# ftp parameters # note: only needed if the mkdirMethod is set to FTP if ($mkdirMethod === "FTP") { # PhpCollab root according to ftp account # note: No slash at the end $ftpRoot = "";
# filter to see only logged user clients (in team / owner) $clientsFilter = true;
# filter to see only logged user projects (in team / owner) $projectsFilter = true;
# Enable help center support requests $enableHelpSupport = true;
# Return email address given for clients to respond too. $supportEmail = "";
# Support Type # Options: (default) team | admin # If team is selected, a notification will be sent to everyone in the team when a new request is added $supportType = "team";
# enable the redirection to the last visited page, EXPERIMENTAL DO NOT USE IT $lastvisitedpage = false;
# auto-publish tasks added from client site? $autoPublishTasks = false;
# html header parameters $setTitle = "phpCollab"; $siteTitle = "phpCollab"; $setDescription = "Groupware module. Manage web projects with team collaboration, users management, tasks and projects tracking, files approval tracking, project sites clients access, customer relationship management (Php / Mysql, PostgreSQL or Sql Server)."; $setKeywords = "PhpCollab, phpcollab.com, Sourceforge, management, web, projects, tasks, organizations, reports, Php, MySql, Sql Server, mssql, Microsoft Sql Server, PostgreSQL, module, application, module, file management, project site, team collaboration, free, crm, CRM, cutomer relationship management, workflow, workgroup";
/** * Debugging Settings. * DO NOT Change these on a Production server unless you know what you are doing. * Refer to: https://phpcollab.com/debugging for more information */
# enable development bar in footer $footerDev = false;