/* * This file is part of the Zikula package. * * Copyright Zikula Foundation - https://ziku.la/ * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */
global $ZConfig; $ZConfig['System'] = [];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is the definition for the default Zikula system database. // It must be named 'default' // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ZConfig['DBInfo']['databases']['default']['host'] = '[[softdbhost]]'; $ZConfig['DBInfo']['databases']['default']['user'] = '[[softdbuser]]'; $ZConfig['DBInfo']['databases']['default']['password'] = '[[softdbpass]]'; $ZConfig['DBInfo']['databases']['default']['dbname'] = '[[softdb]]'; $ZConfig['DBInfo']['databases']['default']['dbdriver'] = 'mysql'; $ZConfig['DBInfo']['databases']['default']['dbtabletype'] = 'innodb'; $ZConfig['DBInfo']['databases']['default']['charset'] = 'utf8'; $ZConfig['DBInfo']['databases']['default']['collate'] = 'utf8_unicode_ci'; // additional DB can be configured here as above external2, external3 etc...
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Logging Settings // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ZConfig['Log']['log.apache_uname'] = 0; // log username to apache logs: please see documentation. Please check you country's local law covering the logging of personally identifiable user data before enabling.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following define some data layer settings // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ZConfig['System']['Z_CONFIG_USE_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTION'] = 0; // enable universal attribution layer, 0 to turn off $ZConfig['System']['Z_CONFIG_USE_OBJECT_CATEGORIZATION'] = 1; // categorization/filtering services, 0 to turn off $ZConfig['System']['Z_CONFIG_USE_OBJECT_LOGGING'] = 0; // object audit trail logging, 0 to turn off $ZConfig['System']['Z_CONFIG_USE_OBJECT_META'] = 0; // meta-data services, 0 to turn off
// CACHE_SERVERS valid for Memcache/d only. // array of arrays: params according to the addServer methods at e.g. // http://php.net/manual/memcached.addservers.php or // http://php.net/manual/function.memcache-addserver.php $ZConfig['System']['dbcache.servers'][] = [ 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => '11211', 'weight' => 1 ]; $ZConfig['System']['dbcache.compression'] = true; // true/false valid for dbcache.type = Memcache/d
// For pure Doctrine Queries only. Effective only when dbcache.enable = true and dbcache.cache_result = 1 // http://docs.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine1/en/latest/en/manual/caching.html#result-cache $ZConfig['System']['dbcache.cache_result'] = 0; // 1 to enable or 0 to disable. $ZConfig['System']['dbcache.cache_result_ttl'] = 30; // seconds, 3600 = 1 hour.