IP :
Hostname :
Kernel : Linux 4.18.0-513.18.1.lve.2.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Sat Mar 30 15:36:11 UTC 2024 x86_64
Disable Function : None :)
OS : Linux
/* NicEdit - Micro Inline WYSIWYG * Copyright 2007-2008 Brian Kirchoff * * NicEdit is distributed under the terms of the MIT license * For more information visit * Do not remove this copyright message */ var bkExtend = function() { var A = arguments; if (A.length == 1) { A = [this, A[0]] } for (var B in A[1]) { A[0][B] = A[1][B] } return A[0] }; function bkClass() {} bkClass.prototype.construct = function() {}; bkClass.extend = function(C) { var A = function() { if (arguments[0] !== bkClass) { return this.construct.apply(this, arguments) } }; var B = new this(bkClass); bkExtend(B, C); A.prototype = B; A.extend = this.extend; return A }; var bkElement = bkClass.extend({ construct: function(B, A) { if (typeof(B) == "string") { B = (A || document).createElement(B) } B = $BK(B); return B }, appendTo: function(A) { A.appendChild(this); return this }, appendBefore: function(A) { A.parentNode.insertBefore(this, A); return this }, addEvent: function(B, A) { bkLib.addEvent(this, B, A); return this }, setContent: function(A) { this.innerHTML = A; return this }, pos: function() { var C = curtop = 0; var B = obj = this; if (obj.offsetParent) { do { C += obj.offsetLeft; curtop += obj.offsetTop } while (obj = obj.offsetParent) } var A = (!window.opera) ? parseInt(this.getStyle("border-width") || || 0 : 0; return [C + A, curtop + A + this.offsetHeight] }, noSelect: function() { bkLib.noSelect(this); return this }, parentTag: function(A) { var B = this; do { if (B && B.nodeName && B.nodeName.toUpperCase() == A) { return B } B = B.parentNode } while (B); return false }, hasClass: function(A) { return this.className.match(new RegExp("(\\s|^)nicEdit-" + A + "(\\s|$)")) }, addClass: function(A) { if (!this.hasClass(A)) { this.className += " nicEdit-" + A } return this }, removeClass: function(A) { if (this.hasClass(A)) { this.className = this.className.replace(new RegExp("(\\s|^)nicEdit-" + A + "(\\s|$)"), " ") } return this }, setStyle: function(A) { var B =; for (var C in A) { switch (C) { case "float": B.cssFloat = B.styleFloat = A[C]; break; case "opacity": B.opacity = A[C]; B.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + Math.round(A[C] * 100) + ")"; break; case "className": this.className = A[C]; break; default: B[C] = A[C] } } return this }, getStyle: function(A, C) { var B = (!C) ? document.defaultView : C; if (this.nodeType == 1) { return (B && B.getComputedStyle) ? B.getComputedStyle(this, null).getPropertyValue(A) : this.currentStyle[bkLib.camelize(A)] } }, remove: function() { this.parentNode.removeChild(this); return this }, setAttributes: function(A) { for (var B in A) { this[B] = A[B] } return this } }); var bkLib = { isMSIE: (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1), addEvent: function(C, B, A) { (C.addEventListener) ? C.addEventListener(B, A, false): C.attachEvent("on" + B, A) }, toArray: function(C) { var B = C.length, A = new Array(B); while (B--) { A[B] = C[B] } return A }, noSelect: function(B) { if (B.setAttribute && B.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "input" && B.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "textarea") { B.setAttribute("unselectable", "on") } for (var A = 0; A < B.childNodes.length; A++) { bkLib.noSelect(B.childNodes[A]) } }, camelize: function(A) { return A.replace(/\-(.)/g, function(B, C) { return C.toUpperCase() }) }, inArray: function(A, B) { return (, B) != null) }, search: function(A, C) { for (var B = 0; B < A.length; B++) { if (A[B] == C) { return B } } return null }, cancelEvent: function(A) { A = A || window.event; if (A.preventDefault && A.stopPropagation) { A.preventDefault(); A.stopPropagation() } return false }, domLoad: [], domLoaded: function() { if (arguments.callee.done) { return } arguments.callee.done = true; for (i = 0; i < bkLib.domLoad.length; i++) { bkLib.domLoad[i]() } }, onDomLoaded: function(A) { this.domLoad.push(A); if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", bkLib.domLoaded, null) } else { if (bkLib.isMSIE) { document.write("<style>.nicEdit-main p { margin: 0; }</style><script id=__ie_onload defer " + ((location.protocol == "https:") ? 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return function(E) { E = E || window.event; if ( { var D = } else { var D = E.srcElement } return A.apply(B, [E, D].concat(C)) } }; var retrieveURL = function(filename) { var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); if (scripts && scripts.length > 0) { for (var i in scripts) { if (scripts[i].src && scripts[i].src.match(new RegExp(filename+'\\.js$'))) { return scripts[i].src.replace(new RegExp('(.*)'+filename+'\\.js$'), '$1'); } } } }; var iconUrl = retrieveURL('nicEdit')+'nicEditIcons-latest.gif'; var nicEditorConfig = bkClass.extend({ buttons: { 'bold': { name: __('Click to Bold'), command: 'Bold', tags: ['B', 'STRONG'], css: { 'font-weight': 'bold' }, key: 'b' }, 'italic': { name: __('Click to Italic'), command: 'Italic', tags: ['EM', 'I'], css: { 'font-style': 'italic' }, key: 'i' }, 'underline': { name: __('Click to Underline'), command: 'Underline', tags: ['U'], css: { 'text-decoration': 'underline' }, key: 'u' }, 'left': { name: __('Left Align'), command: 'justifyleft', noActive: true }, 'center': { name: __('Center Align'), command: 'justifycenter', noActive: true }, 'right': { name: __('Right Align'), command: 'justifyright', noActive: true }, 'justify': { name: __('Justify Align'), command: 'justifyfull', noActive: true }, 'ol': { name: __('Insert Ordered List'), command: 'insertorderedlist', tags: ['OL'] }, 'ul': { name: __('Insert Unordered List'), command: 'insertunorderedlist', tags: ['UL'] }, 'subscript': { name: __('Click to Subscript'), command: 'subscript', tags: ['SUB'] }, 'superscript': { name: __('Click to Superscript'), command: 'superscript', tags: ['SUP'] }, 'strikethrough': { name: __('Click to Strike Through'), command: 'strikeThrough', css: { 'text-decoration': 'line-through' } }, 'removeformat': { name: __('Remove Formatting'), command: 'removeformat', noActive: true }, 'indent': { name: __('Indent Text'), command: 'indent', noActive: true }, 'outdent': { name: __('Remove Indent'), command: 'outdent', noActive: true }, 'hr': { name: __('Horizontal Rule'), command: 'insertHorizontalRule', noActive: true } }, iconsPath: iconUrl, buttonList: ['save', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'justify', 'ol', 'ul', 'fontSize', 'fontFamily', 'fontFormat', 'indent', 'outdent', 'image', 'upload', 'link', 'unlink', 'forecolor', 'bgcolor'], iconList: { "xhtml": 1, "bgcolor": 2, "forecolor": 3, "bold": 4, "center": 5, "hr": 6, "indent": 7, "italic": 8, "justify": 9, "left": 10, "ol": 11, "outdent": 12, "removeformat": 13, "right": 14, "save": 25, "strikethrough": 16, "subscript": 17, "superscript": 18, "ul": 19, "underline": 20, "image": 21, "link": 22, "unlink": 23, "close": 24, "arrow": 26, "upload": 27 } });; var nicEditors = { nicPlugins: [], editors: [], registerPlugin: function(B, A) { this.nicPlugins.push({ p: B, o: A }) }, allTextAreas: function(C) { var A = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea"); for (var B = 0; B < A.length; B++) { nicEditors.editors.push(new nicEditor(C).panelInstance(A[B])) } return nicEditors.editors }, findEditor: function(C) { var B = nicEditors.editors; for (var A = 0; A < B.length; A++) { if (B[A].instanceById(C)) { return B[A].instanceById(C) } } } }; var nicEditor = bkClass.extend({ construct: function(C) { this.options = new nicEditorConfig(); bkExtend(this.options, C); this.nicInstances = new Array(); this.loadedPlugins = new Array(); var A = nicEditors.nicPlugins; for (var B = 0; B < A.length; B++) { this.loadedPlugins.push(new A[B].p(this, A[B].o)) } nicEditors.editors.push(this); bkLib.addEvent(document.body, "mousedown", this.selectCheck.closureListener(this)) }, panelInstance: function(B, C) { B = this.checkReplace($BK(B)); var A = new bkElement("DIV").setStyle({ width: (parseInt(B.getStyle("width")) || B.clientWidth) + "px" }).appendBefore(B); this.setPanel(A); return this.addInstance(B, C) }, checkReplace: function(B) { var A = nicEditors.findEditor(B); if (A) { A.removeInstance(B); A.removePanel() } return B }, addInstance: function(B, C) { B = this.checkReplace($BK(B)); if (B.contentEditable || !!window.opera) { var A = new nicEditorInstance(B, C, this) } else { var A = new nicEditorIFrameInstance(B, C, this) } this.nicInstances.push(A); return this }, removeInstance: function(C) { C = $BK(C); var B = this.nicInstances; for (var A = 0; A < B.length; A++) { if (B[A].e == C) { B[A].remove(); this.nicInstances.splice(A, 1) } } }, removePanel: function(A) { if (this.nicPanel) { this.nicPanel.remove(); this.nicPanel = null } }, instanceById: function(C) { C = $BK(C); var B = this.nicInstances; for (var A = 0; A < B.length; A++) { if (B[A].e == C) { return B[A] } } }, setPanel: function(A) { this.nicPanel = new nicEditorPanel($BK(A), this.options, this); this.fireEvent("panel", this.nicPanel); return this }, nicCommand: function(B, A) { if (this.selectedInstance) { this.selectedInstance.nicCommand(B, A) } }, getIcon: function(D, A) { var C = this.options.iconList[D]; var B = (A.iconFiles) ? A.iconFiles[D] : ""; return { backgroundImage: "url('" + ((C) ? this.options.iconsPath : B) + "')", backgroundPosition: ((C) ? ((C - 1) * -18) : 0) + "px 0px" } }, selectCheck: function(C, A) { var B = false; do { if (A.className && A.className.indexOf("nicEdit") != -1) { return false } } while (A = A.parentNode); this.fireEvent("blur", this.selectedInstance, A); this.lastSelectedInstance = this.selectedInstance; this.selectedInstance = null; return false } }); nicEditor = nicEditor.extend(bkEvent); var nicEditorInstance = bkClass.extend({ isSelected: false, construct: function(G, D, C) { = C; this.elm = this.e = G; this.options = D || {}; newX = parseInt(G.getStyle("width")) || G.clientWidth; newY = parseInt(G.getStyle("height")) || G.clientHeight; this.initialHeight = newY - 8; var H = (G.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "textarea"); if (H || this.options.hasPanel) { var B = (bkLib.isMSIE && !((typeof != "undefined") && document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat")); var E = { width: newX + "px", border: "1px solid #ccc", borderTop: 0, overflowY: "auto", overflowX: "hidden" }; E[(B) ? "height" : "maxHeight"] = ( ? + "px" : null; this.editorContain = new bkElement("DIV").setStyle(E).appendBefore(G); var A = new bkElement("DIV").setStyle({ width: (newX - 8) + "px", margin: "4px", minHeight: newY + "px" }).addClass("main").appendTo(this.editorContain); G.setStyle({ display: "none" }); A.innerHTML = G.innerHTML; if (H) { A.setContent(G.value); this.copyElm = G; var F = G.parentTag("FORM"); if (F) { bkLib.addEvent(F, "submit", this.saveContent.closure(this)) } } A.setStyle((B) ? { height: newY + "px" } : { overflow: "hidden" }); this.elm = A }"blur", this.blur.closure(this)); this.init(); this.blur() }, init: function() { this.elm.setAttribute("contentEditable", "true"); if (this.getContent() == "") { this.setContent("<br />") } this.instanceDoc = document.defaultView; this.elm.addEvent("mousedown", this.selected.closureListener(this)).addEvent("keypress", this.keyDown.closureListener(this)).addEvent("focus", this.selected.closure(this)).addEvent("blur", this.blur.closure(this)).addEvent("keyup", this.selected.closure(this));"add", this) }, remove: function() { this.saveContent(); if (this.copyElm || this.options.hasPanel) { this.editorContain.remove(); this.e.setStyle({ display: "block" }); } this.disable();"remove", this) }, disable: function() { this.elm.setAttribute("contentEditable", "false") }, getSel: function() { return (window.getSelection) ? window.getSelection() : document.selection }, getRng: function() { var A = this.getSel(); if (!A || A.rangeCount === 0) { return } return (A.rangeCount > 0) ? A.getRangeAt(0) : A.createRange() }, selRng: function(A, B) { if (window.getSelection) { B.removeAllRanges(); B.addRange(A) } else { } }, selElm: function() { var C = this.getRng(); if (!C) { return } if (C.startContainer) { var D = C.startContainer; if (C.cloneContents().childNodes.length == 1) { for (var B = 0; B < D.childNodes.length; B++) { var A = D.childNodes[B].ownerDocument.createRange(); A.selectNode(D.childNodes[B]); if (C.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_START, A) != 1 && C.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.END_TO_END, A) != -1) { return $BK(D.childNodes[B]) } } } return $BK(D) } else { return $BK((this.getSel().type == "Control") ? C.item(0) : C.parentElement()) } }, saveRng: function() { this.savedRange = this.getRng(); this.savedSel = this.getSel() }, restoreRng: function() { if (this.savedRange) { this.selRng(this.savedRange, this.savedSel) } }, keyDown: function(B, A) { if (B.ctrlKey) {"key", this, B) } }, selected: function(C, A) { if (!A && !(A = this.selElm)) { A = this.selElm() } if (!C.ctrlKey) { var B =; if (B != this) { if (B) {"blur", B, A) } = this;"focus", B, A) }"selected", B, A); this.isFocused = true; this.elm.addClass("selected") } return false }, blur: function() { this.isFocused = false; this.elm.removeClass("selected") }, saveContent: function() { if (this.copyElm || this.options.hasPanel) {"save", this); (this.copyElm) ? this.copyElm.value = this.getContent(): this.e.innerHTML = this.getContent() } }, getElm: function() { return this.elm }, getContent: function() { this.content = this.getElm().innerHTML;"get", this); return this.content }, setContent: function(A) { this.content = A;"set", this); this.elm.innerHTML = this.content }, nicCommand: function(B, A) { document.execCommand(B, false, A) } }); var nicEditorIFrameInstance = nicEditorInstance.extend({ savedStyles: [], init: function() { var B = this.elm.innerHTML.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); this.elm.innerHTML = ""; (!B) ? B = "<br />": B; this.initialContent = B; this.elmFrame = new bkElement("iframe").setAttributes({ src: "javascript:;", frameBorder: 0, allowTransparency: "true", scrolling: "no" }).setStyle({ height: "100px", width: "100%" }).addClass("frame").appendTo(this.elm); if (this.copyElm) { this.elmFrame.setStyle({ width: (this.elm.offsetWidth - 4) + "px" }) } var A = ["font-size", "font-family", "font-weight", "color"]; for (itm in A) { this.savedStyles[bkLib.camelize(itm)] = this.elm.getStyle(itm) } setTimeout(this.initFrame.closure(this), 50) }, disable: function() { this.elm.innerHTML = this.getContent() }, initFrame: function() { var B = $BK(this.elmFrame.contentWindow.document); B.designMode = "on";; var A =; B.write("<html><head>" + ((A) ? '<link href="' + A + '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' : "") + '</head><body id="nicEditContent" style="margin: 0 !important; background-color: transparent !important;">' + this.initialContent + "</body></html>"); B.close(); this.frameDoc = B; this.frameWin = $BK(this.elmFrame.contentWindow); this.frameContent = $BK(this.frameWin.document.body).setStyle(this.savedStyles); this.instanceDoc = this.frameWin.document.defaultView; this.heightUpdate(); this.frameDoc.addEvent("mousedown", this.selected.closureListener(this)).addEvent("keyup", this.heightUpdate.closureListener(this)).addEvent("keydown", this.keyDown.closureListener(this)).addEvent("keyup", this.selected.closure(this));"add", this) }, getElm: function() { return this.frameContent }, setContent: function(A) { this.content = A;"set", this); this.frameContent.innerHTML = this.content; this.heightUpdate() }, getSel: function() { return (this.frameWin) ? this.frameWin.getSelection() : this.frameDoc.selection }, heightUpdate: function() { = Math.max(this.frameContent.offsetHeight, this.initialHeight) + "px" }, nicCommand: function(B, A) { this.frameDoc.execCommand(B, false, A); setTimeout(this.heightUpdate.closure(this), 100) } }); var nicEditorPanel = bkClass.extend({ construct: function(E, B, A) { this.elm = E; this.options = B; = A; this.panelButtons = new Array(); this.buttonList = bkExtend([],; this.panelContain = new bkElement("DIV").setStyle({ overflow: "hidden", width: "100%", border: "1px solid #cccccc", backgroundColor: "#efefef" }).addClass("panelContain"); this.panelElm = new bkElement("DIV").setStyle({ margin: "2px", marginTop: "0px", zoom: 1, overflow: "hidden" }).addClass("panel").appendTo(this.panelContain); this.panelContain.appendTo(E); var C =; var D = C.buttons; for (button in D) { this.addButton(button, C, true) } this.reorder(); E.noSelect() }, addButton: function(buttonName, options, noOrder) { var button = options.buttons[buttonName]; var type = (button.type) ? eval("(typeof(" + button.type + ') == "undefined") ? null : ' + button.type + ";") : nicEditorButton; var hasButton = bkLib.inArray(this.buttonList, buttonName); if (type && (hasButton || { this.panelButtons.push(new type(this.panelElm, buttonName, options,; if (!hasButton) { this.buttonList.push(buttonName) } } }, findButton: function(B) { for (var A = 0; A < this.panelButtons.length; A++) { if (this.panelButtons[A].name == B) { return this.panelButtons[A] } } }, reorder: function() { var C = this.buttonList; for (var B = 0; B < C.length; B++) { var A = this.findButton(C[B]); if (A) { this.panelElm.appendChild(A.margin) } } }, remove: function() { this.elm.remove() } }); var nicEditorButton = bkClass.extend({ construct: function(D, A, C, B) { this.options = C.buttons[A]; = A; = B; this.elm = D; this.margin = new bkElement("DIV").setStyle({ "float": "left", marginTop: "2px" }).appendTo(D); this.contain = new bkElement("DIV").setStyle({ width: "20px", height: "20px" }).addClass("buttonContain").appendTo(this.margin); this.border = new bkElement("DIV").setStyle({ backgroundColor: "#efefef", border: "1px solid #efefef" }).appendTo(this.contain); this.button = new bkElement("DIV").setStyle({ width: "18px", height: "18px", overflow: "hidden", zoom: 1, cursor: "pointer" }).addClass("button").setStyle(, C)).appendTo(this.border); this.button.addEvent("mouseover", this.hoverOn.closure(this)).addEvent("mouseout", this.hoverOff.closure(this)).addEvent("mousedown", this.mouseClick.closure(this)).noSelect(); if (!window.opera) { this.button.onmousedown = this.button.onclick = bkLib.cancelEvent } B.addEvent("selected", this.enable.closure(this)).addEvent("blur", this.disable.closure(this)).addEvent("key", this.key.closure(this)); this.disable(); this.init() }, init: function() {}, hide: function() { this.contain.setStyle({ display: "none" }) }, updateState: function() { if (this.isDisabled) { this.setBg() } else { if (this.isHover) { this.setBg("hover") } else { if (this.isActive) { this.setBg("active") } else { this.setBg() } } } }, setBg: function(A) { switch (A) { case "hover": var B = { border: "1px solid #666", backgroundColor: "#ddd" }; break; case "active": var B = { border: "1px solid #666", backgroundColor: "#ccc" }; break; default: var B = { border: "1px solid #efefef", backgroundColor: "#efefef" } } this.border.setStyle(B).addClass("button-" + A) }, checkNodes: function(A) { var B = A; do { if (this.options.tags && bkLib.inArray(this.options.tags, B.nodeName)) { this.activate(); return true } } while (B = B.parentNode && B.className != "nicEdit"); B = $BK(A); while (B.nodeType == 3) { B = $BK(B.parentNode) } if (this.options.css) { for (itm in this.options.css) { if (B.getStyle(itm, == this.options.css[itm]) { this.activate(); return true } } } this.deactivate(); return false }, activate: function() { if (!this.isDisabled) { this.isActive = true; this.updateState();"buttonActivate", this) } }, deactivate: function() { this.isActive = false; this.updateState(); if (!this.isDisabled) {"buttonDeactivate", this) } }, enable: function(A, B) { this.isDisabled = false; this.contain.setStyle({ opacity: 1 }).addClass("buttonEnabled"); this.updateState(); this.checkNodes(B) }, disable: function(A, B) { this.isDisabled = true; this.contain.setStyle({ opacity: 0.6 }).removeClass("buttonEnabled"); this.updateState() }, toggleActive: function() { (this.isActive) ? this.deactivate(): this.activate() }, hoverOn: function() { if (!this.isDisabled) { this.isHover = true; this.updateState();"buttonOver", this) } }, hoverOff: function() { this.isHover = false; this.updateState();"buttonOut", this) }, mouseClick: function() { if (this.options.command) {, this.options.commandArgs); if (!this.options.noActive) { this.toggleActive() } }"buttonClick", this) }, key: function(A, B) { if (this.options.key && B.ctrlKey && String.fromCharCode(B.keyCode || B.charCode).toLowerCase() == this.options.key) { this.mouseClick(); if (B.preventDefault) { B.preventDefault() } } } }); var nicPlugin = bkClass.extend({ construct: function(B, A) { this.options = A; = B;"panel", this.loadPanel.closure(this)); this.init() }, loadPanel: function(C) { var B = this.options.buttons; for (var A in B) { C.addButton(A, this.options) } C.reorder() }, init: function() {} }); var nicPaneOptions = {}; var nicEditorPane = bkClass.extend({ construct: function(D, C, B, A) { = C; this.elm = D; this.pos = D.pos(); this.contain = new bkElement("div").setStyle({ zIndex: "99999", overflow: "hidden", position: "absolute", left: this.pos[0] + "px", top: this.pos[1] + "px" }); this.pane = new bkElement("div").setStyle({ fontSize: "12px", border: "1px solid #ccc", overflow: "hidden", padding: "4px", textAlign: "left", backgroundColor: "#ffffc9" }).addClass("pane").setStyle(B).appendTo(this.contain); if (A && !A.options.noClose) { this.close = new bkElement("div").setStyle({ "float": "right", height: "16px", width: "16px", cursor: "pointer" }).setStyle("close", nicPaneOptions)).addEvent("mousedown", A.removePane.closure(this)).appendTo(this.pane) } this.contain.noSelect().appendTo(document.body); this.position(); this.init() }, init: function() {}, position: function() { if ( { var B =; var A = B.pos(); var C = A[0] + parseInt(B.getStyle("width")) - (parseInt(this.pane.getStyle("width")) + 8); if (C < this.pos[0]) { this.contain.setStyle({ left: C + "px" }) } } }, toggle: function() { this.isVisible = !this.isVisible; this.contain.setStyle({ display: ((this.isVisible) ? "block" : "none") }) }, remove: function() { if (this.contain) { this.contain.remove(); this.contain = null } }, append: function(A) { A.appendTo(this.pane) }, setContent: function(A) { this.pane.setContent(A) } }); var nicSelectOptions = { buttons: { 'fontSize': { name: __('Select Font Size'), type: 'nicEditorFontSizeSelect', command: 'fontsize' }, 'fontFamily': { name: __('Select Font Family'), type: 'nicEditorFontFamilySelect', command: 'fontname' }, 'fontFormat': { name: __('Select Font Format'), type: 'nicEditorFontFormatSelect', command: 'formatBlock' } } }; var nicEditorSelect = bkClass.extend({ construct: function(D, A, C, B) { this.options = C.buttons[A]; this.elm = D; = B; = A; this.selOptions = new Array(); this.margin = new bkElement("div").setStyle({ "float": "left", margin: "2px 1px 0 1px" }).appendTo(this.elm); this.contain = new bkElement("div").setStyle({ width: "90px", height: "20px", cursor: "pointer", overflow: "hidden" }).addClass("selectContain").addEvent("click", this.toggle.closure(this)).appendTo(this.margin); this.items = new bkElement("div").setStyle({ overflow: "hidden", zoom: 1, border: "1px solid #ccc", paddingLeft: "3px", backgroundColor: "#fff" }).appendTo(this.contain); this.control = new bkElement("div").setStyle({ overflow: "hidden", "float": "right", height: "18px", width: "16px" }).addClass("selectControl").setStyle("arrow", C)).appendTo(this.items); this.txt = new bkElement("div").setStyle({ overflow: "hidden", "float": "left", width: "66px", height: "14px", marginTop: "1px", fontFamily: "sans-serif", textAlign: "center", fontSize: "12px" }).addClass("selectTxt").appendTo(this.items); if (!window.opera) { this.contain.onmousedown = this.control.onmousedown = this.txt.onmousedown = bkLib.cancelEvent } this.margin.noSelect();"selected", this.enable.closure(this)).addEvent("blur", this.disable.closure(this)); this.disable(); this.init() }, disable: function() { this.isDisabled = true; this.close(); this.contain.setStyle({ opacity: 0.6 }) }, enable: function(A) { this.isDisabled = false; this.close(); this.contain.setStyle({ opacity: 1 }) }, setDisplay: function(A) { this.txt.setContent(A) }, toggle: function() { if (!this.isDisabled) { (this.pane) ? this.close(): } }, open: function() { this.pane = new nicEditorPane(this.items,, { width: "88px", padding: "0px", borderTop: 0, borderLeft: "1px solid #ccc", borderRight: "1px solid #ccc", borderBottom: "0px", backgroundColor: "#fff" }); for (var C = 0; C < this.selOptions.length; C++) { var B = this.selOptions[C]; var A = new bkElement("div").setStyle({ overflow: "hidden", borderBottom: "1px solid #ccc", width: "88px", textAlign: "left", overflow: "hidden", cursor: "pointer" }); var D = new bkElement("div").setStyle({ padding: "0px 4px" }).setContent(B[1]).appendTo(A).noSelect(); D.addEvent("click", this.update.closure(this, B[0])).addEvent("mouseover", this.over.closure(this, D)).addEvent("mouseout", this.out.closure(this, D)).setAttributes("id", B[0]); this.pane.append(A); if (!window.opera) { D.onmousedown = bkLib.cancelEvent } } }, close: function() { if (this.pane) { this.pane = this.pane.remove() } }, over: function(A) { A.setStyle({ backgroundColor: "#ccc" }) }, out: function(A) { A.setStyle({ backgroundColor: "#fff" }) }, add: function(B, A) { this.selOptions.push(new Array(B, A)) }, update: function(A) {, A); this.close() } }); var nicEditorFontSizeSelect = nicEditorSelect.extend({ sel: { 1: "1 (8pt)", 2: "2 (10pt)", 3: "3 (12pt)", 4: "4 (14pt)", 5: "5 (18pt)", 6: "6 (24pt)" }, init: function() { this.setDisplay("Font Size..."); for (itm in this.sel) { this.add(itm, '<font size="' + itm + '">' + this.sel[itm] + "</font>") } } }); var nicEditorFontFamilySelect = nicEditorSelect.extend({ sel: { arial: "Arial", "comic sans ms": "Comic Sans", "courier new": "Courier New", georgia: "Georgia", helvetica: "Helvetica", impact: "Impact", "times new roman": "Times", "trebuchet ms": "Trebuchet", verdana: "Verdana" }, init: function() { this.setDisplay("Font Family..."); for (itm in this.sel) { this.add(itm, '<font face="' + itm + '">' + this.sel[itm] + "</font>") } } }); var nicEditorFontFormatSelect = nicEditorSelect.extend({ sel: { p: "Paragraph", pre: "Pre", h6: "Heading 6", h5: "Heading 5", h4: "Heading 4", h3: "Heading 3", h2: "Heading 2", h1: "Heading 1" }, init: function() { this.setDisplay("Font Format..."); for (itm in this.sel) { var A = itm.toUpperCase(); this.add("<" + A + ">", "<" + itm + ' style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px;">' + this.sel[itm] + "</" + A + ">") } } }); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicPlugin, nicSelectOptions); var nicButtonTips = bkClass.extend({ construct: function(A) { = A; A.addEvent("buttonOver","buttonOut", this.hide.closure(this)) }, show: function(A) { this.timer = setTimeout(this.create.closure(this, A), 400) }, create: function(A) { this.timer = null; if (!this.pane) { this.pane = new nicEditorPane(A.button,, { fontSize: "12px", marginTop: "5px" }); this.pane.setContent( } }, hide: function(A) { if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer) } if (this.pane) { this.pane = this.pane.remove() } } }); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicButtonTips); var nicEditorAdvancedButton = nicEditorButton.extend({ init: function() {"selected", this.removePane.closure(this)).addEvent("blur", this.removePane.closure(this)) }, mouseClick: function() { if (!this.isDisabled) { if (this.pane && this.pane.pane) { this.removePane() } else { this.pane = new nicEditorPane(this.contain,, { width: (this.width || "270px"), backgroundColor: "#fff" }, this); this.addPane(); } } }, addForm: function(C, G) { this.form = new bkElement("form").addEvent("submit", this.submit.closureListener(this)); this.pane.append(this.form); this.inputs = {}; for (itm in C) { var D = C[itm]; var F = ""; if (G) { F = G.getAttribute(itm) } if (!F) { F = D.value || "" } var A = C[itm].type; if (A == "title") { new bkElement("div").setContent(D.txt).setStyle({ fontSize: "14px", fontWeight: "bold", padding: "0px", margin: "2px 0" }).appendTo(this.form) } else { var B = new bkElement("div").setStyle({ overflow: "hidden", clear: "both" }).appendTo(this.form); if (D.txt) { new bkElement("label").setAttributes({ "for": itm }).setContent(D.txt).setStyle({ margin: "2px 4px", fontSize: "13px", width: "50px", lineHeight: "20px", textAlign: "right", "float": "left" }).appendTo(B) } switch (A) { case "text": this.inputs[itm] = new bkElement("input").setAttributes({ id: itm, value: F, type: "text" }).setStyle({ margin: "2px 0", fontSize: "13px", "float": "left", height: "20px", border: "1px solid #ccc", overflow: "hidden" }).setStyle(; break; case "select": this.inputs[itm] = new bkElement("select").setAttributes({ id: itm }).setStyle({ border: "1px solid #ccc", "float": "left", margin: "2px 0" }).appendTo(B); for (opt in D.options) { var E = new bkElement("option").setAttributes({ value: opt, selected: (opt == F) ? "selected" : "" }).setContent(D.options[opt]).appendTo(this.inputs[itm]) } break; case "content": this.inputs[itm] = new bkElement("textarea").setAttributes({ id: itm }).setStyle({ border: "1px solid #ccc", "float": "left" }).setStyle(; this.inputs[itm].value = F } } } new bkElement("input").setAttributes({ type: "submit" }).setStyle({ backgroundColor: "#efefef", border: "1px solid #ccc", margin: "3px 0", "float": "left", clear: "both" }).appendTo(this.form); this.form.onsubmit = bkLib.cancelEvent }, submit: function() {}, findElm: function(B, A, E) { var D =; for (var C = 0; C < D.length; C++) { if (D[C].getAttribute(A) == E) { return $BK(D[C]) } } }, removePane: function() { if (this.pane) { this.pane.remove(); this.pane = null; } } }); var nicLinkOptions = { buttons: { 'link': { name: 'Add Link', type: 'nicLinkButton', tags: ['A'] }, 'unlink': { name: 'Remove Link', command: 'unlink', noActive: true } } }; var nicLinkButton = nicEditorAdvancedButton.extend({ addPane: function() { this.ln ="A"); this.addForm({ "": { type: "title", txt: "Add/Edit Link" }, href: { type: "text", txt: "URL", value: "http://", style: { width: "150px" } }, title: { type: "text", txt: "Title" }, target: { type: "select", txt: "Open In", options: { "": "Current Window", _blank: "New Window" }, style: { width: "100px" } } }, this.ln) }, submit: function(C) { var A = this.inputs.href.value; if (A == "http://" || A == "") { alert("You must enter a URL to Create a Link"); return false } this.removePane(); if (!this.ln) { var B = "javascript:nicTemp();";"createlink", B); this.ln = this.findElm("A", "href", B) } if (this.ln) { this.ln.setAttributes({ href: this.inputs.href.value, title: this.inputs.title.value, target:[].value }) } } }); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicPlugin, nicLinkOptions); var nicColorOptions = { buttons: { 'forecolor': { name: __('Change Text Color'), type: 'nicEditorColorButton', noClose: true }, 'bgcolor': { name: __('Change Background Color'), type: 'nicEditorBgColorButton', noClose: true } } }; var nicEditorColorButton = nicEditorAdvancedButton.extend({ addPane: function() { var D = { 0: "00", 1: "33", 2: "66", 3: "99", 4: "CC", 5: "FF" }; var H = new bkElement("DIV").setStyle({ width: "270px" }); for (var A in D) { for (var F in D) { for (var E in D) { var I = "#" + D[A] + D[E] + D[F]; var C = new bkElement("DIV").setStyle({ cursor: "pointer", height: "15px", "float": "left" }).appendTo(H); var G = new bkElement("DIV").setStyle({ border: "2px solid " + I }).appendTo(C); var B = new bkElement("DIV").setStyle({ backgroundColor: I, overflow: "hidden", width: "11px", height: "11px" }).addEvent("click", this.colorSelect.closure(this, I)).addEvent("mouseover", this.on.closure(this, G)).addEvent("mouseout",, G, I)).appendTo(G); if (!window.opera) { C.onmousedown = B.onmousedown = bkLib.cancelEvent } } } } this.pane.append(H.noSelect()) }, colorSelect: function(A) {"foreColor", A); this.removePane() }, on: function(A) { A.setStyle({ border: "2px solid #000" }) }, off: function(A, B) { A.setStyle({ border: "2px solid " + B }) } }); var nicEditorBgColorButton = nicEditorColorButton.extend({ colorSelect: function(A) {"hiliteColor", A); this.removePane() } }); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicPlugin, nicColorOptions); var nicImageOptions = { buttons: { 'image': { name: 'Add Image', type: 'nicImageButton', tags: ['IMG'] } } }; var nicImageButton = nicEditorAdvancedButton.extend({ addPane: function() { ="IMG"); this.addForm({ "": { type: "title", txt: "Add/Edit Image" }, src: { type: "text", txt: "URL", value: "http://", style: { width: "150px" } }, alt: { type: "text", txt: "Alt Text", style: { width: "100px" } }, align: { type: "select", txt: "Align", options: { none: "Default", left: "Left", right: "Right" } } }, }, submit: function(B) { var C = this.inputs.src.value; if (C == "" || C == "http://") { alert("You must enter a Image URL to insert"); return false } this.removePane(); if (! { var A = "javascript:nicImTemp();";"insertImage", A); = this.findElm("IMG", "src", A) } if ( {{ src: this.inputs.src.value, alt: this.inputs.alt.value, align: this.inputs.align.value }) } } }); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicPlugin, nicImageOptions); var nicSaveOptions = { buttons: { 'save': { name: __('Save this content'), type: 'nicEditorSaveButton' } } }; var nicEditorSaveButton = nicEditorButton.extend({ init: function() { if (! { this.margin.setStyle({ display: "none" }) } }, mouseClick: function() { var B =; var A =; B(A.getContent(),, A) } }); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicPlugin, nicSaveOptions); var nicXHTML = bkClass.extend({ stripAttributes: ["_moz_dirty", "_moz_resizing", "_extended"], noShort: ["style", "title", "script", "textarea", "a"], cssReplace: { "font-weight:bold;": "strong", "font-style:italic;": "em" }, sizes: { 1: "xx-small", 2: "x-small", 3: "small", 4: "medium", 5: "large", 6: "x-large" }, construct: function(A) { = A; if ( { A.addEvent("get", this.cleanup.closure(this)) } }, cleanup: function(A) { var B = A.getElm(); var C = this.toXHTML(B); A.content = C }, toXHTML: function(C, A, L) { var G = ""; var O = ""; var P = ""; var I = C.nodeType; var Q = C.nodeName.toLowerCase(); var N = C.hasChildNodes && C.hasChildNodes(); var B = new Array(); switch (I) { case 1: var H = C.attributes; switch (Q) { case "b": Q = "strong"; break; case "i": Q = "em"; break; case "font": Q = "span"; break } if (A) { for (var F = 0; F < H.length; F++) { var K = H[F]; var M = K.nodeName.toLowerCase(); var D = K.nodeValue; if (!K.specified || !D || bkLib.inArray(this.stripAttributes, M) || typeof(D) == "function") { continue } switch (M) { case "style": var J = D.replace(/ /g, ""); for (itm in this.cssReplace) { if (J.indexOf(itm) != -1) { B.push(this.cssReplace[itm]); J = J.replace(itm, "") } } P += J; D = ""; break; case "class": D = D.replace("Apple-style-span", ""); break; case "size": P += "font-size:" + this.sizes[D] + ";"; D = ""; break } if (D) { O += " " + M + '="' + D + '"' } } if (P) { O += ' style="' + P + '"' } for (var F = 0; F < B.length; F++) { G += "<" + B[F] + ">" } if (O == "" && Q == "span") { A = false } if (A) { G += "<" + Q; if (Q != "br") { G += O } } } if (!N && !bkLib.inArray(this.noShort, M)) { if (A) { G += " />" } } else { if (A) { G += ">" } for (var F = 0; F < C.childNodes.length; F++) { var E = this.toXHTML(C.childNodes[F], true, true); if (E) { G += E } } } if (A && N) { G += "</" + Q + ">" } for (var F = 0; F < B.length; F++) { G += "</" + B[F] + ">" } break; case 3: G += C.nodeValue; break } return G } }); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicXHTML); var nicCodeOptions = { buttons: { 'xhtml': { name: 'Edit HTML', type: 'nicCodeButton' } } }; var nicCodeButton = nicEditorAdvancedButton.extend({ width: "350px", addPane: function() { this.addForm({ "": { type: "title", txt: "Edit HTML" }, code: { type: "content", value:, style: { width: "340px", height: "200px" } } }) }, submit: function(B) { var A = this.inputs.code.value;; this.removePane() } }); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicPlugin, nicCodeOptions); var nicBBCode = bkClass.extend({ construct: function(A) { = A; if ( { A.addEvent("get", this.bbGet.closure(this)); A.addEvent("set", this.bbSet.closure(this)); var B =; for (itm in B) { if (B[itm].toXHTML) { this.xhtml = B[itm] } } } }, bbGet: function(A) { var B = this.xhtml.toXHTML(A.getElm()); A.content = this.toBBCode(B) }, bbSet: function(A) { A.content = this.fromBBCode(A.content) }, toBBCode: function(B) { function A(D, C) { B = B.replace(D, C) } A(/\n/gi, ""); A(/<strong>(.*?)<\/strong>/gi, "[b]$1[/b]"); A(/<em>(.*?)<\/em>/gi, "[i]$1[/i]"); A(/<span.*?style="text-decoration:underline;">(.*?)<\/span>/gi, "[u]$1[/u]"); A(/<ul>(.*?)<\/ul>/gi, "[list]$1[/list]"); A(/<li>(.*?)<\/li>/gi, "[*]$1[]"); A(/<ol>(.*?)<\/ol>/gi, "[list=1]$1[/list]"); A(/<img.*?src="(.*?)".*?>/gi, "[img]$1[/img]"); A(/<a.*?href="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)<\/a>/gi, "[url=$1]$2[/url]"); A(/<br.*?>/gi, "\n"); A(/<.*?>.*?<\/.*?>/gi, ""); return B }, fromBBCode: function(A) { function B(D, C) { A = A.replace(D, C) } B(/\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\]/gi, "<strong>$1</strong>"); B(/\[i\](.*?)\[\/i\]/gi, "<em>$1</em>"); B(/\[u\](.*?)\[\/u\]/gi, '<span style="text-decoration:underline;">$1</span>'); B(/\[list\](.*?)\[\/list\]/gi, "<ul>$1</ul>"); B(/\[list=1\](.*?)\[\/list\]/gi, "<ol>$1</ol>"); B(/\[\*\](.*?)\[\/\*\]/gi, "<li>$1</li>"); B(/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/gi, '<img src="$1" />'); B(/\[url=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/gi, '<a href="$1">$2</a>'); B(/\n/gi, "<br />"); return A } }); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicBBCode); var nicUploadOptions = { buttons: { 'upload': { name: 'Upload Image', type: 'nicUploadButton' } } }; var nicUploadButton = nicEditorAdvancedButton.extend({ nicURI: "", errorText: "Failed to upload image", addPane: function() { if (typeof window.FormData === "undefined") { return this.onError("Image uploads are not supported in this browser, use Chrome, Firefox, or Safari instead.") } ="IMG"); var A = new bkElement("div").setStyle({ padding: "10px" }).appendTo(this.pane.pane); new bkElement("div").setStyle({ fontSize: "14px", fontWeight: "bold", paddingBottom: "5px" }).setContent("Insert an Image").appendTo(A); this.fileInput = new bkElement("input").setAttributes({ type: "file" }).appendTo(A); this.progress = new bkElement("progress").setStyle({ width: "100%", display: "none" }).setAttributes("max", 100).appendTo(A); this.fileInput.onchange = this.uploadFile.closure(this) }, onError: function(A) { this.removePane(); alert(A || "Failed to upload image") }, uploadFile: function() { var B = this.fileInput.files[0]; if (!B || !B.type.match(/image.*/)) { this.onError("Only image files can be uploaded"); return } this.fileInput.setStyle({ display: "none" }); this.setProgress(0); var A = new FormData(); A.append("image", B); var C = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", || this.nicURI); C.onload = function() { try { var D = JSON.parse(C.responseText).data } catch (E) { return this.onError() } if (D.error) { return this.onError(D.error) } this.onUploaded(D) }.closure(this); C.onerror = this.onError.closure(this); C.upload.onprogress = function(D) { this.setProgress(D.loaded / }.closure(this); C.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Client-ID c37fc05199a05b7"); C.send(A) }, setProgress: function(A) { this.progress.setStyle({ display: "block" }); if (A < 0.98) { this.progress.value = A } else { this.progress.removeAttribute("value") } }, onUploaded: function(B) { this.removePane(); var D =; if (! {; var C = "javascript:nicImTemp();";"insertImage", D); = this.findElm("IMG", "src", D) } var A = parseInt("width")); if ( {{ src: D, width: (A && B.width) ? Math.min(A, B.width) : "" }) } } }); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicPlugin, nicUploadOptions);