connections on port %s? could not connect to server: %s Is the server running on host "%s" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port %s? could not create LDAP structure could not create SSL context: %s could not create socket: %s could not determine server certificate signature algorithm could not encode client proof could not encode nonce could not establish SSL connection: %s could not find digest for NID %s could not generate nonce could not generate peer certificate hash could not get client address from socket: %s could not get home directory to locate root certificate file Either provide the file or change sslmode to disable server certificate verification. could not get peer credentials: %s could not get server's host name from server certificate could not get socket error status: %s could not initialize SSL engine "%s": %s could not initiate GSSAPI security contextcould not interpret result from server: %scould not load SSL engine "%s": %s could not load private SSL key "%s" from engine "%s": %s could not load private key file "%s": %s could not look up local user ID %d: %s could not make a writable connection to server "%s:%s" could not match %d host names to %d hostaddr values could not match %d port numbers to %d hosts could not open certificate file "%s": %s could not open file "%s": %s could not parse network address "%s": %s could not read certificate file "%s": %s could not read from file "%s": %s could not read private SSL key "%s" from engine "%s": %s could not read root certificate file "%s": %s could not receive data from server: %s could not send GSSAPI negotiation packet: %s could not send SSL negotiation packet: %s could not send data to server: %s could not send startup packet: %s could not set maximum SSL protocol version: %s could not set minimum SSL protocol version: %s could not set socket to TCP no delay mode: %s could not set socket to close-on-exec mode: %s could not set socket to nonblocking mode: %s could not translate Unix-domain socket path "%s" to address: %s could not translate host name "%s" to address: %s could not write to file "%s": %s definition of service "%s" not found duplicate GSS authentication request duplicate SASL authentication request duplicate SSPI authentication request end of string reached when looking for matching "]" in IPv6 host address in URI: "%s" error received from server in SCRAM exchange: %s expected authentication request from server, but received %c extra key/value separator "=" in URI query parameter: "%s" extraneous data in "D" messageextraneous data in "T" messageextraneous data in "t" messageforbidden value %%00 in percent-encoded value: "%s" function requires at least protocol version 3.0 gssencmode value "%s" invalid when GSSAPI support is not compiled in host name must be specified host name must be specified for a verified SSL connection incoming GSSAPI message did not use confidentiality incomplete multibyte character incorrect server signature insufficient data in "D" messageinsufficient data in "T" messageinteger of size %lu not supported by pqGetIntinteger of size %lu not supported by pqPutIntinvalid ExecStatusType codeinvalid LDAP URL "%s": invalid port number invalid LDAP URL "%s": missing distinguished name invalid LDAP URL "%s": must have exactly one attribute invalid LDAP URL "%s": must have search scope (base/one/sub) invalid LDAP URL "%s": no filter invalid LDAP URL "%s": scheme must be ldap:// invalid SCRAM exchange state invalid SCRAM response (nonce mismatch) invalid SSL protocol version range invalid URI propagated to internal parser routine: "%s" invalid URI query parameter: "%s" invalid channel_binding value: "%s" invalid connection option "%s" invalid connection state %d, probably indicative of memory corruption invalid connection state, probably indicative of memory corruption invalid gssencmode value: "%s" invalid integer value "%s" for connection option "%s" invalid percent-encoded token: "%s" invalid port number: "%s" invalid setenv state %c, probably indicative of memory corruption invalid socket invalid ssl_max_protocol_version value: "%s" invalid ssl_min_protocol_version value: "%s" invalid sslmode value: "%s" invalid state %c, probably indicative of memory corruption invalid target_session_attrs value: "%s" invalid value "%s" for maximum SSL protocol version invalid value "%s" for minimum SSL protocol version keepalives parameter must be an integer length must be given for binary parameter line %d too long in service file "%s" local user with ID %d does not exist lookup on LDAP server failed: %s lost synchronization with server, resetting connectionlost synchronization with server: got message type "%c", length %d malformed SCRAM message (attribute "%c" expected) malformed SCRAM message (empty message) malformed SCRAM message (expected character "=" for attribute "%c") malformed SCRAM message (garbage at end of server-final-message) malformed SCRAM message (garbage at end of server-first-message) malformed SCRAM message (invalid iteration count) malformed SCRAM message (invalid salt) malformed SCRAM message (invalid server signature) malformed SCRAM message (length mismatch) message contents do not agree with length in message type "%c" message type 0x%02x arrived from server while idlemissing "=" after "%s" in connection info string missing key/value separator "=" in URI query parameter: "%s" more than one entry found on LDAP lookup nested service specifications not supported in service file "%s", line %d no COPY in progress no SSL error reportedno connection to the server no entry found on LDAP lookup no error message available none of the server's SASL authentication mechanisms are supported number of parameters must be between 0 and 65535 out of memoryout of memory out of memory allocating GSSAPI buffer (%d) out of memory allocating SASL buffer (%d) out of memory allocating SSPI buffer (%d) out of memory for query resultoutgoing GSSAPI message would not use confidentiality oversize GSSAPI packet sent by the server (%zu > %zu) parameter number %d is out of range 0..%dpassword retrieved from file "%s" password_encryption value too long private key file "%s" has group or world access; permissions should be u=rw (0600) or less protocol error: id=0x%x query to initialize large object functions did not return data received invalid response to GSSAPI negotiation: %c received invalid response to SSL negotiation: %c requirepeer parameter is not supported on this platform requirepeer specifies "%s", but actual peer user name is "%s" root certificate file "%s" does not exist Either provide the file or change sslmode to disable server certificate verification. row number %d is out of range 0..%dselect() failed: %s server certificate for "%s" does not match host name "%s" server closed the connection unexpectedly This probably means the server terminated abnormally before or while processing the request. server does not support SSL, but SSL was required server doesn't support GSSAPI encryption, but it was required server offered SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS authentication over a non-SSL connection server sent binary data ("B" message) without prior row description ("T" message)server sent data ("D" message) without prior row description ("T" message)server sent data ("D" message) without prior row description ("T" message) service file "%s" not found setsockopt(%s) failed: %s size_t overflowsslmode value "%s" invalid when SSL support is not compiled in statement name is a null pointer syntax error in service file "%s", line %d test "SHOW transaction_read_only" failed on server "%s:%s" timeout expired unexpected asyncStatus: %d unexpected character "%c" at position %d in URI (expected ":" or "/"): "%s" unexpected character %c following empty query response ("I" message)unexpected field count in "D" messageunexpected message from server during startup unexpected response from server; first received character was "%c" unexpected shape of result set returned for SHOW unrecognized SSL error code: %d unrecognized password encryption algorithm "%s" unrecognized socket error: 0x%08X/%dunterminated quoted string in connection info string user name lookup failure: error code %lu write to server failed Project-Id-Version: libpq (PostgreSQL) 13 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2020-06-05 01:39+0000 PO-Revision-Date: 2020-06-20 16:25+0800 Last-Translator: Jie Zhang <> Language-Team: Chinese (Simplified) <> Language: zh_CN MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.7 在字符 %s%s%s, %s:%s从服务器接收到AuthenticationSASLFinal,但未完成SASL身份验证 列名: %s 约束名: %s 背景: %s COPY IN 状态必须先结束 COPY OUT 状态必须先结束 COPY 被一个新的 PQexec 终止不支持Crypt认证 数据类型名: %s 描述: %s 不支持GSSAPI认证 GSSAPI上下文创建错误GSSAPI连续出现错误需要GSSAPI加密,但不可能(可能没有凭据缓存、服务器不支持或使用本地套接字) GSSAPI名称导入错误GSSAPI大小检查错误GSSAPI展开错误GSSAPI包装错误提示: %s URI:"%s"中的IPv6主机地址可能不为空 不支持 Kerberos 4 认证 不支持 Kerberos 5 认证 第%d行位置: 注意在PGEVT_CONNRESET事件触发期间执行PGEventProc "%s"错误 在PGEVT_CONNRESET事件触发期间执行PGEventProc "%s"错误 PGresult不能支持超过INT_MAX元组PGresult不是错误的结果 在 COPY BOTH时不允许调用PQexec PQgetline: not doing text COPY OUT 查询: %s 方案名: %s 不支持 SCM_CRED 认证方式 SSL SYSCALL 错误: %s SSL SYSCALL 错误: 发现结束符 SSL证书的名称包含嵌入的空值 SSL证书的名称项缺失 SSL连接异常关闭 SSL 错误代码 %luSSL 错误: %s 不支持SSPI认证 SSPI连续出现错误表名: %s Unix域的套接字路径"%s"超长(最大为%d字节) 警告:在密码文件"%2$s"中的第%1$d行的长度太长 警告: 口令文件"%s"的访问权限过大; 权限应设置 为 u=rw (0600)或更少 警告: 口令文件"%s"不是普通文本文件 警告:ssl密码被截断 执行WSAIoctl(SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS)失败:%u 已经有另外一条命令在处理 lo_read的参数值已超出整数范围 lo_truncate的参数超出整数范围 lo_write的参数值已超出整数范围 在LDAP查找上的属性没有值 不支持 %u 认证方式 无法判断函数 lo_close 的 OID 无法判断函数 lo_creat 的 OID 无法确定函数 lo_creat 的 OID 无法判断函数 lo_lseek 的 OID 无法确定函数lo_lseek64的OID值 无法判断函数 lo_open 的 OID 无法判断函数 lo_tell 的 OID 无法确定函数lo_tell64的OID值 无法确定函数 lo_creat 的 OID 无法确定函数lo_truncate64的OID值 无法判断函数 lo_unlink 的 OID 无法判断函数 loread 的 OID 无法判断函数 lowrite 的 OID 无法获得证书: %s 证书不匹配私钥文件 "%s": %s 有证书, 但不是私钥文件 "%s" 通道绑定是必需的,但客户端不支持它 需要通道绑定,但服务器未提供支持通道绑定的身份验证方法 服务器的身份验证请求需要但不支持通道绑定 需要通道绑定,但未使用SSL 需要通道绑定,但服务器验证的客户端没有通道绑定 客户端试图发送过大的GSSAPI数据包 (%zu > %zu) 列号码 %d 超出了范围 0..%d命令字串是一个空指针 联接处于错误状态 联接未打开 联接指针是 NULL 无法获得SSPI证书无法联接到服务器: %s 服务器是否在本地运行并且在 Unix 域套接字 "%s"上准备接受联接? 无法联接到服务器: %s 服务器是否在主机 "%s"(%s) 上运行并且准备接受在端口 %s 上的 TCP/IP 联接? 无法联接到服务器: %s 服务器是否在主机 "%s" 上运行并且准备接受在端口 %s 上的 TCP/IP 联接? 无法创建LDAP结构 无法创建 SSL 环境: %s 无法创建套接字: %s 无法确定服务器证书签名算法 无法对客户端证明进行编码 无法编码nonce 无法建立 SSL 联接: %s 找不到NID %s的摘要 无法生成nonce 无法生成对等证书哈希 无法从套接字获取客户端地址: %s 无法获取home目录以定位根认证文件 可以提供该文件或者将sslmode改为禁用服务器证书认证. 无法获得对等(peer)证书:%s 无法从服务器证书得到服务器的主机名 无法获取套接字错误状态: %s 无法初始化SSL引擎"%s": %s 无法初始化GSSAPI安全上下文无法解释来自服务器的结果: %s无法加载SSL引擎 "%s": %s 无法从引擎"%2$s"读取私有SSL钥"%1$s": %3$s 无法装载私钥文件 "%s": %s 无法查找本地用户ID %d: %s 无法与服务器建立可写连接"%s:%s" 无法将主机名 %d 与主机地址 %d匹配 无法将端口号 %d与主机%d匹配 无法打开证书文件 "%s": %s 无法打开文件 "%s": %s 无法分析网络地址"%s": %s 无法读取证书文件 "%s": %s 无法读取文件 "%s": %s 无法从引擎"%2$s"读取私有SSL钥"%1$s": %3$s 无法读取根证书文件 "%s": %s 无法从服务器接收数据: %s 无法发送 GSSAPI 握手包: %s 无法发送 SSL 握手包: %s 无法向服务器发送数据: %s 无法发送启动包: %s 无法设置最大SSL协议版本: %s 无法设置最低SSL协议版本: %s 无法将套接字设置为 TCP 无延迟模式: %s 无法将套接字设置为执行时关闭 (close-on-exec) 模式: %s 无法设置套接字为非阻塞模式: %s 无法解释 Unix-domian 套接字路径 "%s" 到地址: %s 无法解释主机名 "%s" 到地址: %s 无法写入文件 "%s": %s 错误:没有找到服务"%s"的定义 重复的GSS认证请求 重复的SASL认证请求 重复的SSPI认证请求 在 URI: "%s"中的IPv6主机地址里查找匹配符"]"时遇到了字符串结束符 在SCRAM交换中从服务器接收到错误: %s 期待来自服务器的认证请求, 却收到 %c 遇到多余的键/值分隔符"="在URI查询参数里: "%s" "D"消息中已经没有数据了"T"消息中有无关的数据"t"消息中有无关的数据在百分值编码的值: "%s"里禁止使用 %%00 函数至少需要 3.0 版本的协议 无效的 gssencmode 值 "%s" 当没有把 GSSAPI 支持编译进来时 必须指定主机名 必须为一个已验证的SSL连接指定主机名 传入的GSSAPI消息未使用机密性 无效的多字节字符 服务器签名不正确 "D"消息中剩下的数据不够"T"消息中剩下的数据不够pqGetInt 不支持大小为 %lu 的整数pqPutInt 不支持大小为 %lu 的整数非法 ExecStatusType 代码无效LDAP URL "%s": 无效端口号 无效LDAP URL "%s": 丢失可区分的名称 无效LDAP URL "%s": 只能有一个属性 无效LDAP URL "%s": 必须有搜索范围(base/one/sub) 无效的 LDAP URL "%s": 没有过滤器 无效LDAP URL"%s": 模式必须是ldap:// SCRAM交换状态无效 SCRAM响应无效(非匹配) 无效的SSL协议版本范围 无效的URI传入内部解析器处理程序: "%s" 无效的URI查询参数: "%s" 通道绑定值无效: "%s" 非法联接选项 "%s" 无效的连接状态 %d, 这可能表示内存出现问题 无效的联接状态, 可能是存储器数据被破坏的标志 无效的 gssencmode 值: "%s" 连接选项"%2$s"的整数值"%1$s"无效 无效的百分号编码令牌: "%s" 无效端口号: "%s" 无效的 setenv 状态 %c, 可能是内存被破坏 无效套接字 无效的 ssl_max_protocol_version 值: "%s" 无效的 ssl_min_protocol_version 值: "%s" 无效的 sslmode 值: "%s" 无效状态 %c, 可能是内存被破坏 无效的 target_session_attrs 值: "%s" 最大SSL协议版本的值"%s"无效 最小SSL协议版本的值"%s"无效 参数keepalives必须是一个整数 对于2进制参数必须指定长度 在服务文件"%2$s"中的第%1$d行的长度太长 ID 为 %d 的本地用户不存在 在LDAP服务器上的查找失败: %s 失去与服务器同步, 重置连接失去与服务器同步: 获取到消息类型 "%c", 长度 %d 错误的SCRAM消息(应为属性"%c") 错误的SCRAM消息(空消息) 错误的SCRAM消息(属性"%c"需要字符"=") 错误的SCRAM消息 (服务器最后一条消息结束时为垃圾消息) 错误的SCRAM消息 (服务器第一条消息结束时为垃圾消息) 错误的SCRAM消息(迭代计数无效) 错误的SCRAM消息 (无效的salt) 错误的SCRAM消息 (服务器签名无效) 错误的SCRAM消息(长度不匹配) 在消息类型 "%c" 中, 消息内容与长度不匹配 当空闲时收到服务起发送过来的消息类型 0x%02x在联接信息字串里的 "%s" 后面缺少 "=" 缺少相应的键/值分隔符"="在URI查询参数里: "%s" 在LDAP搜索上找到多个入口 在服务文件"%s"的第%d行出现不支持的嵌套服务说明 没有正在处理的 COPY 没有报告SSL错误没有到服务器的联接 在LDAP查找上没有发现入口 没有可用的错误消息 不支持服务器的SASL身份验证机制 参数的个数必须介于0到65535之间 内存用尽内存用尽 在分配GSSAPI缓冲区(%d)时内存用尽 在分配SASL缓冲区(%d)时内存用尽 在分配SSPI缓冲区(%d)时内存用尽 查询结果时内存耗尽传出的GSSAPI消息将不使用机密性 服务器端发送的超大GSSAPI数据包(%zu > %zu) 参数号%d超出了范围 0..%d从文件"%s"中获取口令 密码_加密值太长 警告: 私钥文件 "%s"的访问权限过大; 权限应设置 为 u=rw (0600)或更小 协议错误: id=0x%x 初始化大对象函数的查询没有返回数据 收到对 GSSAPI 握手的无效响应: %c 收到对 SSL 握手的无效响应: %c 在此平台上不支持requirepeer参数 期望对方用户指定值为 "%s", 但实际的对方用户名为 "%s" 根认证文件"%s"不存在 可以提供这个文件或者将sslmode改为禁用服务器认证检验. 行号码 %d 超出了范围 0..%dselect() 失败: %s "%s"的服务器证书与主机名不匹配"%s" 服务器意外地关闭了联接 这种现象通常意味着服务器在处理请求之前 或者正在处理请求的时候意外中止 服务器不支持 SSL, 但是要求使用 SSL 服务器不支持 GSSAPI, 但这是必须的 服务器通过非SSL连接提供了SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS身份验证 server sent binary data ("B" message) without prior row description ("T" message)server sent data ("D" message) without prior row description ("T" message)server sent data ("D" message) without prior row description ("T" message) 错误:没有找到服务文件"%s" 执行setsockopt(%s) 失败: %s size_t溢出无效的 sslmode 值 "%s" 当没有把 SSL 支持编译进来时 声明名字是一个空指针 在服务文件"%s"的第%d行出现语法错误 在服务器"%s:%s"上测试"SHOW transaction_read_only"失败 超时满 意外的 asyncStatus(异步状态): %d 非预期的字符"%c"出现在在位置%d, URI (expected ":" or "/"):"%s" unexpected character %c following empty query response ("I" message)在 "D" 消息中, 意外的字段个数启动过程中收到来自服务器的非预期信息 来自服务器意外的回执, 第一个收到的字符是 "%c" SHOW出现意外的结果状态 未知的 SSL 错误码: %d 无法识别的密码加密算法 "%s" 不可识别的套接字错误: 0x%08X/%d联接信息字串中未结束的引号字串 用户名查找失败:错误代码%lu 写入服务器失败